Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1039: Honorable Stars

When the words were over, a thin, dry palm suddenly appeared on the top of Chu Qianye's head.

Everyone was secretly surprised, and quickly raised their heads and looked behind Chu Qianye.

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The visitor flicked away the palm of the Lord of the Soul Hunting Palace lightly.

At the same time, everyone saw a man wearing a yellow robe, standing beside Chu Qianye faintly, his face as usual, his eyes like water, faintly looking at the void in front of him.

"Happy saint!"

Everyone looked at the figure in front of them, and their faces suddenly showed a touch of surprise.

The situation, which was originally very delicate, now suddenly appeared a Happy Saint, which made the faces of the powerful in the Hunting Soul Palace look unsightly. The longer this kind of thing dragged on, the more disadvantaged it would be for them.

Such a sudden change caused a gloomy expression on the face of the head of the Hall of Soul Hunting. He stared at Chu Qianye's side steadily. The breath that came out of this person was very ordinary, but it made people unable to catch him. A breath of real strength.

"Five-star saint!" The head of the Soul Hunting Palace looked very ugly.


Chu Qianye and others suddenly showed blank expressions, this was the first time he heard of the title.

The saint is also divided into stars?

"Why are the saints so finely divided?" Longmen Shouzhong basically had a dazed expression. For those who have just entered the Great Wilderness, they don't know many things. Even Chu Qianye heard this for the first time. He was inevitably at a loss as to the address.

"After the Venerable, the main energy absorbed by the cultivation is the power of the stars, also known as good fortune energy, which is divided into nine stars. This is why the Venerable is different in strength." Zhao Wanjun explained: "The same is true for the Holy One. Only those who reach the nine-star saint can approach that dominion realm."

"In that case, the dominance also has nine stars?" someone asked.

"This is not clear. When it comes to the dominance, it is extremely mysterious, and it has never been mentioned. After all, the power of the dominance level, the dragon, usually does not show up easily, let alone these more secret things. "Zhao Wanjun gently shook her head and explained.

"That's not right, then why do you say that you are a half-step saint, and the transforming saint is also called a half-step master?" Someone asked puzzledly.

The powerhouses of the fifth-order celestial realm all showed surprised expressions on their faces.

"Why is a strong person of the fifth celestial realm called a half-sovereign?" Zhao Wanjun asked back.

Yes, why is the fifth stage of the celestial realm called a half? This time it was Longmen's turn to be dumbfounded. They had just entered the Great Wasteland and they really didn't know this information.

Chu Qianye didn't quite understand after entering the Great Wasteland for half a year.

"Half a step is just a preparation stage. It is not a true venerable person, but the most promising step into this state. The martial arts are extremely mysterious. If you have an epiphany, you are very likely to get the infusion of the Nine Layers of Fortune Huahe, some of the fifth stage of the Celestial Realm. The strong, they break through after their enlightenment, and instantly enter the sage, so the half-step is just a very general statement. This is also a statement that Dahuang has always admired, because it gives people unlimited possibilities, without the constraints and constraints of the stars. Imprisonment, greater breakthrough." Zhao Wanjun explained.

Chu Qianye showed a surprised expression. It was the first time he heard of such a name. He originally thought that the Venerable and the Saint Realm would not be subdivided anymore, but there was still this relationship.

At the fifth stage of the celestial realm, suddenly enter the sage?

This is indeed very powerful. If the venerables are divided into star ranks, then the one-star venerable, the two-star venerable, the three-star venerable... all the way to the nine-star venerable, such a division of strength is indeed very easy to restrain people, just like There is an uncrossable ladder before him.

On the contrary, if you weaken these terms, just become half-step venerable, venerable, and half-step sage and sage, so that the difference in strength will not be too great, which will help improve martial arts cultivation.

"In other words, this star-tier strength gap still exists." Wang Yiling asked.

"Well, it certainly exists." Zhao Wanjun nodded gently.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly showed an expression of epiphany.

"Huh, a bunch of hillbillies."

The powerhouse of the nearby sect forces coldly snorted.

But the Longmen crowd didn't care. They just entered the Sixteenth Wilderness, and no one mentioned these to them during the dynasty. The so-called shameless question, if you don't understand, you should ask, it's better than not pretending to understand.

Upon hearing these words, Chu Qianye finally straightened out the power gap between the Venerable and the Saint.

The Happy Saint is a five-star realm?

Merit point is the power of stars, where does it come from? After stepping into the celestial realm, what does the so-called good luck gate look like?

Ba Tian originally told him that he would understand when he stepped into this realm, but now he hasn't even stepped into the celestial extreme realm. This kind of thing is both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

It's reasonable for Ba Tian not to tell him clearly, it's better to keep a little bit of mystery for this kind of thing.


"Master!" Master Yuanjie said quickly.

Xiaoyao saint nodded lightly, staring at the head of the Hunting Soul Palace.

"You really haven't been idle these years." The head of the Soul Hunting Palace said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, Zhulong, don’t go in circles. I know you have entered the Five-Star Saint Realm. It happened that we haven’t discussed it for a long time. You used the clone, and I also used the clone, so it should be said that it is basically fair. "The Happy Saint said lightly.

Heibo and Li Longhai looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"This kid seems to have become a candidate for the dominion of Yingyue." Li Longhai said in a voice.

"In this case, after this incident, we can almost retreat and return to our lives. This time we have not been out for a long time. The clan should not have noticed anything. This kid's growth rate is still good, as long as he Entering the deity, the clan has reservations about his opinions." Heibo nodded slightly.

"It's a pity that the big man is too strong. If he doesn't hurry up and become a saint, this matter will not last long. Three to five years are just a matter of snaps for the big man, but for this kid, it is possession. With infinite possibilities. He has almost stepped into the celestial realm in half a year, and it shouldn’t be too far to enter the sage.” Li Longhai said.

"If you have not stepped in, you have not stepped in. I have always opposed the half-step argument. What is half-step venerable, half-step saint, sounds very powerful, but if you don’t step in, you don’t step in. It’s always just a preparation stage, and you can’t feel it. When it comes to the real power gap, it is impossible to look at the problem from a higher perspective." Hebo shook his head gently.

"Well, I agree with this too." Li Longhai said: "This happy saint has come out. It should be safer for this kid to win the original fire. Let's take a look at the situation first. If no surprises, these two people have tried this. The matter will come to an end."

"Nevertheless, let's wait and see first. When we **** this kid away safely, we will go back to find the patriarch and return to life." Heibo turned his head to look at Li Ling, and sighed softly, "The only child who is struggling is with this stinky kid. She was only happy when we were together. I will return to the clan this time, and I don’t know when we meet next time."

Li Longhai looked towards Li Ling and sighed softly.

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