Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1093: Fire Spirit (five shifts)

"Yeah." Gao Lihong nodded slightly and said: "There is still half a month in the Dan meeting. This time the Dan will be more important to you. You gave me this fire. Doesn't it affect you?"

Chu Qianye waved his hand without paying attention.

"Don't worry, the Pill Club's competition is not profound fire, but alchemy methods and soul realm. If the soul is not to a certain level, it really may not be able to enter the top 20." Chu Qianye said:

"Although the matter this time is very important, I don't necessarily have to win the first place. This is just an opportunity to take the lead, and this time the Five Elements Domain may also join the ranks of the competition. This idea cannot be won. determining factors."

Hearing what Chu Qianye said, Gao Lihong didn't shirk.

"In the past, it wasn't just a pill meeting held in the Four Continents Wilderness? Why did the Five Elements Domain also join this time?" Gao Lihong looked at Chu Qianye in amazement and asked.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

The development momentum of Danta over the years is good. The Five Elements Domain is in the past. Now they have to look to the future instead of looking at their immediate interests. The Alchemy Guild and the Medicine League have also been pressing harder and harder over the years. The high-level Danta understands , If you continue to retreat, both the Medicine League and Alchemy Guild will pounce on them, and at that time, Danta will have no chance to fight back.

Excluding the four major realms, the Sixteen Great Wilderness is not really big. With just the size of a palm, the Alchemy Guild, the Medicine League, and the Danta have formed a three-legged triad. Everyone wants to extremely contain the other side, and does not want the opponent to become stronger, but alchemy The game of the game has become an important means of attracting freshness, especially to cultivate a new Dan King, which forms an invisible force.

In the Pharmacopoeia, Chu Qianye won the first prize and attracted many alchemists to join the Danta. With the passage of time, this effect will become stronger and more terrifying. A large-scale alchemy competition in the wasteland and the Five Elements Realm will be extremely magnificent, and if someone else wins the pill tower at that time, this effect will be infinitely magnified.

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Of course, if someone from the Alchemy Guild or the Pharmaceutical Alliance takes the lead, the loss will be quite heavy. This is like the fact that Chu Qianye won the lead when the Pharmaceutical Alliance held the Pharmacopoeia.

After taking a deep breath, Chu Qianye raised his head and looked directly at the sky, revealing a mysterious smile.

"Lihong, do you think the Sixteenth Wilderness is huge?" Chu Qianye asked casually.

Gao Lihong was startled when he heard the words.

This question may be quite huge for a warrior who has just entered the Sixteenth Wilderness, but for an old bird, the Sixteenth Wilderness is actually not that big, and it belongs to one of the four great realms. It's just a small piece.

Therefore, Gao Lihong obviously knows the answer to this question.

Watching Gao Lihong shook his head, Chu Qianye asked again: "So, do you think that in the Sixteen Great Desolation, the Alchemy Guild, the Medicine Alliance, and our Pill Pagoda compete for these alchemists and alchemy medicinal materials at the same time, and may even be compared with the influence of Wu Shi Power, what do you think is most important?"

"Influence." Gao Lihong thought for a while and said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Yes, it's influence, so this time our Dan will expand the scope of the game. In fact, it is not just to be different, but to become stronger, and to enhance the influence and appeal of our Danta. These The expansion of the Pill Alchemy Guild and Medicine Alliance over the years has reduced the living space of our Danta a lot. This time the pill will be a good opportunity for our Danta." Chu Qianye said: "That's why the tower owner only expanded this time The scope."

Gao Lihong nodded slightly.

Chu Qianye said, "When your sister gets better, you must improve your alchemy strength."

"Oh, my sister doesn't know when it will be able to recover. From the current situation, even if there is a Nine-turn Golden Body Pill, I am afraid it will take ten and a half days. This time our Danta Pill Meeting, I am afraid I can't help." Gao Lihong sighed softly.

Chu Qianye smiled bitterly and shook his head. If that were the case, Danta might really lose a war fighter.

"Nevertheless, I still hope you can participate." Chu Qianye said, and then took out an invitation letter from the Qiankun Ring. The hot stamped invitation letter had a majestic pagoda on the invitation letter, surrounded by mist. , This is the symbol of Danta.

Gao Lihong looked at the invitation letter in Chu Qianye's hand and was stunned. After hesitating for a long time, he still accepted the invitation letter from Chu Qianye. In fact, this invitation letter felt a bit heavy to him. After all, he It was the alchemist cultivated by the Danta. Without the help of the Danta, he would not be able to make this step today.

Therefore, Danta is a kind of cultivation for him. Without the big tree of Danta, he would not have developed so smoothly.

Zhien Tubao, this is the foundation of being a human being. If it weren't for Danta, he would still be a cultivator at the bottom of the Profound Qi Continent, and even live even worse.

"Qianye, thank you." Gao Lihong said sincerely.

Chu Qianye waved his hand.

"It should be me thank you very much. You gave me the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill, but because of this, your sister delayed the best healing time." Chu Qianye said, "This is my soul jade. If you need any help, you can smash the soul jade and I will be able to get there in time."

Gao Lihong shook the soul jade in his hand, and he nodded solemnly into the Qiankun Ring.

"Lihong, you and Huo Clan..." Chu Qianye hesitated for a moment and asked.

"I'm an orphan, and my adoptive father pityed me back then and accepted me as a adoptive son." Gao Lihong said: "Damn it, it's all those guys in the Hunting Soul Palace!"

Soul Hunting Palace?

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, isn't it the Witch Clan, how come he has become the Soul Hunting Palace?

"The destruction of the Huo Clan is not the Witch Clan?" Chu Qianye asked in amazement.

"Of course not. The Wu Clan is just being used by the Soul Hunting Hall. The culprit is actually those guys in the Soul Hunting Hall. They took a fancy to the fire spirits of our Fire Race and abetted the witches to launch the Wu Race to invade our Fire Race. After the guys in the Hunting Hall, the fire spirits of our Fire Race were taken away by the people in the Hunting Hall." Gao Lihong said.

Fire spirit?

It was the first time Chu Qianye heard about this thing. Since the Soul Hunting Palace took something to steal, it seemed that the fire spirit was very important. The Soul Hunting Palace guys were almost everywhere.

Looking at the dazed look in Chu Qianye’s eyes, Gao Lihong explained: "There are five families in the Five Elements Domain. You should know that. The Mu Family is the head of the Mu Family. The Mu Family is the largest in the Wood Territory. Powerful, that’s because their Mu family has wood spirits. In the Jinyu, the Jin family is the head. They have gold spirits, and so on."

Chu Qianye still didn't understand what Fire Spirit was.

"Fire spirit, in the final analysis, is actually a stone with fire attribute spirit. Children before the age of eight, if they soak the fire spirit stone, they can obtain fire attribute profound energy, awaken the fire attribute spirit, and become an alchemist. The prerequisites for this, do you think this fire spirit is important?" Gao Lihong said.

Listening to his explanation, Chu Qianye immediately understood.

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