Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1068: The way of killing (five shifts)

Chu Qianye was in deep pain.

"Brother, don't do anything to you, otherwise I will never forgive myself in this life!"

Chu Qianye's eyes became blood-red after receiving the information.

Powerful murderous aura, terrifying exudes, amazing power aura, vast and boundless.

The people nearby felt Chu Qianye's murderous aura, and their hearts were full of shock, and they did not dare to approach him at all.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. He clenched his fist, his blue veins burst, and a blood-red color appeared in his palm.


Chu Qianye's eyes were murderous.

Information about the Witch tribe emerged in his mind. After thoroughly digesting the information, Chu Qianye realized that the Witch tribe belonged to an ancient race in the Fire Region, but they were very domineering and always liked to speak up as long as they thought it was. The right is right, then others must listen, otherwise they will be killed.

A sharp look flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes.

The so-called utterance is just for the weak, for the strong, these are useless at all, and they don’t dare to put it forward, letting the Witch tribe’s thoughts on the ruler, they absolutely dare not do such things, because they are too strong. Too weak, the other party moved a finger, and the Wu clan would be destroyed.

Although he does not have the power to dominate, he is not afraid of the strong. On the Profound Qi Continent, one day he will aspire to the highest peak. Now it is only time. When he regains his memory again, at that time, he will be honored. , Achievement of dominance is just a matter of thought.

He made such a great effort to obtain the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill. Now that the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill is in hand, he came to attend the appointment and encountered such a thing. How worried it was.

"Brother, if this is the case, then I will let the Wu Clan know their mistakes, make them fearful, let them understand that my brother Chu Qianye, not everyone can move!"

Chu Qianye clenched his fists and said seriously, his eyes were full of solemnity, and his pupils were full of killing.

Since the last incident, he has given up other great roads in his heart, and only chose to kill, in order to kill into the holy sage, achieve the dominance, even the god!

Let the people in the Hall of Hunting Soul be destroyed, and make those who offend Chu Qianye terrified.

God Realm, the Baguio Empress who killed him, overthrew his established eternal dynasty, and even destroyed his idol.

All of these will kill, retake everything, re-authenticate, and start again.

Killing, everything is killing, killing all those who are dissatisfied, cutting all obstacles, killing everyone who prevented him from reaching the top!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, his eyes full of light.

"Witch clan, your hands are stained with my brother's blood, then take your blood today and sacrifice my sword to accomplish my martial arts!"

Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, his feet took a step, his robe danced wildly, his sword was like snow...

He swept into the void in the distance, quickly left, and swept in the direction of the Wu Clan he had gotten in his hand.

As an ancient race, the Wu Clan has amazing talents in foresight. At this time, an old man sitting in a hall suddenly opened his eyes and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Hurry up and notify the elders to come to the conference hall, and go!"

The old man's thin body trembled violently, and the turbid eyes, at this moment, exuded astonishing brilliance.

A warrior standing in the corner showed a horrified expression on his face. He had never seen the elder Taishang panic like this before. This time he witnessed the horrified expression in his eyes.

In this way, there is only one explanation. The Supreme Elder foresaw a terrible thing.

Everyone was at a loss.

Many elders and leaders of the Witch tribe went to the conference hall one after another. Everyone was surprised when they saw the Supreme Elder kneeling toward the statue of the ancestor. They had never seen the Supreme Elder like this.

Only when the Wu clan encounters life and death, he will do this, asking for the blessing of the ancestors.

There were many people who were puzzled along the way. At this moment, they were shocked.

This turned out to be the moment of life and death for the Witch Clan?

how can that be!

Now that the Wu Clan has become more powerful, how can it survive?

Seeing the perplexity on everyone's faces, the elder sighed faintly, with a helpless expression on his face.

This time, the incident was far more dangerous than he thought. Maybe their Wu Clan will really be destroyed.

"Elder Majesty, I don't know why you called us urgently to discuss the main hall this time?" a slightly older elder asked.

Everyone else looked at the old man with a confused expression on his face.

"Hey, my Wu clan may be destroyed..." After a long while, the elder sighed quietly.


In the discussion hall, everyone's faces showed horror after hearing this sentence.

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