Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

: I want to talk to you about some things.

It has been nearly a year since Sword Spirit came to Cool Craftsman. From the first word to the current 2.36 million words, from Chapter 1 to the current chapter 1126, you have spent hundreds of days and nights with me. First bow and thank you all.

Regarding the update, Jian Ling has never neglected, and almost 5 chapters are updated every day, which is very difficult for a writer to do, and the writer has no holidays and is updated every day, every day!

Readers are the author's food and clothing parents, and Jianling is very grateful for your unblocking, rewarding and guarding.

Most readers read the book quietly, and I thank you very much.

Some readers occasionally talk nonsense, some readers scold rubbish, and some readers...

No one is perfect, and sword spirit is also a mortal body. Under the high-intensity update volume, it is normal that there are many typos and many nonsense. If every chapter and every plot is vivid and flawless, it is impossible, if possible. Two chapters a day, spend more time correcting typos and condensing the plot.

But after all, it is a web article. We are not writing a great book. We have to praise someone like a textbook, what spirit to promote, and what theme and central idea.

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As for the repetition or similarity, I have tried my best to control the writing, basically not more than three times. For example, alchemy has appeared twice last time, and this is the last time. What can be said to everyone is that all these plots are just for the purpose of gaining peerless virtual inflammation.

Anything can only be obtained through hard work and effort. I always believe that it is impossible to directly give the peerless virtual flame to the protagonist. It is impossible for the wind to get the wind or the rain to get the rain.

Therefore, I also hope that all book friends will take more care.


Also talk about topics other than novels.

Last month, a piece of soap joined the team, and we ranked very low, but the last time did not affect the author's annual meeting.

It is February, the last month of the annual meeting for authorship!

During the Spring Festival!

The amount of sword spirit update will not neglect everyone.

This month, the contention for the artifact value is actually the accumulation of rewards, protection and unblocking.

Our current ranking: 26

The next two books have been completed, and our ranking is actually third from the bottom!

Count down, count down!

It's uncomfortable, and I'm panicking!

Very unwilling!

This month, Jian Ling hopes that everyone can help compete for this list.

One reward and one guardian can be unblocked once.

Top 30 in the contribution list, top 30 in Devil Fruit!

These are two important data from the author's annual meeting.

Therefore, everyone rewards and guards, and the devil fruits produced are voted for the sword spirit, then the sword spirit will be on the list.

If the backstage accumulates 200 Yuan Jian Ling, add one more!

In the words of an e-commerce platform, it is: New Year's Day updates as usual and does not close.

Everyone, for our last point of pride and last point of dignity, please click "This book is participating in the battle of kings" at the bottom of the chapter to support the wave.

Thanks everyone!

I wish you all a happy new year, all the best, and your wishes come true!

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