Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1042: Four Star Venerable

Seeing this person's appearance, Chu Qianye's eyes flashed a trace of vigilance.

This person exudes a faint sense of crisis, I am afraid it is stronger than the strength of these seven.

"Sword Master."

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath.

Sword Sovereign, not everyone can be called Sword Sovereign, you have to step into the Sovereign and master the extraordinary swordsmanship in order to be called Sword Sovereign, and the Sword Sage is the same.

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The person in front of him is obviously very powerful in his martial arts cultivation.

"Are you Chu Qianye? The fifth person in Extraordinary Swordsmanship?" He stared at Chu Qianye with an expression of interest.

The fifth person?

"I don't think your strength is bad." For a long while, Huang Shang stared at Chu Qianye and vomited lightly.

This sentence made everyone look surprised.

not very good?

It's not so good to be able to fight eight statues alone?

The emperor's tone is so big!

"Huang Shang is a genius with swords. He has mastered extraordinary swordsmanship at the age of eighteen, and he became respected at the age of thirty-six. He is not even stronger than others." Qing Xuan vomited lightly: "He is even more so. He pioneered Jianhe's moves. I must have heard of it."


When everyone heard these words, there was a stunned expression on their faces. This is an extremely tyrannical sword skill, with supreme power.

"It's the sword skill that compresses the endless energy to form a river of energy?" A venerable said suddenly in surprise: "Can a sword skill of 60,000 dings explode?"

"Yes, it is the sword skill that is displayed in one move, and the combat power is comparable to the full blow of the six-star Venerable." Venerable Qingxuan said lightly: "We people, the strongest strength is the Boss Silkworm. , The realm of the Four-Star Venerable, but he may not be able to stop Huang Shang's sword!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone immediately took a breath.

This is too powerful, right? Even the strongest Boss Bombyx may not be its opponent?

The face of the genius boss is a bit unnatural. This kind of combat power is indeed very powerful. Huangshang's cultivation years are not earlier than him. It has only been more than 50 years before and after. And he has been training for more than 200 years, the gap is very short. huge.

Worthy of being the martial spirit of the sword, this is really amazing.

The other venerables present could not compare with the young man in front of him either. The opponent's martial arts talent was too high, and the difference in power was still large, and time could not make up for it.

"I heard that Huangshang also comprehended Jianshang's martial arts, mid-level martial skills. At the moment of his comprehension, the world was eclipsed, and he finally gained supreme good fortune. The martial arts strength has skyrocketed from the three-star master of the one-star master. By!"

"What a terrible talent and strength."

"After all, it is the martial soul of the god-brand sword."


The surrounding venerables said on the spot.

These comments all explained a truth. The Emperor Shang in front of him was not a mortal man, his talent was enchanting and his fighting power was terrible.

Chu Qianye stared at the Xuanhuang warrior in front of him, showing a solemn expression. It is impossible for others to comment presumptuously that the person in front of him seems to be truly extraordinary.

"You hand over the original fire. You don't deserve to have it. Only in the hands of a genius like me can it shine. You can only insult its light. Give you a minute to think about it. , If you haven’t thought about it in one minute, then I will treat it as your objection, and then I will take your life. After you die, the fire of the origin of the Holy Flame will still become the thing in my bag. "Huang Shang vomited lightly.

Very arrogant!

Chu Qianye squinted his eyes, and the other party dared to speak wildly. It must be reasonable, and it is impossible to talk nonsense.

The aura exuding from the opponent's body is terrifying, so you have to be cautious.

Chu Qianye ran the exercises, refining the profound strength liquid, while staring at Huang Shang, full of thinking.

In fact, he was not considering Huang Shang's submission, but thinking about how to bring these venerables into the Tiantu Zhuxian formation together.

The fire of the origin of the Holy Flame!

A glimmer flashed across Chu Qianye's eyes. Since everyone wants to fight for this original fire, then the original fire is the focus, and he can use this focus to induce everyone to enter the Tiantu Zhuxian array!

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye's heart suddenly became uncontrollably excited.

However, on the surface, he does not show that the mountains do not leak, and he maintains a deep image.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and everyone surprisingly didn't make a move, but subconsciously took out the pill, swallowed it, and absorbed it. It seemed that they were also hurrying to recover their previous consumption. Some people even took out some high-level pills. Medicine, prepare for an outbreak that may occur next.

If Huangshang kills Chu Qianye, then the original fire will become an unowned thing, and they will inevitably fight for this original fire and how to escape for their lives. These are questions they should think about.

and so. Many people are thinking about how to evacuate while refining and absorbing the pill.

One minute will arrive soon.

"Hehe, it seems that you really think you can get this original fire." Huang Shang vomited lightly: "Since you are so ignorant, then I will kill you. When the time comes, the Holy Flame of All Souls The fire of origin is still mine!"

I saw Huang Shang walking towards Chu Qianye step by step, and every time he took a step, his body's breath of power surged out frantically.

"Fifth Celestial Realm."

"The sixth stage of the celestial realm."

"The seventh stage of the celestial realm."


"One Star Venerable."

"Two Star Venerable."

Qing Xuan and the others stared at the aura emanating from Huang Shang's body, and his face suddenly showed a solemn expression. When the power and aura from Huang Shang reached a certain limit, everyone's breathing became heavy.

"Four Star Venerable!" Qing Xuan swallowed viciously, and said in surprise.

This is no ordinary Venerable, he is still a Sword Venerable, and the power in his hand is enough to easily kill them.

Feeling the aura of martial arts power erupting from Huang Shang, Chu Qianye's heart was also shocked.

Is this the breath of the Four-Star Venerable? . .

Feeling the martial arts aura emanating from Huang Shang, Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

Sword Sovereign, the strongest one I have ever encountered.

Fortunately to fight against such a master, is it actually a chance for him?

Chu Qianye showed a solemn expression.

Perhaps, I can use this opportunity to break through the martial arts cultivation. Drinking six bottles of profound strength liquid in a row should be almost the same. The operation of the martial arts will definitely make the martial arts breakthrough again.

Ninth order of the polar realm!

A scorching heat flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes, he held his palm, and the divine sword in his palm exuded a faint glow of blood.


Huang Shang looked at the photo war sword in Chu Qianye's hand, with an expression of interest on his face.

"This mysterious soldier is not bad," he said.

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