Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1221: Linked formation

Everyone discussed it like this, and the total number of names proposed was twenty, but no more than four left an impression in Chu Qianye's mind, and Chu Qianye was thinking about it herself.

Everyone seemed to feel tired too, and after racking their brains for a long time, they didn't come up with any tricks.

"Or is it called Tongbaoxing?" Zhang Tianqi said.

When everyone heard this name, their eyes suddenly lit up.

The same is true for Chu Qianye.

Since it is selling natural materials and treasures, and Longmen will carry the circulation of these cultivation resources in the future, Tongbaoxing may be good, as it has both treasures and circulation.

The name mentioned by Zhang Tianqi seems to contain two levels of meaning in it. It is Tongbaoxing. No matter how you pronounce the name, it feels meaningful, and it also has a circulation effect. If this thing really falls, the name will be very good at that time. It will be remembered soon, after all, it is very vivid.

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly admired secretly.

"Sister-in-law is still great," said Third Brother Zhao.

"That's right, I think this name is pretty daring." Yang Donglai echoed.

"Hey, I won't flatter, I think the name is pretty good." Long Jin smiled.

"The one who is going to your uncle is, who is flattering!" Zhao Sange and Yang Donglai immediately angered.

Long Jin smiled and said nothing.

Others also smiled knowingly.

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"Qianye, just this name, I think it's pretty good." Ba Tian also said.

Chu Qianye sighed secretly in her heart. Zhang Tianqi should have already thought of something, but because she was by her side and needed to take into account his feelings, she didn't say it when Chu Qianye didn't say the name to be collected. , Until I saw that everyone couldn't think of a good name.

This is a very good name, so use Tongbaohang as the title. When it starts, it will be easy for people to remember. Moreover, the model Chu Qianye said is simply not available to many people. What kind of medicine? Almost none, Danxing, and the giants selling profound soldiers are so powerful. The plan proposed by Chu Qianye is very good. It has almost done what others can’t and can do. If this Tongbaoxing is Being able to land completely, coupled with the names of Xuan Liye and Chu Qianye, this Tongbaohang can definitely rise up, and it will soon be known by this name.

"Boss, you should already have an idea now." Zhao Sange asked.

Hearing this sentence, other people also showed curious expressions. Everyone wanted to know how this should be achieved. After all, space wormholes can't do it, teleportation array can't do it, they care about Chu Qianye in the end. How did it do it.

"Haha, it's very simple. You should have also entered that space before. It is a transit point. Every sixteen great deserts has a commissioner responsible for the docking. For example, the South Continent is in charge of the Great Wilderness, and the Heaven Splitting God is in charge of the Overlord. The things from the Great Continent need to circulate to the Heaven Splitting God Wilderness, Yang Donglai can just hand the things to the Ba Tian, ​​and then the Tyrant can get the Heaven Splitting God Wilderness. The circulation can be realized here, and my strength will increase in the future. The six linked formations, you should have heard of the two-way formation and the one-way formation. It will be more convenient and quicker at that time." Chu Qianye said:

"But at this stage I don't have a clue yet, so in the early stage, a commissioner may be needed to transition, select 28 energetic warriors, and they will be responsible for completing this matter."

Everyone was secretly surprised, they had never thought of such a thing.

"In other words, which space is the key to completing this plan?" Ba Tian asked.

Of course he knew that space. When those guys in Dongyun Pavilion chased him down, he was hiding in that space. If it weren’t for Chu Qianye’s appearance, I’m afraid that he really had nowhere to escape and could only follow Those subordinates of Dongyun Pavilion desperately worked hard.

After that incident, he always felt very weird. In his subconscious, it is impossible for any strong person to use that method to form an independent space to hide.

Therefore, he had been thinking about this matter, if it hadn't been because he understood that every warrior had his own secret, he would have asked this question long ago.

When Chu Qianye talked about this now, he finally understood it.

It turns out that this is no secret anymore. Everyone sitting here emotionally has entered that space.

However, if it can really do what Chu Qianye said, then it is definitely a terrifying existence. What an enchanting thing is that heaven, material and earth treasures flow in the Sixteen Wildernesses!

Think carefully!

If it really flows completely, it is definitely a very powerful method. Takeshi simply cannot do this. At that time, people in the Four Continents and Five Regions will be eager to buy things from the Three Heavens and enter the Three Heavens. People also hope that their race can rise, for fear of no successor.

At that time, many people's dependence on Tongbaoxing can be imagined, and there will be more and more people rushing to it. This is very impressive data!

Unexpectedly, before I knew it, the space I had previously overlooked could become a top-secret artifact of Longmen, and Chu Qianye had a chance to win back a round with the help of this space. When the time comes, the high-level Wu Shi Martial artist, I'm afraid that you have to think twice about doing things. After all, Tongbaohang is really getting bigger, and then many people are unwilling to see what is good or bad about Longmen, otherwise it would be quite terrible to cause group anger.

Thinking of this possibility, Ba Tian understood how big Chu Qianye's layout was. He had never understood Chu Qianye's layout until the other party said it.

Not only did he have such thoughts, people like Sange Zhao and Yang Donglai had followed Chu Qianye for the longest time, but they also couldn't understand what Chu Qianye did, so this kind of thing was very scary.

For example, the most terrifying thing is the two-way formation. If Chu Qianye really realizes the formation linkage, it will be terrible. Then there will be no people at all. As long as you put things in the formation, the formation will be Automatic transmission to the other side, this two-way linkage formation, if it can solve the collision problem that may exist in the circulation process, it will be perfect.

However, this kind of thing should not be difficult to solve. For example, it can be solved by establishing more formations. By cooperating in two ways, it can become a perfect loop, and the speed is also very fast.

Therefore, this is not difficult, as long as it can be controlled well.

"Qianye, have you ever considered that this is a very coveted treasure. Once it is known, troubles and killings will continue." Ba Tian said with some worry.

Chu Qianye naturally knew this problem, but it was inevitable.

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