Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1129: Swallow the sky seal

"Very good, the second round of fire control competition, please continue!" Dan Ta's law enforcement elder said lightly.

All alchemists looked around again.

Although it was delayed because of Chu Qianye's side, 15 people have been eliminated one after another, and now it can be regarded as a potential forty-five opponents!

Just kill these forty-five potential opponents, then they will win!

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The sky full of profound fire, top-level beast fire, madly spread out, forming a terrifying situation, roaring in this world.

On the viewing platform, everyone looked at the dazzling flames, and they were secretly shocked. Everyone looked at the boiling flames in front of them, and they couldn't help but secretly surprised. Although they had expected this situation, they really witnessed it. At this scene, I couldn't help but wonder.

Because it is an alchemy, the high-level officials of the alchemy have already expected this situation. The top **** patterns are engraved on all sides, plus the barriers of space, which makes the alchemists who fight on the alchemy platform, despite the terrifying fire Unable to burn that space barrier.

Despite this, the space barrier was burned to a twist.

One can imagine how terrible the temperature is!

"Chiff chick."

The profound fire surged out, madly burning the surrounding void, and the void was burnt to be distorted. Everyone saw this scene, except for admiration.

The temperature of this flame is really terrible, as long as it is contaminated, it will be burned to ashes!

The people around them were fighting, and at this moment, Wang Yangxin and others looked towards Chu Qianye's direction.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Feeling a few malicious gazes, Chu Qianye's expression remained as usual.


A purple flame rushed out of Wang Yangxin's body frantically, like a giant dragon, surrounding his body, spinning at high speed, while the terrible temperature swept out in vain, heading towards Chu Qian. Ye rushed away, full of Wujin's killing and killing aura.

"this is……"

"Zilong Fenghuo!"

"The seventh profound fire on the profound fire list!"


Everyone turned their heads seemingly enlightened, and when everyone saw the soaring purple flame, they couldn't help taking a vicious breath.

Zilong Fenghuo, this is a profound fire with a fierce reputation, disappeared for so long, and now it reappears, unexpectedly falling into the hands of Wang Yangming!

Profound fire is not a common fire. Once the former master dies, it will become an unowned thing. People behind can compete for it, absorb and refine, help quickly control the profound fire, and use it for their own use.

"This profound fire is far above the Holy Flame of All Souls, at least in the previous life. I don't know if the Holy Flame of All Souls in this life can surpass the Purple Dragon Wind and Fire!"

"Zilong Fenghuo is said to have landed on the Profound Qi Continent with the vast power of the stars, and it lasted for a long time, and finally merged with the Purple Dragon on the Profound Qi Continent. The Zilong later left the Profound Qi Continent, leaving behind the Purple Fire. , So it is called Zilong Xuanhuo."

"More terrifying than Saint Yan of All Souls?"

"Well, very terrible profound fire."

While everyone was talking about it, Chu Qianye slowly raised his head, and his eyes shot out a cold radiant glow in vain. This radiant glow was like a cloud of fire, crazily vast in the sky and the earth, and the amazing energy was Roaring out, the kind of power formed between the world and the earth is quite tyrannical and domineering, and slammed into the four directions fiercely.


Two forces collide together instantly!

Before everyone woke up, the two flames corroded each other, burning the void and distorting it, while the fiery fire wave rushed away.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two unlucky alchemists next to them didn't wake up, and they were immediately knocked out by the violent profound fire. They clutched their chests, with an incredible look on their faces.

If it weren't because they had a mysterious fire body, I'm afraid the leaked mysterious fire would completely destroy them.

Everyone's expressions were startled. Obviously, they didn't expect that the flames shot from Chu Qianye's eyes would be so powerful that they would be able to make a tie with Wang Yangxin.

Wang Yangxin's face was rather ugly.

In his opinion, very few people in his Profound Fire were able to run down, including Wan Ling Sheng Yan!

It's a pity that Chu Qianye just shot a piece of the Holy Flame of All Souls, and actually knocked down his ultimate move?

And Chu Qianye didn't need to raise his head at all, he flicked his fingers, and countless levels of profound fire power instantly swept from his fingers, and then swept toward the mysterious fire that was raging around.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The few profound fires that rushed over were instantly crushed by the few flames shot by Chu Qianye's fingers, and also produced huge flames, rushing towards them.


At this time, those figures did not wake up at all, and they made screams one after another.

Chu Qianye's seemingly random flexing of his fingers was so powerful and domineering.

"No, the All-Spirit Sacred Yan that this kid has mastered seems to be very strong!"

An alchemist reacted immediately, and others seemed to feel it.

At this time, Wang Yangxin's face was dark.

"Come here!"

Cool `{craftsman h net`● only (一T:正#version 9", its c&other C{ are all pirated versions!.

Wang Yang gave a violent cry, his palm quickly formed seals, his breath rose up into the sky like lightning, and the surrounding energy quickly rushed towards him, gathering frantically, while some nearby mysterious fires It absorbs the past.

Seeing this scene, everyone was suddenly surprised secretly, with surprised expressions on their faces.

What kind of method is this, it is so terrible.

Everyone looked suspiciously in Wang Yangxin's direction.

"This is the Seal of Swallowing Heaven!"

Suddenly someone said in surprise.

"Uh, it's the ultimate move of the saints of the market? The handprint that once shined brightly, but later was easy to attract karma?" Someone suddenly woke up and asked.

"Yes, this is the seal!"


Everyone couldn't help but sucked in a vicious breath.

Everyone knows that if Wang Yangxin is desperate!

"Chiff chick."

The energy between the heavens and the earth, as well as the profound fire, swept towards Wang Yangxin's direction.

And the strange mudra on his hand exudes a dazzling light.

"Boy, let you know what fire control is today!" Wang Yangxin said coldly.

Endless power continued to rush towards Wang Yangxin's direction frantically, while the mysterious fire between heaven and earth frantically condensed towards his palm.

Soon after, the colorful flames burned, erupting into the heavens.

Everyone's eyes fixed on Wang Yangxin.

Tang Ying showed a faint smile.

As long as he can kill Chu Qianye, he can't wait to borrow his profound fire to Wang Yangxin.

"You should be honored to die under my seal of swallowing the sky!" Wang Yang smiled grimly.

Looking at Wang Yangxin's handprints, Chu Qianye suddenly showed a faint smile.

This seal is too far away from the Li family's ruler, Emperor Seal, not a tiny bit!

Thinking of Li Ling's advice, Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

Before, she was afraid that she would be troubled by the Li family, and asked him to display this seal after stepping into the celestial realm. Now that he has become a respected person, he can use those handprints with confidence and boldness!

"Really, that will also show you the real Swallowing Seal!"

Chu Qianye spit out lightly, the energy in the center of his eyebrows boiled, and the Lord's Seal appeared in his mind.

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