Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1203: Dudu guardian

Da Langbin opened his eyes and saw Chu Qianye's face, suddenly showing an expression of ecstasy.

"Sect Master, you finally woke up!"

Da Langbin said excitedly.

"Well, I'm awake." Chu Qianye nodded slightly and said, "I won't wake up again, I'm afraid I will disappoint many people."

Da Langbin nodded busy.

At this moment, Chu Qianye slowly raised his head and looked in the direction of the poisonous dragon, with an expression of interest on his face.

"Six-star Venerable." Chu Qianye vomited lightly: "It seems that your strength has also improved."

When Chu Qianye saw the martial arts cultivation level at a glance, Dulong couldn't help but frowned.

I don’t know why, he always feels that the strength of this kid in front of him is very strange, he can see through his strength cultivation, and through the message sent by his subordinates, this son also broke through the celestial realm not long ago, and took advantage of the momentum to become respected. The martial arts talent is indeed quite terrifying.

If this kid is not removed, given time, he will surely reach another world!

Such strength and such means completely exceeded his imagination.

"Hehe, even you can improve, why can't I improve?" Dulong asked.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly, but he didn't refute it.

He turned his head and looked in the direction where Kansai was.

Guanxi felt Chu Qianye's eyes and raised her head subconsciously.

When he saw Chu Qianye, his face suddenly showed a look of surprise. He had originally joined forces with Dulong to kill Chu Qianye, but he didn't expect this to be unsuccessful?

He frowned.

This is not good news. Chu Qianye stays one more day now, and his heart becomes more disturbed. He always feels that one day Chu Qianye will come to the door.

His guess is not unreasonable. Chu Qianye's talent is too strong. He possessed that terrifying courage and talent when he was in the extreme realm. Now, after obtaining two holy essence blood and fusion of three profound fires, he The strength is even more powerful, if it is not blocked, it will be quite terrifying, and this kind of strength gap will only get bigger and bigger.

Thinking of this possibility, Kansai took a deep breath.

I don’t know why, he always feels a very ominous premonition in his heart. Chu Qianye wakes up now and most likely has found a way to crack the formation, and if the formation is cracked, then he will join forces with the poisonous dragon. Really may not be his opponent, after all, when Chu Qianye was in the space of the Holy Flame of All Souls, but because of the strength of the pinnacle of the earth, he fought alone against eight of them, although they were all only beginners, but After all, that is also the venerable.

Now that Chu Qianye has entered the venerable, and is still a four-star venerable, isn't his strength even more enchanting?

With their strength, can they be their opponents?

He was really suspicious.

"Wu Cu, you have worked hard," Chu Qianye said.

Seeing that Chu Qianye had woken up, Wu Cu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Chu Qianye would not wake up, otherwise it would be the moment when they died, and it is very likely that the entire army would be wiped out.

Now, since Chu Qianye woke up, it would be easier to handle things, and things should not have such bad results.

Wu Cu shook his head lightly.

"Help me procrastinate for another three minutes." Chu Qianye said in a divine voice.

Wu Cu nodded slightly.

Chu Qianye turned his head to look at Da Langbin.

"Eat this pill." Chu Qianye said lightly, and took out a round pill, which was covered with eight pill patterns. The high level of the pill can be imagined, and it is bound to be on this profound energy continent. You are extremely rare and valuable!

Looking at the hesitation in Da Langbin's eyes, Chu Qianye said lightly: "Pills are expensive, brothers are priceless."

Hearing what Chu Qianye said, Da Langbin no longer hesitated, and took the pill from Chu Qianye's palm, then swallowed it, and quickly absorbed the refining.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, with his palm lying flat on his shoulders, and the mighty power of the stars spread into his body. Under the rapid surging, Da Langbin only felt that the pill in his body was astonishing. The speed melted and opened.

And his broken bones are recovering at an astonishing speed.

Da Langbin secretly sighed that the value of this pill was very high. After all, it was a nine-turn golden body pill with eight patterns, and it was normal to recover so quickly.

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Chu Qianye's heart moved, and he called the puppet out. Although the puppet's figure was broken, his aura of strength was not weak, and he stood in front of him.

"Lang Bin, help me protect the law again and give me three minutes." Chu Qianye said.

Da Langbin nodded slightly.

"Dudu, come out."

Chu Qianye spit out again.

When the voice was over, Dudu's figure flew out.

When Dudu's figure appeared in this space, a terrible temperature immediately surged away frantically, rising at an astonishing speed, and the fiery waves of fire boiled.

Everyone secretly raised their heads in surprise, and looked at Dudu who was standing on Chu Qianye's shoulders.

The beep at this moment caught everyone's attention.

"this is……"

"Fire Infant!"

In this space, most of them were knowledgeable people, and they quickly recognized the phantom standing on Chu Qianye's shoulders.

At this time, there was only a half-fist-sized beep, and he blinked curiously and looked at the surroundings, the pupils of the nine colors flickered, and then stretched out his little pink beep hands, making a gesture to hug.

Chu Qianye shook his head with a wry smile.

No way, it seems that Dudu's intelligence is still in the infant stage, and it must be treated with warmth.

Chu Qianye stretched out his finger, and Dudu held Chu Qianye's thumb and rubbed it affectionately.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked surprised, but it was more accidental. They knew the terrible fire infant very well, but the fire infant in front of them was so cute, which made many people a little unimaginable.


Dudu burst into joy, surrounded by Chu Qianye.

There was a surprised expression on everyone's face.

Dudu's appearance has transformed many people, especially women. There are two female warriors in Longmen. At this time, looking at Dudu on Chu Qianye's shoulders, there is a feeling of melting on his face.

"Dudu, I want to practice, don't let bad people approach me." Chu Qianye said, closing his eyes immediately.

Dudu seems to understand, with small hands on hips, dreadlocks on his head, and wearing a small belly, with a very serious attitude, this look makes many people show a knowing smile.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes after giving orders.

At this time, Da Langbin curiously looked at the toot on Chu Qianye's shoulder, secretly surprised.

Dudu turned his head and looked at Da Langbin. He didn't seem to feel his hostility, so he ignored him.

Looking at this little guy like this, Da Langbin suddenly smiled secretly.

This little guy is really stylish.

At this time, Dulong and Kansai both frowned.

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