Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1217: Recovery after the war


The energy of horror swept out instantly.

The tyrannical energy shook the void.

A huge sinkhole appeared, the size of two football fields.

Deep Baizhang!

Longmen reacted promptly, but even so, he was shocked by this terrible force to vomit blood.

After all, this is a six-star Venerable. The self-detonation of such a strong is extremely terrifying, and the combat power is swept out fiercely.

"Fortunately, we ran in time."

Da Langbin swallowed viciously.

If the reaction was slow, then this force would be enough to destroy them.

Chu Qianye stared at the tiankeng, secretly surprised. If it weren't for his sword gas mask, I'm afraid this self-detonation in Kansai would be affected. This kind of power is indeed terrifying.

Chu Qianye watched that all the ancient temples here were in ruins, and with a wave of his palm, a spatial wormhole appeared.

"Go, leave here quickly and see how the other branch halls are." Chu Qianye said, and everyone nodded.

On this day, the sub-halls of the Hunting Soul Palace were full of wars, and all of them were destroyed. The vitality of the Four Continents was greatly injured. It will be difficult to restore the peak and glory in at least a few years.

The people of Wuyu sighed in secret.

This action was not bad, helping Chu Qianye rescue while also weakening the strength of the Soul Hunting Palace. For a long time in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the people in the Soul Hunting Palace to return to their peak state.

"Thank you for your help. I have written down this kindness, Chu Qianye," Chu Qianye said with his hands.

"You are welcome. We will also benefit from helping you. At least for a long time in the future, the Soul Hunting Palace will not be so rampant." Mu Yi said: "Now the development of the Four Continents Wasteland, it seems that this has maintained a balance for so long. It has been broken by us, what plans does Young Master Chu have next?"

Naturally, Chu Qianye knew Mu Yi's intention to ask him this way. He just wanted to see how he could stabilize his strength on such a large territory, which was quite important.

However, his next development will naturally not be easily revealed to anyone, even the closest person around him, he did not say, because he has concerns, after all, the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty belongs to the place where the blood moon rules and dominates, and he Now I am going to the West Continent to develop. Although it is said that Yingyue Master is a sister relationship, this is a matter of principle after all, and the issue of camp will inevitably be involved.

The rulers of the Sixteenth Wilderness seem to be silent on the issues of disputes between many small forces and did not take part in it. It can be seen from the destruction of the Huo Family that there seems to be some agreement between these rulers.

What exactly is this agreement, now with your own strength, you should have no qualifications to know. After all, people who can reach this level must at least be in the Saint Realm to be qualified. For example, the Happy Saint, he has a relationship with the master. The agreement should be very clear.

Chu Qianye sighed secretly in her heart, her strength has already stepped into the Four-Star Venerable, and regular breakthroughs can no longer satisfy him. He must go through other ways. There are still three years before the appointment with the Li family!

This time span is not long, but not short!

"Three years." Chu Qianye took a deep breath.


Three years, it was just a handful of flicks. With his current strength, it seemed that he was not qualified enough to come to Li's house strongly.

Thinking of his agreement with Li Ling girl, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly flashed a glimmer of light.

No matter what the price is paid, and no matter how difficult the process is, he must take this step. Only in this way can he succeed, and only in this way can he rise. This is the era of heroes in troubled times!

"Let's take a step and take a look." Chu Qianye said, "You have to be more cautious after you go back. Everyone knows the style of the Soul Hunting Palace, which is very strange and varied. Maybe it will give us a sigh of relief. It’s a fatal blow. So, I suggest that you get a good breath after you go back and build a large formation, and there are no less than two. Only the real core talent knows the position of the formation, and you must make tiger charms or tokens, only tiger charms and The token can only use the formation method. If the Soul Hunting Palace takes action at that time, other alliance members will definitely send strong supporters."

"Agree." Mu Yi said.

"Yes." The Tujia nodded.

"That's right." The Shui Family replied.


Now they admire Chu Qianye. At this age when they are still in the extreme martial art, he has broken through the celestial realm, and has become a master of martial arts, and now he has cleared the soul hunting hall by powerful means. The branch hall of the temple, this kind of skill they think they don't have, they didn't have it in the past, and they may not have it in the future.

So Chu Qianye is the invisible leader of this alliance.

It’s not that what Chu Qianye said is what he said, but that he was thoughtful and safe, and they didn’t need to be so nervous about following this type of person. They were a little bit hesitant before taking action this time, but Chu Qianye said those action plans. Including the staffing, it seems that it is really difficult to pick out the fault, but from this operation, it is really successful, and there is no way to help each other between the several branch halls, which cancels the linkage of the soul hunting hall. Execution ability.

Therefore, such talents, they all understand that this is extremely difficult to do.

The restoration plan after this kind of action is indeed very beneficial, so they all nodded and agreed to the plan.

A hint of surprise flashed across Mu Yi's eyes.

"It seems that Big Brother is right, this son does have the style of a strong man."

Seeing that Chu Qianye quickly got rid of his problem, and then made arrangements from the standpoint of everyone, this kind of thought and reaction ability is indeed extraordinary that ordinary people can compare.

It seemed that Chu Qianye didn't want to let herself know his next plan.

How clever Mu Yi is, he can guess his mind only through Chu Qianye's words.

"Okay, then let's separate." Mu Yi said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Immediately with a big wave, the flying boats swept out one after another, and countless figures swept in towards the flying boat, and soon disappeared from the sky.


Seeing that everyone was almost leaving, Chu Qianye immediately waved his palm, and the flying boat appeared, and then swept towards the flying boat, and the dragon gate crowd swept towards the flying boat one after another.

This time, Longmen lost 30 people and countless injured. At least a hundred people were injured, but this casualty was within its capacity.

However, the strength of Longmen has improved rapidly since the development of Longmen, and the losses are all the elites of Longmen. This is the warrior that they have spent a lot of resources and time and energy to cultivate.

After these people died, Longmen had to arrange people to visit the family of the deceased to give condolences and give corresponding compensation. After all, these people had followed their own warfare, and they could not let them die meaningless. The family would give cultivation resources, if it was an ordinary family. , At least let them worry about food and clothing.

Make a plan after going back.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

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