Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1110: Go to Leishan

Chu Qianye appeared in the Longmen base camp.

He looked at the big array, and his heart moved.

Before leaving, Longmen Base Camp must ensure that there is nothing wrong.

Therefore, the big formation has to be perfected again. By the way, a big formation will be established, and then it will be much more convenient to get in and out. Now it is not convenient to travel to Longmen.

Now that you have this idea, you have to do it.

Chu Qianye is such a person.

Jieyin entered the secret space.

With a flick of his finger, countless arrays of medicinal materials rushed out.

Refining patterns, refining alchemy, refining tools, and refining formations are all ways to improve the realm of the soul.

As for Chu Qianye, he had been refining alchemy not long ago, and now he is refining patterns and formations, and when these materials are ready, the formation can be set up. This is not a problem for him.

His current formation skills, it is no exaggeration to say that it has reached the level of the so-called master, and the layout of the formation will affect its scale and distance because of the strength of the person who deploys the formation.

For example: For example, the array arranged by the sage may be able to transmit between the dynasties, then the sage is between the great wilderness.

After Chu Qianye took out the medicinal materials, he began to take out the tungsten wire mysterious pen and engraved various mysterious patterns on it.

The next thing is much easier to handle. For him, the refining is very fast, and all the refining is completed in half a day.

Jieyin left the secret space.

After returning to the Longmen base camp, Chu Qianye began to set up a large formation, sixteen deep pits, filled with **** pattern spirit stones, and countless pieces of spirit stones to provide energy.

However, his formation is a bit special, and he also added a place where the profound energy liquid provides energy. If the energy is not enough or becomes dim, it will emit a dim light to remind him to join the profound liquid.

As for the establishment of the position, this is not difficult for Chu Qianye. The soul imprint is the most unique thing in each formation, which is why the formation can be transmitted around.

There is a one-way teleportation array, generally it is actively associated with other array positions to determine more associations to facilitate future transmission to find the location, and the other is to be associated. The combination of the two is a two-way teleportation array, which is generally public The transmission array.

Obviously, the Longmen Great Array cannot be set up like this, so Chu Qianye just connected a few nearby Teleportation Arrays.

The formation was 10%, and the light suddenly shone.

The members of Longmen looked on with surprise.

"This is the formation."

"The sect master established the formation."

Chu Qianye then left and held an emergency meeting in the conference hall. He talked about going to the Dan Club and how to arrange the next Longmen. Several core members of the Wu clan also attended the Longmen Conference for the first time.

At the meeting, Chu Qianye welcomed the Wu Clan to join the Dragon Gate on the spot, gave his face and dignity, followed by a brief introduction, and then began to enter the topic.

There is basically no problem. Now the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty has achieved great unity, the Dark Blood Territory has returned to the Dragon Gate, and the statues that Chu Qianye said and made have finally been broken.

Now that he had achieved a breakthrough, Chu Qianye also said on the spot that he would give out the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill as a reward.

This is the nine-turn golden body pill, not a bad street pill, so everyone's eyes are full of joy, very happy.

There are rewards and punishments. After the rewards are over, the relevant punishments are read out.

After everything was almost busy, Chu Qianye talked about the pill meeting this time.

"This time I go to the Nine Gods of Thunder Mountain, and the future is dangerous. This time I will select a group of elites who are about to break through the celestial realm and enter the Thunder Mountain with me. The power of the thunder inside is extremely vast. It’s something, so I hope everyone can break through this time and usher in the birth of the first batch of celestial elites in Longmen.” Chu Qianye said: “However, other people stay in the Four Continents Wilderness, and some people need to go to other dangerous places. Practicing well, each team brings three Nine-turn Golden Body Pills for emergency needs."


"Wang Yiling, Brother Zhao, and Yang Donglai, you are all the first veterans who came out to fight with me. Each of you will take two Nine Turns Golden Body Pills. You will also go with me this time Nine Gods Pill Thunder. "Chu Qianye said, and then with a flick of his finger, six pills were swept out.

"As for the others, you will also get the Rank Nine Golden Body Pill. Dragon Jin is now busy obtaining information, and Tian Qi will allocate this part."

The meeting adjourned.

Chu Qianye turned his head and looked at Wang Yuyan who had not left yet.

He sighed secretly in his heart.

"Yu Yan, you had a marriage contract with me. When the time is right, I will give you a grand wedding. You don't need to practice so hard now." Chu Qianye said, "The last time Chu Nuan's affairs were my fault. , You don’t have to blame yourself."

Chu Qianye turned her head and looked at Tian Qi.

"Why don't you serve me tonight, and leave tomorrow morning."

Hearing these words, Zhang Tianqi's face suddenly flushed.

"No, I still have a lot of things to do. To do it, you can find Wang Yuyan. She has nothing to do when she is idle." Zhang Tianqi smiled.

Wang Yuyan's face suddenly blushed.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

But it didn't really do that thing, it was just a means to ease an atmosphere.

Now Wang Yuyan is too self-blaming. She was already very vigorous in that matter. After all, her martial arts cultivation was still so low at that time.

"Come with you tomorrow morning, this is a rare opportunity for experience." Chu Qianye said.

A touch of joy appeared in Wang Yuyan's eyes.

It doesn't matter where she goes or what she does, knowing that she can be with Chu Qianye, then these will not matter. Anyway, to her, Chu Qianye's home is wherever she is.

"Good." She smiled.

Seeing Wang Yuyan's beautiful smile, Chu Qianye suddenly smiled.

She is the most beautiful in this way.

"That's right, only in this way are you the most beautiful." Chu Qianye said.

Wang Yuyan was startled, and seemed to feel that she hadn't smiled for a long time.

"Get a good rest, we will leave tomorrow morning," Chu Qianye said.

Wang Yuyan nodded gently.

No words for a night.

The next day, Zhao Sange, Wang Yiling, Yang Donglai, and Wang Yuyan stood behind Chu Qianye, and there were twenty Dragon Gate elites. These people were about to enter the celestial realm, and most of them followed Chu Qianye into the world. The space of Ling Sheng Yan.

However, there are some elites who come from behind. These are the willpower built with blood after the experience of life and death.

"set off."

Chu Qianye said lightly, and then stepped into the formation.

Along with the dazzling light shining, they disappeared together, and they were already in another formation in the next moment, and Chu Qianye immediately left the formation.

With a stroke of his palm, Feizhou appeared in the void.


Chu Qianye vomited lightly and swept towards Feizhou.

The Dynasty's patrol law enforcement team swooped in the direction where Chu Qianye and others were, and the breath of Chu Qianye radiated without waiting for it to approach.


Those patrol law enforcement teams were secretly surprised and did not dare to continue chasing.

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