Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1127: Do you really think so?

Chu Qianye sighed secretly in her heart.

It seems that the people in the Alchemy Guild still don't give up, trying to stimulate themselves with such inferior methods.

However, he naturally will not be irritated by the other party's short words.

He slowly raised his head, staring at each other.

"Since you are so persistent, let's take you first." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

"Just you? Are you worthy?!" The young man stared at Chu Qianye and said proudly: "I am at the sixth stage of the celestial realm, and you are only at the first stage of the celestial realm. Even if you can kill the venerable below the fifth stage, I tell You, Tier 6 is a decent half statue!"

Chu Qianye looked at each other with idiotic eyes.

He didn't even care about this kind of clown.

Chu Qianye simply closed his eyes and calmed down, as if waiting for an order from the Danta Law Enforcement Elder.

Facing Chu Qianye's posture, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

Chi Guoguo's contempt!




The young man took a deep breath. He tried hard to calm himself down. His purpose was to stimulate Chu Qianye. He didn't expect to be stimulated by Chu Qianye's words, and even the other party didn't say anything afterwards, making himself so angry.

Impulse is the devil, impulse is the devil!

He took a deep breath and quickly calmed himself down.

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At this moment, all alchemists were waiting for instructions.

"Dan will be in the second round, fire control competition, start now!"

The law enforcement elder spoke.

In the first word he said, the breath of power in everyone's body was rushing, and there was a feeling of whizzing out at any time, and everyone felt the terrible power of this force, and felt a sense of fear.

Alchemist, the power of the soul is really terrifying, just urging the power aura in his body to reach such an earth-shaking level!

Everyone took a deep breath, and the flames in their bodies were about to move, circling rapidly in their bodies, forming a terrible impact, and the vastness was in the world.


When Elder Danta Law Enforcement said the four words ‘start now’, the world was suddenly eclipsed!

The power aura of everyone, the profound fire, whizzed out in vain, madly impacting the surrounding void, and the void was shaken and distorted.

"Boom! Boom!"

When the four words fell, a few muffled noises rang out, and everyone was horrified to find that nine alchemists were shot out on the spot, and two of them were stable enough to look like Very embarrassed.

However, the remaining seven people all fell from the Danding and were eliminated on the spot, including the previous young man who satirized Chu Qianye!

At this moment, the young man suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction where Chu Qianye was.

Feeling the aura of Chu Qianye's martial arts power, his eyes suddenly showed incredible expressions.

"How is this possible?! How are you a One-Star Venerable?!"

When everyone heard these words, their faces were also shocked, and they turned their heads quickly, and swept their minds toward Chu Qianye's direction. When they felt the martial arts breath emanating from Chu Qianye's body, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank. Up.

Celestial Realm Level One?

Who said that!

The sixth stage of the celestial realm, a half deity with the eight classics? !

As a fart, there is no chance to fight back in the blink of an eye!

The young man was very surprised. He was hit by a terrible force when the four words "start now" fell. He was originally able to deal with this sudden force with his strength, but he felt a sense of it. The terrible breath of power is exactly the rhythm of killing him, so he dare not call out the power of the soul at all, for fear of being destroyed by this terrible power.

It's a pity that while he hesitated, an invisible fist smashed him from Danding's position, and there was no chance to fight back!

He raised his head and looked at Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye retracted his invisible fist, showing a faint smile.

"I said, the first one to take you to the surgery." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

The young man's facial expression changed.

"Haha, what? I'm not good now? I'm just being eliminated. You can't kill me. I admit that I missed my eyes this time, but at most you are a little bit stronger than me, and I am about to join. Honor!" The young man stared at Chu Qianye and sneered.

Chu Qianye looked at each other with idiotic eyes.

"Do you really think so?" Chu Qianye looked at him condescendingly.

Hearing this sentence, the young man's heart suddenly shook, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he didn't figure out what was wrong for a while.

When he was about to speak, Chu Qianye showed a mysterious expression.

"Chiff chick."

At this moment, a black flame suddenly appeared around the young man's body. The flame surrounded the person in a blink of an eye, and then he was burned to ashes in full view, and even the screams were too late. Issued to!

Seeing such a weird scene, a chill came out of everyone's feet.

This method of death is really terrifying. They don't know where the flames come from. How could a living person be burned to ashes? It should be understood that this person is a powerful person of the sixth-order celestial realm, and he is so vulnerable in front of Chu Qianye!

"this is……"

"All Souls Holy Flame!"

At this time, everyone seemed to realize that something was wrong, and they exclaimed.

They are naturally aware of the evil name of the Holy Flame of All Souls, especially the alchemist. Almost everyone knows his reputation, and those alchemists who have really participated in the battle for the Holy Flame of All Souls are looking at this group of black flames. , I was even more secretly horrified, they almost died in the fantasy realm formed by the beast of All Souls Sage Yan.

Such a terrifying Saint Yan of All Souls was actually controlled by Chu Qianye, what a terrible thing this is.

The figures in the distance, those people who saw the black flames, also cast surprise eyes.

For a time, almost all the alchemists stopped their hands.

Some time ago, the news that the Holy Flame of All Souls was subdued was spread. The alchemist was well-informed. They knew who the Holy Flame of All Souls fell in. They also understood how tyrannical the Holy Flame of All Souls was. To this extent.

All of them were secretly chilling in their hearts, Chu Qianye, who possessed the Holy Flame of All Souls, and now that he was a respected person, how dazzling such vision was, they all felt an invisible pressure surge.

Before, they didn’t put Chu Qianye in their eyes at all. After all, most of the people here belonged to the King Alchemy, and there were a few fierce alchemists, they really didn’t put anyone in their eyes. , But it’s different now.

I'm afraid that Chu Qianye's strength is not so simple. This kind of strength is not something they can control now. If Chu Qianye bursts out completely, it is completely possible to reach the third round.

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