Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1098: Into the respect! (Five more)


Everyone stared blankly at the figure of the young man in black.

No one thought that the second day Chu Qianye used the wood spirit power to participate in good fortune, he would almost be able to be respected, this kind of talent is really embarrassing.

"What a terrible martial arts talent."

"If it was me, I definitely couldn't do it."

In the wood spirit space, the Mu Family powerhouse who guards the wood spirit, stared at Chu Qianye's figure blankly at this time, with a look of envy on his face.

When the celestial realm was in the third level, he touched the Three Thousand Dao, this kind of ability is really very good.

These people, circuitously, and constantly made countless attempts, most of them only gradually touched the threshold after the fifth stage of the celestial realm, and even the sixth and seventh stages of the celestial realm.

Some people were stupid and found the way to the venerable after breaking through the ninth level of the celestial realm.


The energy between the sky and the earth rushed towards Chu Qianye’s direction as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, the vast energy in the wood spirit was also taken into the body by Chu Qianye, while the energy between the sky and the earth was rushing. The land was assembled above the Mu Family. The vastness of that power was very majestic. All the Mu Family's children raised their heads in surprise and looked at the energy pillars formed by the assembly.

Far away in a remote county king's mansion, Gao Lihong raised his head with a sense of understanding and looked in the direction where the Mu family was located, secretly horrified in his heart.

"Qianye, will it be you?"

But no one in the air answered his question, and the air quickly dissipated his question.

At this time, after Chu Qianye’s soul body was retracted, the two were merged into one. His complete soul body was sitting cross-legged under the sacred bronze tree. Around the big tree, the power of good fortune continued to condense. Inside his soul.


At this moment, the green copper at the center of the eyebrows burst out in vain, and a warm feeling spread from the center of the eyebrows.

Surge of blood.

Murderous and violent.

The breath is vast.

Chu Qianye felt a powerful flow of information injected into his mind, and the gods around that green copper disappeared and turned into an extremely ordinary piece of green copper.

And Chu Qianye's martial arts spirit suddenly flew out of his body.

When the golden war sword was suspended above his head, the pupils of everyone present suddenly shrank, and they felt a terrible breath sway away, and their souls kept trembling, in Chu Qianye Under the suppression of this terrifying Martial Spirit, they had difficulty breathing.

"What a terrible breath of power."

Feeling this terrible breath of power, everyone swallowed fiercely.

The oppression formed by this breath shocked them.

"I'm afraid that his martial spirit will awaken for the second time." The Mu Family's old man said, at this time the calm and indifferent state has long since disappeared, and there are obvious fluctuations in his tone.

The Mu Family Venerables present were all secretly surprised. Their ancestors had never had such a situation. The ancestors had lived for so long, and they had never seen him have such a tone fluctuation.

Therefore, being able to cause their Mu Family ancestors to have such a huge mood swing, it can be seen how terrifying this second awakening Martial Soul is.

"Ancestor, you said that you are awakened for the second time, but the martial soul has been awakened by a special ability?" A venerable said suddenly in surprise.

He once saw the record in a book. Although there were only a few words, he felt very shocked, because the second awakening of the martial arts soul was very terrifying, even quite a second clone, even terrible.

"Not bad." The old Mu family nodded gently and said: "The possibility of obtaining special abilities in the second awakening is extremely small, but if it is the second awakening, its special energy will be comparable to or even worse than that of the first. Strong. Therefore, today this son is not considered to be respected, but his strength is equivalent to that of respect, and even stronger than that of respect. Moreover, his energy pillar has been formed, and there should be no problem in entering the respect."

"I didn't expect that in my twilight years, I would be able to see such a thing. Wuhun awakened for the second time. I wanted it in my dreams."

The Mu family veterans were stunned.

Awakening the Martial Soul for the second time, it was so terrible!

"Ancestor, didn't it mean that the second-time awakened spirit can only be obtained by a strong man whose spirit has reached the **** rank or higher? Could it be that this guy's spirit has reached the **** rank?"

"Don't stare at the light, carefully perceive the breath of his martial soul." The Mu Family old man said lightly.

Everyone did what they said, and when they opened their eyes, everyone's faces were filled with deep shock.

"Super magic!"

"Well, if I guess right here, the martial soul he awakens should be the Sacred Sword of Burning Fury. The power of this martial soul is extremely terrifying. This time he awakened for the second time, I don't know what kind of ability he awakened." The ancestor said: "Don't awaken your martial soul lightly for the second time. Before you are sure, try to improve your martial arts cultivation level. You'd rather stay in the celestial realm than awaken easily. You can only take action when you are sure to awaken your martial arts spirit , This is the real martial soul, as for those profound products that can only be subordinate to it!"

Everyone looked fascinated.

At this moment, above Chu Qianye's head, the golden war sword martial arts spirit was floating, emitting a dazzling light.

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At the location of the Nine Heavens God River, a starburst burst out of dazzling light in vain.

At this time, all the newcomers who communicated with the Jiutian Shenhe suddenly felt a terrifying power aura surging away, and suddenly secretly surprised, looked towards the direction of that aura.

That is the top position of the pyramid, the most shining, dazzling, and magnificent!

The star light that descended like a god, trembled the entire nine-day galaxy!


A bright golden star suddenly shattered, like a meteor, across the Nine Heavens God River from a height, and then landed on the Profound Qi Continent, the Sixteen Wilderness, the Five Elements Domain, the Wood Domain, and the Mu Family!

Everyone looked up again in astonishment, looking at the direction of the Mu Family, secretly shocked in their hearts, everyone didn't understand what happened.


The martial soul of the golden war sword trembled suddenly.

The bright light shone, and then formed a light and shadow.

This light and shadow can't see what it is at all.

And the energy pillar floating above his head suddenly rushed towards Chu Qianye.


Wherever the energy reached, the void twisted and shattered.

The energy pillar was completely injected into Chu Qianye's body.

And Chu Qianye's Good Fortune Gate trembled crazily, and that kind of energy surged in like a roaring dragon.

The power of the stars surging rapidly.

Celestial Realm fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh,...9th!

Chu Qianye's martial arts aura increased frantically. This speed caused everyone present to suddenly shrink their pupils. The vastness of this energy made them feel lingering.

When the aftermath of the last energy pillar dissipated, Chu Qianye's tiger body trembled suddenly.


Into the respect!

The pupils of all the people in the wood spirit space shrank suddenly.

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