Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1070: Rushed to the witch

"Hey." The Supreme Elder Wu Cu sighed.

Now that things have developed to this point, he is definitely not what he wants to see.

But the Wu Clan cannot be destroyed, at least after he stays, he is reluctant to see the Wu Clan ruined in his own hands, so although Wu Tu is a little sad, he still does not give up.

"Patriarch, now, now that you have made a decision, this old bone of mine is naturally inconvenient to say anything, but I have a gratuitous request, I hope you can make it through." Wu Yi said in silence for a while: "Please let me I arranged more than a dozen heirs in the clan to leave the clan, and it is also counted as a place for my witch clan."

"Old thing, I said you are too sensitive now. Your prediction is not accurate. The resistance mentioned earlier has not appeared. Now you want to arrange more than a dozen offspring to leave. Is this not to shake the determination of my witch race? "The wizard grinned and said: "Your era has passed, and now is our era. Who is the strong, really that strong? Is our Wu Clan strong?"

"Look at us, which of us is a scumbag? Twenty strong in the celestial realm, eight nobles, plus our great clan formation, even if the saint comes, we may not be afraid of him at all, let alone what you foresee Isn't that strong man even the venerable?"

When everyone heard this, they seemed to feel reasonable. They felt that the elders were too sensitive and thinking too much.

But Wu Tu didn't speak, he just stared at Wu Du.

I don't know why, seeing the expectant look in Wu Du's eyes, he felt that what the sorcerer said was reasonable. If he allowed the heirs of the clan to leave, what would other people think of this matter?

I will definitely feel that the military will be shaken, and the decision I made is also difficult to convince the public. He, the patriarch, should not lead the Wu clan to glory and to the peak. Then there will be voices against him in the clan. If he is jointly impeached, then The patriarch himself came to an end.

He gritted his teeth.

"Too elder, I think you have been working hard for too long, you should go to rest." Wu Du waved his hand and sighed.

Wu Cu smiled sadly.

At the beginning, the Wu Clan was so brilliant, and he had put in a lot of hard work, but now he has been hit by a white-eyed wolf. These people do not believe what he said.

"Oh, you guys, don't regret it when the time comes. All the power in your eyes can't stop the killer god. Then you will understand what I said." Wu Tu sighed and stopped speaking, he turned and left. The meeting hall.

Everyone looked at the elder Taishang leaving, with a surprised expression on their faces.

"Xiao Ling, follow the elder Taishang and see what he does." The shaman gestured to the young boy behind him.

"Father, my son understands, don't worry, he can't take away the children of our Wu clan!" The young man smiled and then left.

Wu Du frowned. He didn't know why, but after the elder Taishang left, he felt a little lost in his heart, a little empty, as if he had made a wrong decision.

"The patriarch is wise!" The sorcerer said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, we have eight nobles, 20 strong celestial realms, there are nearly a hundred people in the extreme realm of the extreme realm, plus the great formation of our witch tribe. We are not afraid of anyone, even if the other party is a saint."

"The Witch Clan will only become stronger than before. You can rest assured of this. After all, we invaded the Huo Clan this time, but we fought for a lot of pills and captured a lot of their alchemists. This is like The hens who can lay eggs, as long as they live a day, our Wu clan will have a steady stream of medicine supplements, and don't look at the treasures of cultivation." The wizard continued.

Only then did Wu Du's face look better.

He was really scared that he had made a wrong decision and let the Wu Clan be destroyed by that time, then he himself would be very guilty.

"Yes, patriarch, you can rest assured, I think what the second brother said is right, our Wu clan will only become stronger and stronger, and the practice of being too elder is not wrong, but it is too conservative and will only restrain Our hands and feet make it difficult for us to use our fists and feet, let alone lead us to become stronger. This time we invaded the Huo Clan and captured many of their alchemists and obtained many treasures of heaven and earth. Is this enough for me? The Wu Clan becomes stronger." Another middle-aged man stood up and said.

Wu Du nodded gently.

Since his two younger brothers support him in this way, he doesn't say anything else.

When his father passed the position of patriarch to him, didn't he also hope his two younger brothers would assist him? Now the two of them also want to see the Wu Clan become stronger, and the Huo Clan's action this time should be successful.

The most important thing is that, as his younger brother said, the current strength of the Wu Clan is not considered a giant, but it is definitely not a person that can easily attack and kill. There are eight nobles and twenty extra-celestial powers. , Plus the big formation of the Witch clan, this lineup added up, no one can get in at all.

At this time, after Wu Cu left, let the people who followed him gather the children of the Wu clan, leaving the last incense for the Wu clan in the name of overseas experience, to continue the inheritance and continuity.

The man hurriedly left, and soon gathered twenty witch children.

At the same time, Wu Qiling hurriedly returned to the conference hall.

"Father, the Supreme Elder wants to take away 20 outstanding heirs. He is going to take away those outstanding heirs on the pretext of deceiving out and practicing!"

The sorcerers and others are discussing the future development direction of the Wu clan. Now that they heard this sentence, everyone has a strange expression on their faces. The smallest thing is that the elders are taking the clansmen out to experience, but the bigger ones are. The direction is to defy the order of the patriarch and advocate without authorization.

"Huh, this old thing really doesn't give up." The sorcerer said coldly, "What is strong and what catastrophe is just his side words. The last time the foresight said that there was a strong resistance, but we stepped on the Huo Clan and finally did not And nothing happened? Patriarch, sometimes you have to be more vigorous and vigorous, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the crowd."

The voice of the sorcerer echoed clearly in the discussion hall.

"The Wu clan listens to the order, and the elder Wu Tu is good at advocating, and if he wants to bring the doorman to experience, he violates the clan rules, so he should challenge the authority of the patriarch to capture and detain him for trial!" Wu Du said.


Everyone's face changed slightly.

This punishment is very heavy. After all, Wu Tu was still too elder, but in the end he ended up in such a fate, that he would not be executed, and I was afraid that he would be expelled from the Wu clan in the future.

Chu Qianye flickered at this time, standing in front of a big mountain, he watched its mountains and rivers, and knew that a big formation had been laid here.

The Wu Clan is worthy of being an ancient race. It is indeed very difficult to have such a large formation. I am afraid that even the strong of the Saint Realm may not be able to enter this formation.

However, he has a god-shattering pattern, so it's no problem to unlock the seal and break the formation!

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