Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1223: Buy land

He is very confident of this kind of strength improvement.

That bronze sacred tree, and the other cultivation resources he still has, there is nothing wrong with breaking the deity and becoming the holy, at least in his opinion, that is, the process of becoming holy has to constantly break through and consolidate. Breakthrough and then consolidate, this is very time-consuming.

Of course, he doesn't need to worry about this kind of problem, because his current strength can be improved. First, the secret space, plus the bronze sacred tree, this kind of cultivation resource is completely enough for him.

"Li Family!" Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

Thinking of the previous humiliation in the Chiyun Dynasty, Chu Qianye's palm in his sleeves shook fiercely, and even his nails were embedded in his palms. The Li family was also in exactly the same genre as Wu Shi. On the one hand, it was radical and radical. The aspect is conservative, completely bipolar.

If such big sects and big forces cannot be unified, the situation is quite complicated, and the more complicated the situation, the more simple means and strategies are needed to solve it.

No matter how powerful your Li family is, you can break the ten thousand magic with one sword!

At that time, I have to see who can stop me?

Chu Qianye raised his head and immediately went to find Lord Yingyue. In the end, she still needs her help in this land acquisition, and she also needs her to come forward on the South Continent Wilderness. After all, his current approach is to compete with the master for cultivation resources. Therefore, it is still necessary to explain the situation clearly. There is also an agreement between Takeshi and the master, so this profit sharing is difficult to avoid.

"You go to Zhao Wanjun."

Chu Qianye was about to enter the cave, when Yingyue's master's voice resounded in his mind.

Upon hearing this, Chu Qianye was secretly horrified.

Is this the means of dominance?

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Before he spoke, the other party already knew his intentions?

So what else can you hide from her?

Dominate, terrible!

"You have my token on your body, and I can naturally hear your voice." Lord Yingyue's voice resounded again.

Chu Qianye suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment. If Yingyue Master knew what he was going to do before he even spoke, it would be really scary, it was simply a roundworm in his stomach.

"Also, you don't have to worry about the Tianxuan Gate. Our masters generally don't take action easily, unless it is a last resort. After all, our upcoming life and death catastrophe, no one is willing to increase killing and karma at this time. Yes, that will only make the situation more complicated." Yingyue Master said lightly.

Hearing this, Chu Qianye was suddenly relieved.

This is naturally the best, after all, the dominance is too strong, and he can't afford to shoot casually.

"But you have to understand a truth. The strong people on the Profound Qi Continent are respected. Even if the master can't make a move, there are still many Keqings under him. They are all very powerful. Anyone who comes out alone will make you a headache. Moreover, once you dominate, Once the catastrophe is over, the previous holidays will inevitably be liquidated. Regarding the issue of the Sky Profound Gate, I hope you will deal with it as coldly as possible. You will first contain the Martial City and let the Martial City be in chaos. Then the person will have to consider taking back the previous pursuit. Order." Yingyue Dominator said lightly.

Chu Qianye was quite astonished. The tone of the person mentioned by Lord Yingyue seemed a bit weird. I don't know what the identity of that person really is, and that Lord Yingyue had such a weird tone.

Worth it!

Chu Qianye didn't think much anymore, and left here quickly, and quickly found Zhao Wanjun. It was obvious that she had also been informed by Lord Yingyue in advance, so she didn't ask much about this issue.

"Four-star Venerable." Zhao Wanjun's eyes flickered, and he said in surprise: "Mr. Chu, your martial arts cultivation level ascended is really shocking, and I have never seen such a rapid increase in strength. You are one of them."

Chu Qianye looked at Zhao Wanjun and shook his head gently.

"You should be about to step into the sixth stage of the celestial realm now, and you should not be far from enlightenment and respect. With your current talent, you should be about to enter the respect soon." Chu Qianye said.

"Let you auspicious words, I hope so." Hearing Chu Qianye's words, Zhao Wanjun's eyes suddenly flashed lonely.

When Chu Qianye went to the Ten Thousand Spirit Sacred Flame Space with her last time, her strength was only the pinnacle of the extreme earth realm. She didn't expect that she was already a four-star Venerable now. Such a power gap made her very embarrassed.

Sometimes, talent is really important, although perseverance is also not available, but talent is excellent, and it is really easy to improve strength. At this point, Chu Qianye already felt its importance.

Soon this thing was done. Xizhou City won the most prosperous area, right across the city. This kind of thing should have been specially arranged by the master of Yingyue. After all, it can take advantage of the fact that the other party is famous and follow the famous. , This is not uncommon.

"As for Nanzhou City, you need to greet the people over there by yourself." Zhao Wanjun said.

"Thank you Miss Zhao." Chu Qianye responded, and after he finished speaking, he saluted the other party. With a wave of his palm, a spatial wormhole appeared.

As soon as Chu Qianye moved his body, he stepped into the space wormhole, and as the wormhole closed, his figure disappeared before his eyes.

Seeing that Chu Qianye was able to open up a spatial wormhole at his fingertips, Zhao Wanjun's eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of light.

When can I have this kind of strength?

She had longed for this kind of strength for a long time, and hoped that she had this kind of strength, but it was counterproductive. She did not have this kind of strength at all now. The kind of powerful aura that radiated from her gestures had nothing to do with her.

"The Great South Continent."

After Chu Qianye entered the flying boat, he immediately sealed the seal and entered the secret space.

He is considering the next layout. Now he needs to quickly create Tongbaohang. Only Tongbaohang can compete with Wushi, and only in this way can he completely contain Wushi.

Tianxuanmen definitely wanted to make a move, and he had to resolutely take a series of counterattacks before they made a move, shocking the high-level Wushi, so that he could stop the high-level Wushi.

However, this method is only second, the most important thing is to improve one's martial arts cultivation level, only in this way can he cope with the next possible encounters and fights.

After Chu Qianye took a deep breath, he closed his eyes and entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness, absorbing the natural gas around the bronze sacred tree in the form of a spirit body.

This sacred tree, he still hasn’t figured out why it produces such a vast star power. This is certainly a good thing, but if he doesn’t know the reason, he still feels a little unstable, always feeling that something is going to happen. of.

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