Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1076: Witch strategy

Chu Qianye’s growth rate is really terrifying. When he entered the blood domain of Huangquan not long ago, he was only about the seventh-order of the Earth Extreme Realm. Now he has stepped into the second-order of the Celestial Realm, and the most terrible thing is that Chu Qianye has Maybe it was still conquering and refining the Holy Flame of All Souls!

Holy Flame of All Souls, I feel terrible when I think about it, the terrible kind of profound fire, now I think it’s amazing.

That is the real sacred fire. It is not only a great help to alchemy, but also a huge benefit to the strength of the martial artist. Even after refining for a period of time, the more the later, the more its benefits will show up. The benefits of cultivating are not something you can make up for with hard work the day after tomorrow. After all, this is the profound fire of heaven and earth, the profound fire of the eight classics, which has great benefits.

Thinking about the power of this profound fire, I feel terrible.

"Oh, it seems that my naivety is going to kill my Wu Clan." Wu Chu sighed again in his heart.

At this moment, Chu Qianye raised his head.

He already felt dull.


Chu Qianye's heart moved, calling out the Holy Yan of All Souls.

When Saint Yan of All Souls got into Wu Qiling's body, a look of fear suddenly appeared on his face.

This is the Holy Flame of All Souls, he naturally knows the power of this kind of flame.

"Ah! You devil, I won't let you be a ghost!" Wu Qiling roared.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

With a snorted sound, Saint Yan of All Souls completely enveloped Wu Qiling's body in an instant, and the terrifying power instantly covered his body.

Under the stunned eyes of everyone, Wu Qiling was completely burned to nothingness, everything was destroyed, completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

In this way, everyone understood that Wu Qiling was over, and the rush in this life was the moment of prosperity, but he did not expect that he would eventually die in the hands of Chu Qianye.

Seeing this scene, all faces were surprised.

How powerful this is, Chu Qianye's killing was too cruel and ferocious. Although this killing was more straightforward, it was even more daunting.

"You're looking for death, I will break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" The sorcerer's eyes were blood red, and the soles of his feet stepped out and left the mountain gate formation.

The powerful martial arts aura surging out instantly.

"Four Star Venerable?"

Chu Qianye raised his head seemingly enlightened, and smiled faintly.

Now that he has stepped into the celestial realm and opened the door of good fortune, he is naturally clear about the strength of the venerable, so he immediately smiled.

"Hmph, I killed my son, today I made you better than death, and abolished you, and let hundreds of female savage beasts turn you around, so that you can taste the taste of life better than death!" the wizard said coldly.

In the Wu Clan Mountain Gate, the other powerful Wu Clan inside the Great Array had expressions of looking at each other on their faces. Regarding the power of Chu Qianye, they naturally had a deep understanding that the roar of power was unusual. The celestial realm powerhouse, but the terrifying powerhouse who can fight alone!

Not long ago, they knew about the news about the battle for the Sacred Flame of All Souls. Chu Qianye fought against eight of them alone, and eventually killed two of them. Such a record is really numbing, although it is only one star and two stars. Venerable, but every word is Venerable.

Thinking of this horror, everyone suddenly raised their heads, staring at Chu Qianye's figure, showing a surprised expression.

"Patriarch, what shall we do?"

At this moment, all the hot Wu clan powerhouses looked at Wu Du one after another.

The Wu Clan's face sank, he stared at Chu Qianye outside the mountain gate and took a deep breath.

This is a moment of life and death for the Witch Clan.

He raised his head and looked at Wu Cu, the foreknowledge of the magical powers who once led the Wu Clan to become stronger, trying to win another round under his leadership, at least not to let the Wu Clan perish.

"Hey." Wu Chu sighed lightly.

Until now, he has no solution. If Wu Du and these people listened to his opinions, at least the Wu Clan could still bring a lot of seedlings out of here. Even if the Wu Clan is destroyed, at least there is good incense to pass on. Those twenty seedlings are the hope of his Wu Clan.

No matter what, the Wu clan has great emotional sustenance for him. He is unwilling to see the Wu clan's demise. He still hopes to help the Wu clan to tide over the difficulties, but now, most of Chu Qianye will not be merciful. Up.

Therefore, there may be a glimmer of life and possibility only if the battle is opened.

Thinking of this, Wu Tu lightly sighed: "Look at the power gap first, and then use the Wu Clan's mountain gate array to see if he can stop this person."

When everyone looked at Wu Cu, they were shocked to find that the tall and majestic super elder who had foreseen supernatural powers was now so short and humpbacked. Such a bitter scene made them all want to cry.

Wu Du also deeply blamed himself, why he didn't listen to advice. If he had listened to the words of the elders, things would not be performed to such a degree, at least the Wu clan might still be able to pass on the incense.

If the Wu Clan was destroyed in his hands, Wu Du was afraid he could not forgive himself.

Being a patriarch, this is not just authority, but also the blood and hope of everyone in the Wu clan, if it is destroyed in his hands, it is really unforgivable.

He himself was an indirect murderer, and was the root of the evil of the Witch Clan.

Thinking of this possibility, Wu Du's face didn't look pretty.

Eight sages, twenty celestial realm powerhouses, such a lineup placed anywhere in the Profound Qi Continent, they are rare in existence, enough to be called a giant of one party.

However, in his opinion, it is indestructible, and now only one of the twenty Celestial Realm powerhouses is left, plus eight venerables. Such a blow is simply unbearable and immeasurable to the Wu Clan!

He really couldn't bear such a loss. Thinking about it, he felt a sharp pain and difficulty breathing.

"If I had listened to the advice of the Supreme Elder, things would not have come to such a point."

The light in Wu Du's eyes flickered, but he deserved to have experienced strong winds and waves, and soon stabilized his footing.

"Dear powerhouses of the Wu clan, heed the order and guard the mountain gate. This is our last line of defense for the Wu clan. Don't let that kid attack in. Let's watch the changes first. If there is a chance, we will take action!" Tuk immediately issued the order.

But everyone in the Witch Clan was silent, staring straight ahead.

At this time, a powerful aura burst out of the sorcerer's body, his eyes fixed on Chu Qianye, where there was his son's corpse.

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Bring back his son's body, no matter how his son is a kid, but he is his son after all, he is not guilty of death, and he is worthy of a decent funeral.

Therefore, bringing back his son's body is his current idea.

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