Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1154: Condensed **** lines

This energy must be contested!

A flash of light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes, the palm of his hand quickly turned, a strange handprint was formed, a huge suction was formed, and the energy between heaven and earth rushed toward him as fast as lightning.

As for him, after taking a deep breath, his fingers moved quickly, forming a strange handprint, and rushing towards the void. The handprint suddenly turned into nothingness and appeared in Guan Qianshou. The sky above his head was actually an energy-intensive area, and the instant that Chu Qianye's void handprint appeared, he suddenly swept the endless void energy into his palm.


Endless energy, like a river of nine days, poured back frantically, the speed of that backflow was quite astonishing, and the speed was already in front of the eyes in the blink of an eye.


The emptiness of energy handprints suddenly grabbed a huge amount of energy in the palm of his hand. At this moment, countless energy bodies suddenly rushed straight in the direction where Chu Qianye was. The speed and whistle unexpectedly formed endless Energy liquid.

The Void palm grasped the energy in the palm and was about to leave, but Guan Qianshou gave a cold snort.

"Leave me!"

After the words were over, the flames of the sky swept towards the handprints of nothingness. The sky and the earth seemed to be dimmed at this moment. The handprints burst out with sordid light, shining with the sky and fighting with the earth. Bright and dazzling!

Chu Qianye's complexion was as usual, as if he had expected it earlier, he linked his five fingers, followed by another handprint, and another empty palm swept out, and then grabbed the energy of the other palm in his hand, and the mysterious fire swept across the sky. After that, the handprint was shattered, and before everyone woke up, that group of energy had already been caught in front of Chu Qianye.

The majestic energy surges, revealing a strong breath of power.


Under the shroud of powerful energy, rays of light rose up into the sky, sweeping away all that energy, and the energy between heaven and earth seemed to solidify at this moment, and all the energy almost remained still.


The energy swept toward the position of the mysterious pen, flashing with endless energy aura.

Guan Qianshou's face between the void suddenly became ugly, his Dan Thunder energy was actually taken by Chu Qianye, which made him very faceless, after all, no alchemist here robbed him. People with energy, only Chu Qianye did it.

Everyone looked strange.

Chu Qianye didn't care, and continued to use the profound pen to inscribe the invisible traces of the gods, through the void like moonlight, pouring little by little on the pill, and the pill was condensed by this energy and suddenly formed After a series of majestic energy bodies, they finally condense on the tip of the pen through the void and are engraved on the pill.

The third **** pattern didn't cost him too much time. After all, the power of this energy was completely enough for him to inscribe the **** pattern mark, so it didn't consume much energy.

And there is extra energy, enough for him to continue to inscribe more **** marks.


Above the void, the fifth thunder came as fast as lightning, and Guan Qianshou stared at Chu Qianye with a gloomy look, and finally had to give up taking action against Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

"The fourth **** pattern."

A ray of light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes, his fingers lightly moved, and the profound pen in his palm was under his control, continuing to engrave the fourth **** pattern.

Because of the majesty and vastness of energy, Chu Qianye's speed in engraving the gods was significantly increased. After the third gods were inscribed, the fourth gods were inscribed, and Guan Qianshou was still preparing to overcome the catastrophe. .

The other alchemists on the pill tower looked at the two of them.

Now on the Dan platform, the most dazzling people are nothing more than two people, one is Guan Qianshou who crossed the pill thunder in the void, and the other is Chu Qianye on the Dan platform. These two people have taken many people away. look.

Chu Qianye was attractive because he dared to take risks that ordinary people would not dare to take. It was extremely difficult to improve the elixir by engraving the gods. Each of the gods was equivalent to the elixir, which was extremely rare.

The fourth **** pattern, condensed!

The pupils of everyone's eyes suddenly shrank, and everyone understood how terrifying the meaning of these four gods was.

Once the marks of the gods are truly condensed, the energy emitted by them is extremely terrifying. It is a kind of fluctuations and ripples that can cause fear. This pill, although it has not been condensed, is equivalent to four The pill for tattooing!

Feeling this energy fluctuation, Guan Qianshou's face couldn't help but change slightly.

After all, this is just a **** pattern. If the pill pattern refined by Chu Qianye appears again, who can guarantee that the leader of this puppet is him? He can’t guarantee it, because he understands very well that the alchemists who can stand on this alchemy platform are by no means ordinary people. Maybe Chu Qianye can really survive the last round of high outbursts, so he will come to him. Said it is a huge potential threat.

Feeling this breath of power, Guan Qianshou's eyes flashed a trace of shadow.

‘After I cross this pill thunder, I will fight for your energy, destroy your pill, and crush your hope! ’

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Guan Qianshou took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked at the crimson thunder that gathered above the void. He spit out slowly, a strange light flashing across his eyes.

His eyes flickered.

Chu Qianye ignored the surroundings and continued to inscribe the fifth **** pattern.

This fifth **** pattern belongs to the more difficult **** pattern among the augmented **** patterns. It can be said to be a transitional **** pattern. If it is engraved well, the following **** patterns will become smoother, otherwise it will only be difficult to achieve. Adding to the difficulty, if there is no energy as a backing, the subsequent three **** patterns will be difficult to condense!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, then clenched his fist, exhaled lightly, staring at the void in front of him, revealing a faint smile.

Under the sun, he appeared so confident.


Chu Qianye no longer hesitated, the profound pen in his hand suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, and a strange noise was produced in the Danding, and the energy flowed like a river, and then swept into the Danding. .

Under the flow of energy, the pill exudes different rays of light, the energy roars vast, the fifth **** pattern pattern gradually appears, and the main pattern becomes more and more clear.

Under the influx of this majestic and magnificent energy, the fifth **** pattern completely appeared, and it appeared so dazzling and dazzling under the outline of his profound pen.


Under the impact of this energy, the **** pattern is completely shaped!

Chu Qianye didn't stand still, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he continued to draw the outline, engraving the main pattern around the pill, and the speed of this outline seemed to be slow but fast, with a sense of charm.


In the void, Guan Qianshou's fifth Dan Lei finally roared and chopped down in the direction where he was. Wherever he was, the void twisted, and the temperature soared.

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