Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1161: Tyrannical

Looking at Chu Qianye's posture, everyone quickly woke up and couldn't help but talk.

"Hey, this is the most kind alchemist I have ever seen."

"Look how."

At this moment, Chu Qianye greeted him with a touch of the sole of his foot and stared at the pill thunder. At this moment, he finally felt a huge oppressive force, surging from all around, and the world There is a feeling of dimming.


The horror and tyrannical power spread from the surroundings. The vastness of that power makes one's heart trembling. What an anti-the sky is this. Even though they did not come to the pill thunder in person, everyone still felt the incomparable oppressive force and power. The power of destruction is a feeling of killing everyone completely.

Chu Qianye stared at the violently plundered Dan Lei, his feet stepped out, and the power in his whole body suddenly whizzed out from his body, and his fist slammed toward the first Dan Lei.

The pupils of the crowd shrank suddenly.

Chu Qianye dared to resist the first pill thunder with his body, this kind of power gap was really terrifying.


The first Dan Lei was actually resisted by Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye didn't care, he hurriedly used his kung fu, stunned the world and swallowed the spirit of everything!

At this moment, his practice finally showed its advantages.

All the good fortune and energy rushed toward the area where he was, and was sucked into his body, and the alchemist under the alchemy platform, everyone looked at the direction where Chu Qianye was.

This is the first Dan Thunder, so no one fights for it.

However, Chu Qianye knew very clearly in his heart that this was only the first pill thunder, and the second pill thunder might not be like this. These guys will definitely take action when that happens.

Chu Qianye didn't care, and continued to absorb the energy of refining, but under the high-speed operation of his practice, those energy was absorbed into the body by his refining. As time passed, the absorption of refining became more and more. The coming is more and more obvious, and the pace is getting faster and faster.

A terrible energy aura surged in Chu Qianye's body.

Everyone's eyes shrank suddenly.

The alchemist of the Danta looked at the scene in front of him, and was suddenly surprised in his heart. They didn't expect that Chu Qianye would actually fight the first eight or nine pill thunders with his body.

This is an eight-nine thunderbolt, not an ordinary pill thunder!

And most importantly, Chu Qianye actually did it!

Everyone looked in the direction where Chu Qianye was, with an incredible touch on their faces.

They didn't understand how Chu Qianye did it.

"It's terrible this kind of power." The people looked at Chu Qianye's figure and thought to themselves.

The alchemists of the Pill Alchemy Guild and the Medicine League looked at Chu Qianye's figure at this time, and they were also secretly surprised. They did not expect Chu Qianye's martial arts to be so powerful.

"Damn fellow, this guy actually used his body to resist the eight or nine pill thunders. This is the first pill thunder. Compared with Guan Qianshou, the difference in this kind of strength is not a tiny bit."

"Damn it, let this guy get through the first Dan Thunder."

"Don't worry, he shouldn't be so easy on the second Dan Lei."


Everyone looked at the black-robed youth on the Dantai and talked a lot.

Chu Qianye didn't care. He continued to run the exercises in his body. He knew very well now that the energy between the heavens and the earth became more and more violent. This first pill thunder was just a test, and it really broke out completely. The power of Dan Lei should be after the second one!

Chu Qianye felt the impact of this power and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He now understands very well that he doesn't have much time to rest now, because this second pill will soon condense and land, and he had to refine and absorb this energy as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye took a deep breath and continued to activate the exercises in his body, refining and absorbing the surrounding energy.

At this time, the power of thunder on his head continued to roar, and the kung fu in the blink of an eye had already condensed into a large mass on the top of Chu Qianye's head, the red and black clouds, and the power of thunder, surged wildly But when it opened, a tyrannical aura of strength permeated, it was a very terrifying aura of oppression, and at the moment it enveloped it, Chu Qianye actually felt suffocated.

"What a terrible breath of power."

Everyone felt this sense of oppression, and raised their heads with a lingering expression on their faces. This kind of power gap is really too big, and if they don't have enough strength, they really can't handle it.

Time slipped between fingers quietly.

And Chu Qianye also completely refined and absorbed that energy.


At this moment, the void above the head suddenly surged with thunder, exuding a breath of terrifying power.

Chu Qianye slowly raised his head, staring at this second Dan Lei. He knew very well in his heart that the next Dan Lei would be quite terrifying. The breath of this power, even his pores began to relax. .


"This time Dan Lei is a little different."

"The master should be fine this time."

"of course."


Pharmaceutical Union.

"Such a domineering Dan Lei, I really don't want this kid to get through!"

"If he can resist this pill thunder with a physical body, I will just eat shit!"

At this time, the alchemist of the Medicine Alliance, everyone staring at Chu Qianye's figure, said coldly.


Alchemy Association.

"This kid shouldn't dare to resist the second eight or nine pill thunders with his physical body this time." Gu Wanhe said lightly.

"I feel so too."

"If this kid dared to resist the second pill thunder with his body, he would be a true passionate man!"


There was a lot of discussion among the kings of Dan.

And Fang Ge, Linxi and the others, at this time also looked curiously towards the void, and he was also very surprised. He didn't know what attitude Chu Qianye would use to cross this second eight-nine thunderbolt this time. of.




Everyone's eyes suddenly shrank, and everyone raised their heads and looked at the area where Chu Qianye was. They were suddenly dumbfounded, all frightened!

This time, Chu Qianye stepped out again, seeing the power of thunder that roared out again with a punch.

Seeing Chu Qianye's movements, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

This way of crossing the thunderstorm is really shocking, this way of crossing the thunderstorm is simply suicidal, the kind that does not consider the consequences.


It was another simple punch. This punch smashed the thunder into pieces. That kind of tyrannical force, just like how tyrannical your thunderous force is in front of me, after all, it is no match for me.

Thunder shattered!

When everyone looked at Chu Qianye's Du Danlei, they felt shocked in their hearts.

The alchemists of the Alchemy Guild never looked at the show anymore, as if the male duck was stuck with his neck, and he was very uncomfortable. They stared blankly in the direction where Chu Qianye was, with a shocked expression on their faces.

They didn't expect Chu Qianye's tyrannical way of crossing the thunderbolt, that he would dare to come again for the second time.

The same is true for the alchemists of Yaomeng.

And the alchemist of the Danta, everyone looked at the figure of the black-robed youth in the void, with a deep shock on their faces. They did not expect that Chu Qianye's strength could burst out so terrible. Amazing combat power!

This is the first time that they have witnessed such a tyrannical martial arts, especially for alchemists who have always had a powerful soul and a fragile martial arts!

》%Zheng 9 Version\\ First Release!

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