Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1052: Pattern concept

Chu Qianye and others appeared beside a teleportation formation.

"When you enter this teleportation formation, you will be teleported to a dynasty next to Xizhou City. There is no line of sight. When you get there, you can take a flying boat and leave." Xiaoyao Saint said lightly.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and nodded gently.


"Let's make a difference. If you have anything to do, you can find the Metaverse at that time, and he can tell me." The Happy Saint said lightly, and then left.

Venerable Yuanjie cried his face.

"Brother Qianye, I'll go back first. If you have any questions, crush my soul jade. I will go back to look after my master's war beast, lest his war beast has a temper again," said Yuanjie Venerable.

Chu Qianye: "..."

Let the Lord take care of the beasts?

If he hadn't heard this with his own ears, he would really be a little reluctant to believe that there were such things.

In the dragon gate crowd, everyone's face was obviously surprised. They were not willing to believe this. This is really incredible.

"Oh, good." Chu Qianye nodded and said.

"Oh, let's go." Venerable Yuanjie touched the sole of his foot, swept into the flying boat, turned into a stream of light, and left.

"This time we are going back to the team too. If the Lord Chu needs help in the future, he can find me." Zhao Wanjun said Li.

The incident this time brought her a lot of shocks. First, the Yuanjie Venerable and Xiaoyao Sage helped Chu Qianye, and then Chu Qianye's strength, which subverted her knowledge.

Chu Qianye was in the eighth stage of the extreme realm. He actually fought against those venerables, and even fought against the eight sages alone, and the Emperor Sword Sovereign joined behind, but they didn’t kill Chu Qianye. Embarrassed.

The black-clothed youth in front of him has limitless achievements in the future. He has such a strength now, and what level of strength can he achieve in the future after he has obtained the Holy Flame of All Souls?

She can hardly imagine.

I'm afraid that when we meet next time, he should already be a master, but by then it will not be as simple as fighting eight masters alone, it is very likely that he will have the strength of a war master!

"Okay, this time, Commander Zhao and these Yulin brothers are at a loss." Chu Qianye nodded gently and said.

Yulin Dajun and Zhao Wanjun were secretly surprised. Chu Qianye possesses amazing talents, but he has no arrogance at all. He is not like other geniuses. He is proud of a little talent and strength, and even disdains the same realm as himself. The warriors are in the team.

Everyone's goodwill towards Chu Qianye has improved a lot.

The casualties of their Yulin army this time are not large. This is also due to Chu Qianye's combat talent and his shrewd command. When he retreats and advances, almost all of them are under his control, and he has never made any mistakes. .

"You're welcome." Zhao Wanjun gently shook his head, then bowed his hands again to salute, and then flicked his finger to call out the flying boat. All the Yulin army entered the flying boat one after another, and then left.

"There will be a period!" Zhao Wanjun said.

"Okay, there will be a period later." Chu Qianye followed.

The people who watched Zhao Wanjun and the Yulin army leave.

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"Let's go too." Chu Qianye looked at the teleportation formation, and then stepped into the formation.

In the space trembling for a while, Chu Qianye and others reappeared in another dynasty. They left the formation, entered the flying boat, and quickly swept southward.

This was for the sake of not being suspicious, Chu Qianye and the others turned several times before finally returning to the base camp of Longmen.

When the Longmen Guards saw that Chu Qianye and others had returned, their faces suddenly showed joy.

"Door!" The Imperial Guard said respectfully.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Long Jin is here?" Chu Qianye asked.

"Long Commander has gone to experience with his elite, he should be back soon." The leader of the Guards said.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and then dropped down.

The return of Longmen elites has added a lot of popularity, and after Chu Qianye came back, he found many new faces, everyone recognized him, but he didn't know who these people were.

"These are the newly arrived Longmen members. The first batch, a total of fifty people, are all geniuses of Tier 5 in the polar realm. During this time, we are going to let them experience and improve their combat experience and talent."

The familiar voice resounded.

Chu Qianye raised his head, and suddenly saw Zhang Tianqi walking lightly and quickly.

Now she appears to be a lot more mature, dealing with so many things in Longmen, it is inevitable that she has grown up, and now she is even more feminine.

This news is a good thing for him. It shows that the mechanism he thought has begun to be effective. Now the first batch is more than fifty geniuses of the fifth rank of the polar realm. If they increase their actual combat experience and talents, then The overall strength of the Dragon Gate will inevitably improve quickly, and by that time the Soul Hunting Palace is not their Dragon Gate opponent at all.

Today's Longmen can be regarded as a third-rate sect force in the wasteland of Xizhou. If all are combined, it is almost a second-rate sect force.

It will take a lot of time to rise to the second-rate sect force.

However, this time he collected the heavenly materials and earth treasures, combined with the profound strength liquid and Yeyue’s supernatural powers, the geniuses cultivated in the future may be more successful. After all, there are hundreds of counties in the Chiyun Dynasty. As long as the selected talents are given the correct guidance and cultivation resources, their strength will be improved sooner or later, so there is no need to worry about this matter.

"How are you doing?" Chu Qianye asked, "Do you feel tired?"

Zhang Tianqi smiled and shook his head gently.

"Let's go, this is not a place to talk." Chu Qianye said, and then the core members of Longmen followed and entered the discussion hall together.

Chu Qianye explained the things to be done in the future, and then handed over the collected Qiankun Ring, Naling Ring, and Meritorious Stone to Zhang Tianqi, but she was ready to distribute and send it back to the Chiyun Dynasty.

He had cleaned up all these things before, and he had basically left behind those esoteric things, as well as some things that were suitable for him.

Now Longmen wants to grow up, but he understands the truth that things must be reversed. If things are too good, they can't tap the potential of these people. The best ones are suitable.

"Everyone, in the next few days, I may have to go to a far door. You are all the main members of Longmen. I hope you can take more care of things here. After all, no one is perfect. You can do something wrong with me. Ask me to bring it up. I hope you can support Zhang Tianqi's arrangement and she will tell you how to do it." Chu Qianye said at last.

Everyone left one after another.

Because of Chu Nuan’s affairs, people such as Zhao Sange and Wang Yiling understood that Chu Qianye had changed, not because it became worse, but became stronger, and the pattern became bigger. What they saw was the Great Wilderness of Xizhou, and Chu Qianye It was the Sixteen Great Wildernesses, and even the entire Profound Qi Continent.

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