Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1181: Strong posture

Feeling Chu Qianye's terrifying power, everyone couldn't help but their eyes changed suddenly.

The killing aura that Chu Qianye burst out was quite terrifying, and that kind of power aura was quite chilling.

Guan Qianshou's face changed slightly.

Chu Qianye's sword intent was terrifying and murderous.

Just when he thought he was dead, Chu Qianye's battle sword never cut off his arm.


Guan Qianshou let out a scream.

"Take my sister to threaten me and break your arm!"

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Guan Qianshou raised his head and looked at Chu Qianye with blood-red eyes.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly.

"Even if you look at me like this, it's useless." Chu Qianye vomited again.

The war sword in the palm of his hand shook, the sword was like thunder, and it swept out frantically, towards the other arm of Guan Qianshou.

Guan Qianshou still tried to resist, but it was useless. Now he has his arm severed, and his strength has been greatly reduced. In addition, this is Chu Qianye's big killing game, in Chu Qianye's absolute domain. He is in a weak position.

"The previous verbal abuse will break your arm again!"

Chu Qianye spit out again, the words finished, the sword burst out again with a shocking sword light, and then cut off Guan Qianshou's other arm.

Guan Qianshou's face paled for a while.

At this moment, he finally understood the power of Jianzun.

"Hehe, I've long been interested in Qingyun Zhiyan, you still want to compete with me."

Chu Qianye vomited lightly, picked up his Universe Ring, and after erasing the brand, carefully checked the Naling Rings, and finally found the Flame of Blue Clouds in one of the Naling Rings.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.


Chu Qianye's heart moved.

Dudu then spit out the flame.

"Chiff chick."

All the clothes on Guan Qianshou's body were burned to ashes, and his hair became bald.

"Haha, I can only wrong you for the time being." Chu Qianye showed a faint smile, and then sealed his veins and gave him a **** pattern.

After carefully inspecting the universe, after finding the soul jade, Chu Qianye couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

After that, Chu Qianye locked Guan Qianshou in the Naling Ring and sealed his Naling Ring. Only his perception can enter the investigation, but Guan Qianshou's perception cannot leave the Naling Ring. Space, there is no free body in that space.

Chu Qianye then moved in his heart and asked Dudu to attack him, making a false impression, and then the Absolute Domain collapsed, while his face was pale, vomiting blood and retreated.

Everyone also saw a space wormhole.

It looked like Guan Qianshou had left with the help of the space wormhole.

Looking at the scene before them, everyone's faces were stunned.

Chu Qianye'unwillingly' looked at the direction of the space wormhole.

Yuan Xiong and Yao Wangui frowned.

In that space, they couldn't see anything at all, and didn't know what happened inside.

"Hey, you are lucky this time, and you won't be so easy to escape next time!" Chu Qianye looked at the location of the wormhole in the space and said'cruelly'.

Looking at this scene in front of them, everyone's faces showed a touch of surprise.

There is no way, the current situation is like this, Chu Qianye said nothing, and Bai Zizai showed a faint smile, he knew that the actual situation was definitely not like this.

"This pill meeting is completely over, please leave yourself." Bai Zizai said lightly.

Everyone was helpless, since Bai Zizai had said so, it didn't make sense for them to stay here, so they could only leave.

Yuan Xiong frowned.

"Oh by the way, the referee from Takeshi, please tell me, if that big man still holds on to the matter, then I will fight back in a jedi. Watch it yourself."

Seeing that the Wu Shi referee wanted to leave, Chu Qianye took a deep breath, sinking into his dantian, and spit out from his mouth.

The Wushi referee who was about to leave suddenly stiffened.

When everyone heard these words, there was a surprised expression on their faces.

The words Chu Qianye said, the attitude is very firm, and the stand seems very firm, it is really possible to fight back against Wushi.


The Wu Shi referee snorted coldly.

"I will tell!"

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

Wu Shi seems to be very firm now, but it will soon be shaken. After all, the big man took action against Chu Qianye, and Chu Qianye's strength is still improving. Now with the support of Emperor Mu Chen Dan, Wu Shi is very big, but After all, they just gained a foothold in the Sixteenth Wilderness, and they couldn't enter the place like the Four Great Realms.

But Emperor Dan kept his promise, if Wu Shi continued to besiege Chu Qianye and annoyed that big man, I am afraid that it would not be able to get the slightest benefit, and other senior officials in Wu Shi would definitely have to reconsider their position.

Chu Qianye had considerable self-confidence. After he learned about this incident, Wu Shi might have to think about strategic issues, regardless of whether Wu Shi moved his hands or not.

The logistics empire, coupled with the Xuanli Liquid, will soon be able to gain a foothold in the Sixteen Great Wildernesses. By then Takeshi will definitely know that their dominance is over, either they will stop or they will make life and death with him, both lose and die.

He believed that Wu Shi would be very smart and would inevitably make concessions.

Everyone was secretly surprised.

"Qianye, it's been half a month since I came out, it's time to go back."

At this moment, Linxi's body fell down.

"Linxi." He looked at Chu Qianye and said.

Chu Qianye looked at this person carefully.

This person is very energetic, and his identity must be extraordinary.

"Okay, thank you for standing on my side for this matter." Chu Qianye said.

Linxi shook his head lightly.

"Everyone will do this, and this is my business. This time I came with the mission of Emperor Muchen Pill. It is now complete. It's time to go back and return." Linxi said.

"The Sixteenth Wilderness is just a small place. When you have the opportunity to enter the four realms, you will understand. Only there is your place to take off."

Chu Qianye looked startled, then nodded lightly.

The place of those four realms, Chu Qianye is also itchy now. The Li family is also in the four realms. I don’t know which realm it is, but he understands that the Lin family is unique in that realm. From the last time the guards of the Li family went to the Lingxiao Palace, the identities of the area where these guys were should be very extraordinary.

"Okay, then I will retire first." Linxi said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Others left one after another, and the Danhui was about to end at this moment.


Bai Zizai said: "On the Soul Hunting Palace side, when you want to make a move, tell me that we have some strong people here to help you."

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. He didn't expect Dan Ta to be willing to help him. He thought that Bai Zizai would let him choose, or completely opposed to the Hunting Soul Palace, but Chu Qianye would also quit the Dan Ta, or just give up this idea. , Continue to stay in the pill tower as an alchemist.

Unexpectedly, this is not the case.

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