Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1060: Refining Holy Yan!


Feeling Chu Qianye's conspiracy and tricks, the Profound Armored Scale Beast was furious, and it was so angry that it roared up to the sky, seeing that the food was about to be handed, how could it make sense to fly away?

The Xuanjia scale beast was furious, and slapped the two-star puppet flying out with a palm.

The puppet was knocked into the air by a palm, rushed up again, and trembled with the mysterious scale beast.

The Xuanjia scale beast was trembling with irritation, and had to stop and fight with it for several rounds.

After Chu Qianye rushed out several hundred meters, the temperature became cold, and at this time the bone spirits around his body were cold and the temperature gradually dropped to the extreme.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, this place should be almost there.

He scanned his eyes for a week, looking for the perfect place to devour the Holy Flame.

At this moment, there was a icy and snowy ground all around, and there were some majestic mountains, standing deadly nearby, like a giant beast, exuding a chilly breath.

There should be some caves in the mountains, you can find caves first.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye didn't say much any more, with a touch of the sole of his foot, his figure rushed out toward the front. A few moments of effort had disappeared before his eyes, and he would appear in front of a mountain in the next moment.

There is still a dead silence around the mountain. The breath of this dead silence is very chilling, as if standing in front of him is not a mountain, but a giant beast that has been silent for thousands of years, waiting for him with his blood mouth open. enter.

Chu Qianye unfolded his soul perception. After confirming that there was no danger, Chu Qianye just hit the sole of his foot, and quickly rushed toward the front, disappearing before his eyes in the blink of an eye.

Chu Qianye quickly found a big cave through the flow direction of the airflow. This cave is not pure natural, but someone built it. It should have been a long time to see its traces.

He did not rush in, but spread his soul perception away. After confirming that there was no noteworthy sense of crisis in the cave, Chu Qianye only touched the sole of his foot, his figure flickered, and entered the cave.

This place should have been around for quite a while, and some spider webs had been erected, and the palm-sized white spiders that Chu Qianye saw on the cave wall suddenly changed his face.

These guys are highly poisonous, and are products of extremely cold places.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. Chu Qianye's heart moved, calling out the bone spirit coldly.

Because it is in the cave, the temperature has risen. At this time, feeling the cold temperature of the bone spirit, the spiders obviously felt a sense of crisis, and sneered back into the dark place.

There are stone beds in this place, and there is an underground glacier below, which is very suitable for survival.

This cave doesn't know if anyone will follow, so he now feels that this place is still a bit unsafe.

However, this mountain is closest to him. If you go to other mountain peaks to look for caves, you may not be able to find the cave even if you go there. If you find it, it may not be suitable for him to devour the refining sacred flame, so he thought about going, Chu Qianye finally Still gave up the idea of ​​leaving the cave.

But he has to take some protective measures. After all, no one will protect him. When outsiders break in, he will be very dangerous.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye began to set up an array in this place. The Tiantu Zhuxian array still had to be set up. As for the puppet, he didn't have so much time to refine at present, so he just set up an array.

However, the **** pattern can be inscribed. This is not too difficult for him. It is no less than twenty extraordinary sword auras. After all, the person who can enter this place must not be a waiting generation.

Fortunately, he had been prepared before, and had already inscribed fifteen extraordinary sword auras, so he only needed to inscribe five extraordinary sword auras.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye no longer hesitated, and with a wave of his palm, several blank scrolls appeared in his palm.

"Begin to inscribe the **** pattern."

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and the Xuanbi brushed dragons and snakes on the spirit paper, and quickly inscribed the first extraordinary sword qi, and then completed the remaining inscriptions.

Now that he had engraved twenty extraordinary sword energy patterns on his hand, the next thing became much easier.

Chu Qianye hung the **** pattern inside the illusion formation, outsiders could not see what was wrong, but as long as they entered the illusion formation, these extraordinary sword aura **** patterns would be awakened and actively attack and kill those who rushed into the formation!

After finishing this, Chu Qianye was secretly relieved.

On the sixth day after winning the Holy Flame of All Souls, it finally ushered in Devouring Refining!

As long as he conquered this all-spirit holy flame, he could refine the nine-turn golden body pill.

On the contrary, Chu Qianye's heart became more peaceful.

This Holy Flame of All Souls has accumulated too many blood and tears, and he can obtain the help of the many people away from the Dragon Gate, the help of Lord Yingyue, and the help of Li Ling, Li Longhai and Heibo. They are inseparable from the relationship. , Is also reasonable.

"Nanny, waiting for my brother, after I have swallowed the refining Holy Flame, I will bring the strong to suppress the Soul Hunting Palace and rescue you!"

Chu Qianye’s gaze flashed with brilliance, and Chu Nuan’s face appeared in his mind, those helpless eyes, looking at him pitifully, and then he said a short elder brother, a long elder brother’s shout, and smiled. Crying too...

Now that the two of them are separated, this is a kind of endless pain. Until now, he can't easily forgive himself. If it were not for his last strategy, Chu Nuan would not be taken away by the people of the Soul Hunting Palace.

If he was strong at the beginning, the Soul Hunting Palace would not be able to **** Chu Nun from him!

I left her alone in the previous life, and this time I must not repeat the same mistakes!

No matter what, I have to consume the refining and refining holy flame as soon as possible, and take me into the refining holy, it is the time to destroy the soul hunting hall!

The light in his eyes flickered, and after taking a deep breath, his palm trembled, and a dark and light Na Ling ring appeared on his finger.

This is a unique Naling Ring, a space dedicated to storing profound fire.

A strange mysterious fire like the Holy Flame of All Souls, naturally cannot be stored with ordinary Naling Rings.

The next step is to absorb and refine. The Nine Cold Pills and Nine Sun Pills enter the body first, and then swallow them for refining, otherwise their martial arts will be burned to ashes.

He took a deep breath and took out the two pills.

"let's start!"

Chu Qianye didn't hesitate anymore, a resolute color flashed in his eyes, and he swallowed the two pills. When the two pills entered his mouth together, the exercises in his body also suddenly began to work, two waves of extreme cold. The air current circulates inside him.

With a movement in his heart, the Holy Flame of All Souls in the Naling Ring suddenly surged out in vain. The terrible temperature boiled, the cold in the cave was dispersed away, and the surrounding mountains seemed to begin to melt. Ice and snow!

Y1q is the first VE version

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