Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1100: Mu Family Alliance

Nevertheless, Chu Qianye was very excited.

This means that he will get a big boost, but he didn't expect that Wuhun's second awakening would give him such an ability.

This kind of thing, it is better not to let people know, otherwise it will easily cause a **** storm.

His own psychic divine eyes didn't seem to have such a powerful soul and blood.

The eyes of the psychic gods have limitations. If the opponent's strength is slightly stronger, he cannot obtain them. Moreover, most of the limits of scope can only analyze martial arts. As for the techniques, it is not so easy to obtain.

However, the Tyrant Soul Blood Successor also has shortcomings. After all, it is only a temporary copy of the opponent's ability. If it can be obtained for a long time, it will be a great weapon for him.

Because of this shortcoming, his martial arts ability also reduced the malleability of this ability to a certain extent.

Nevertheless, he was very fortunate to have obtained such abilities.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye didn't have to struggle.

He opened his eyes and felt the aura of power around him, and Chu Qianye bowed towards the breath of Ruoyouruwu.

"Thank you for not interrupting," Chu Qianye said, "Now that the three-day time limit has come, I should leave."

After speaking, Chu Qianye stopped staying, and hurriedly left outside the wood spirit space.

He stepped out, and Chu Qianye's figure disappeared in front of his eyes in the blink of an eye before everyone else woke up.

"What a terrible talent."

"Ancestor, Chu Qianye, it looks different."

The ancestor of the Mu family pondered: "Maybe it won't take long. There should be a pill emperor in the Sixteen Great Wilderness, which can be as short as three to five years, and as long as six or seven years."

Everyone was secretly surprised, is this a long time?

For them, time is just a matter of seconds.

They have been here for hundreds of years, let alone these few years?

Such a talent is very enchanting!

Their ancestors seldom commented on a person in this way, so the faces of the Mu Family's deities showed a touch of horror on their faces.

This rating is very high!

And most importantly, their ancestors have never misunderstood anyone!

There are many people who enter the wood spirit space. Chu Qianye can only be regarded as one of them. Some people even enter the wood spirit space three to five degrees, but they still can't get the doorway in it. They always wander in the celestial realm, from the celestial realm. The fifth stage, until the seventh or eighth stage of the celestial realm, stayed for hundreds of years before finally regaining consciousness.

Chu Qianye, from entering to entertaining respect, only two and a half days, and the martial soul awakened for the second time under their noses!

"The Mu Family, you have to cherish this ally." The Mu Family ancestor said lightly.

And far away from the wood spirit space, the Mu Feng and the three had been waiting for a long time, these days there were constant visions of heaven and earth, and the children of the Mu family could not practice quietly.

Chu Qianye made a lot of noise this time, but that's good, everyone thought that another strong man appeared in the Mu family, which increased his deterrent power.

"Xiaofeng, this son may become Emperor Dan in the future. Our Mu Family must establish a relationship with him. It is best that when he shoots the Soul Hunting Palace, you send a few venerables with him. Now he asks us, In the future, we will ask for him, and I have a strong hunch that in this pill meeting, he is very likely to step into the realm of pill king in one fell swoop."

Mu Feng suddenly received the divine voice of the ancestor, and his eyes suddenly showed horror.

There are really many people who can get such an evaluation from the ancestors.

A gleam of light flashed in Mu Feng's eyes. The words of the ancestor himself were highly credible. If Chu Qianye stepped into Emperor Dan, the pattern of the Sixteen Great Wilderness might have changed drastically.

Such an ally is naturally the best if he can help him out when he needs it most.

"Good ancestors, don't worry, I will handle this matter properly. I believe the remaining three will also be very happy, but after the Dan meeting is over, I will personally take the lead and Chu Qianye will be very interested." Feng Shenyin responded.

"Well, that's very good." After Mu Family's ancestor finished speaking, there was no sound.

First 6 rounds ¤

Mu Feng knew that the ancestor was no longer in this space.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the black-clothed youth who came out with a surprised expression.

Chu Qianye now has a more sharp aura, it is a powerful fluctuation of power, and the surging power aura formed is very shocking.

Chu Qianye knew that his power aura was soaring, so he moved in his heart and took the power aura into his body.

As soon as he entered the deity, he hadn't been able to control the power aura yet, but he reacted quickly, and coupled with the supernatural powers, his power aura quickly contained and did not continue to spread out.

"Hehe, Lord Chu is indeed a real genius. I didn't expect you to be respected in two and a half days. It's so glamorous that I will wait." Mu Feng said.

Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

The other party's words can only be listened to at best, not the wind is the wind and the rain is the rain.

"In front of you, I can only be regarded as a junior." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

"Master Chu, don't be presumptuous." Mu Feng shook his head lightly, and said, "The Profound Qi Continent is a world where the strong are respected. You and I are both venerable. Then you are worthy of your peers. If you step into the saint Environment, then you are our predecessors."

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

This is the truth, it is true everywhere on the Profound Qi Continent.

"Young Master Chu, if it's convenient, come to the mansion for tea and chat?" Mu Feng said.

Chu Qianye was startled, then nodded gently.

When he had not entered the venerable before, he and Mu Feng did not have an equal dialogue attitude. Now he enters the venerable and masters the extraordinary swordsmanship. He is a veritable sword veteran, and Mu Feng has no reason to show himself in front of him.

But the other party invited himself to the house, I am afraid it is not as simple as drinking tea and chatting.

"Okay." Chu Qianye nodded lightly without refusing.

When they arrived at a porch, the two of them took their seats. The small talk at the beginning was a lot of nonsense, and it gradually came to the topic later.

"Young Master Chu, you are now a one-star Venerable, and you still need to stabilize your martial arts cultivation. If you can continue to comprehend the other three spirit stones, it might have a good effect for you." Mu Feng said, "but seeing the pill It’s coming, and you should also need to spare your hands to prepare. During this time, I can help you lobby, and when you take action against the Hunting Soul Palace, our Mu family can also help you, but my Mu family needs you. When helping, I also hope you can take action."

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed.

This is the negotiation. The other party comes with a clear purpose, saying that they are helping each other, but they are actually calculating.

Chu Qianye stretched out three fingers and said:

"Three times, I am willing to shoot three times."

Mu Feng was startled, but then there was a burst of ecstasy.

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