Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1123: Faction match

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

"Qianye, what should we do?" Gao Lihong looked at Chu Qianye and asked.

Chu Qianye raised his head, his gaze swept towards the coming figure, a cold light shot from his eyes.

"Shaoan, don't be impatient." Chu Qianye said, but his eyes were swiftly glanced at the surrounding figures.


At this moment, a voice resounded in his ears, and Chu Qianye's heart moved, slowly raising his head and looking in a certain direction.

At this moment, Wang Chen looked towards Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye thought it was an illusion.

This alchemist with withdrawn personality took the initiative to find him?

"Huh?" Chu Qianye replied tentatively.

"I am Wang Chen." The other party said, "It seems that the ten places are no longer vacant. If we want to enter the next round, we have to work together. Now the Alchemy Guild and the Medicine Alliance have joined forces. People have to work together, otherwise they can only be eliminated or consumed greatly. I think you don't want to see this situation either."

"Of course. But, with which force do we Danta cooperate with?" Chu Qianye asked in a puzzled way.

"With Yao Clan, they should really need cooperation, after all, they don't seem to be right with Yao Meng." Wang Chen said, "Lin Xue should be willing to stand up and take the lead."

"Okay, then Brother Wang will come forward." Chu Qianye said in a divine voice.

This matter was quickly negotiated, and Wang Chen deserves to be a person of the younger generation of Danta who has more status in public, and this matter was quickly settled by him.

Chu Qianye then communicated with Gao Lihong again, and the two of them looked towards their bodies.

"Don't worry, I will use my magical powers to grab all of your bodies, so you don't have to resist." Wang Chen's voice resounded in the minds of Chu Qianye and Gao Lihong.

Hearing that, Gao Lihong and Chu Qianye gave up one after another. When a huge soul power swept towards their body, they originally wanted to resist, but Wang Chen's voice made them relax their vigilance.


A huge force came out vastly, grabbing them fiercely.

Chu Qianye and Gao Lihong only felt that a huge palm grabbed their bodies and even their soul bodies. The sound of whistling and whistling sounded in their ears, and everyone's eyes flashed with spirits. Mang, a trace of surprise passed.


"Danta and the people from the Medicine Clan have also joined forces!"

"This first round of soul fighting, if you really don't join hands, you may be greatly isolated, and then there is only the possibility of being beheaded."

"Haha, if that's the case, the weak and weak alchemist can't enter the second round."

"Suddenly it feels so cruel."


Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and there was a lot of discussion.

"The boss and the people from the Medicine Clan have joined forces, and this second round is basically safe." Zhao Sange stared at the figure on the pill stage and said.

"Yeah. And it can reduce consumption and retain strength to enter the second round." Yang Dong said.

"But it’s still a bit hard to say. There are not many alchemists in casual cultivators, and some of them are relatively strong. Those few people basically have to avoid them, otherwise they will fight frantically in the first round, and they may lose both. , Even if they die together, they should still consider it a little. In this way, the medicine alliance and the alchemy guild, the pill and the medicine clan, the remaining soul hunting hall, and the alchemist of the second sect, three valleys and four square pavilions, such a temporary Alliance, after all, it is hard to avoid a big killing." Wang Yiling looked at the Dantai, frowned slightly, and sighed softly.

Hearing this sentence, everyone immediately held their breath and stared at the Dantai.

At this moment, after Chu Qianye and Gao Lihong entered the alliance, the soul body immediately surrounded the alchemists of the Medicine Clan and Dan Pagoda at the same time, exuding a breath of breath, shocking those who were about to rush over in the distance. Those scattered alchemists found sadly at this time that their ambitions all around, suddenly became so vulnerable under the combined hands of this force.

"Oh, I gave up." Some alchemists looked at the situation in front of them and shook their heads helplessly. With a heart movement, they retracted the soul body into the body and walked under the pill.

As some people abstained, the other alchemists who were still hesitating finally had to abstain and gave up the fight.

Only a hundred people left!

However, among the hundred people, either are long-established alchemists or form a temporary alliance. If you want to eliminate the other 25 people, you have to eliminate them.

But obviously, this is quite extreme. As Wang Yiling said, the situation is already clear. If you want to continue to eliminate other people, you can only eliminate a group of people from these temporary allies.

Small groups bear the brunt of their choices.

"Sure enough."

Looking at those small groups, Chu Qianye couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.

Of course he knows the most about the current situation. It is just that the first round is so difficult, and the subsequent second round will be even more intense.

"Boom! Boom!"

Ten people were eliminated from the small group.

Only ninety people are left!

Fifteen people still need to be eliminated!

The alchemists of the Second Sect Sangu Sifang Pavilion also formed alliances.

Ever since, four camps formed on Dantai.

The Danta and the Medicine Clan, the Alchemy Guild and the Medicine Alliance, and the Second Sect Sangu Sifang Pavilion, as well as the fiercely famous alchemists who have long been famous.

For a moment, whether it was on the viewing stage, the doubt was the messenger of the kings of alchemy and the four emperors of alchemy. At this time, they all looked at the scene with interest.

The next fight is already obvious, either to become the target of the attack or to take the initiative to attack. After all, the temporary alliance has been formed. If you want to enter the second round, you must eliminate 15 more talents!

Wang Yangxin and Tang Ying looked at each other, almost all of them could see the expressions in each other's eyes.

Danta and the Monster Race have become their targets. After all, this is their biggest opponent. If these guys are allowed to enter the second round, then the suffering behind will be enough for them, and Dan Ta and the Monster Race are also them. This time the biggest competitor, this must be eliminated, otherwise they will not be able to enter the third round.


The souls of the people from the Medicine League and the Alchemy Guild rushed out almost at the same time, rushing in the direction where Chu Qianye and others were, the overwhelming souls fluctuated, and the vastness was in the world.

"Huh!" Seeing the figure coming from the raid, Wang Chen stepped out on the soles of his feet and snorted coldly, "Shoot!"

The power of the two souls immediately climbed frantically.

The breath of power of all people, frantically and mightily in this world!

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