Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1227: The woman who sleeps to the dead

In Chu Qianye’s mind, the Taoxin dossier that emerged was the concrete and abstract of martial arts. To put it bluntly, it was the form of power. It was very obscure and difficult to understand, but each transformation was so relevant and rigorous that it seemed not. The slightest omission.

In this case, he really met for the first time.

Dao begets one, one life is two, two begets three...everything bears Yin and Yang...

In Chu Qianye's mind, there were scenes of concrete scenes. In these scenes, the yin and yang poles, including all the energy forms of martial arts, all things are constantly evolving in his mind, and each has its own morality. , From conception to birth, then from birth to growth, twilight to destruction, it repeats and evolves continuously.

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In this picture, Chu Qianye saw many things. He had never had an experience before. He seemed to be a bystander, quietly watching these things appear and destroy, watching these things go round and round. Repeat, possess an indestructible will.

In front of the penthouse Xuanxie, Chu Qianye closed his eyes and focused, his mind kept flashing through those fragments, his body exuded a faint charm, and the surrounding everything was clear in his heart.

This silence passed for a long time, maybe one day, maybe two days, Chu Qianye found the ultimate peace in his heart, which he had never felt before.

From Chishui Junguo to the current Sixteen Great Wilderness, he has never stopped fighting. In this highly tense state, he has never had such a quiet moment, so the pictures flashing in his mind, give He brings an extremely powerful sense of visual impact, and his Dao Heart is constantly improving.

However, this kind of Dao Xin perception did not improve his martial arts cultivation level. It was only an improvement in Dao Xin. And this Dao Xin improvement is not in the martial arts cultivation level, but lies in the perception of the martial arts, so that his own The mood becomes richer and calmer, just like adding something to the vacant house, perhaps just decoration, but inadvertently embellished, making life and martial arts pursuits more meaningful and more self-confident.

Therefore, this feeling is extremely different to him.

This state of Chu Qianye has been maintained.

Everything seems to have nothing to do with him. At this moment, he is a passer-by, watching all the creatures, blooming and withering, and then from withering to turning into dust and nutrients, and then being absorbed by the creatures, and then blooming and withering again.

Every life has its own destiny.

Every life has its own reincarnation.

Every life has a part of everything.



At this moment, Chu Qianye seemed to have some enlightenment, his mind was silent, his soul felt joy, his soul felt boiling...

Chu Qianye shook his palm abruptly, and something was immediately held in his hand.

Indestructible, everything seems to be extinct, but it is not so, but it appears in another form. This form may be abstract or concrete, but no matter what form it is, it is just this It's just another extension of the living body.

Chu Qianye didn't know how long he kept in this state. When his eyes suddenly opened, his body exuded a sense of indescribable charm.

"You finally woke up." The Blood Moon Dominator said lightly: "Congratulations Daoxing takes it to the next level."

"Thank you." Chu Qianye said sincerely: "Your Dao Xin dossier touches me the most. If there is no such dossier, maybe I might not know that there is such a deep level."

"It's okay, you've been here for three days." The Blood Moon Lord said lightly: "I'll tell you something. The Sky Profound Gate should have taken action. Yesterday their people just arrived in the Four Continents Wilderness. What are their current trends? I don't know, but the person who came is not good, you can solve it yourself."

Chu Qianye couldn't help but be surprised secretly in her heart. These guys are really good enough. He didn't expect to come so fast. He knew that these guys would definitely come before, but he didn't expect them to come so fast.

Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come!

The high-level Wu Shi didn't seem to be idle either.

"The Tianxuanmen leading the team this time is Bai Yueji. This woman is relatively dark, uses beauty tricks, and cultivates a charm. You need to be careful. She once slept with thirty Venerables and two Saints. Although the methods are not very bright, the scheming is very terrible. You are often fooled by him inadvertently. It is better to be more cautious." The Blood Moon Lord said lightly.

Upon hearing these words, Chu Qianye suddenly showed a look of surprise.

He had seen Mei Gong. During the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, a female disciple of Scarlet Cloud Sect had practiced this kind of exercise. It was really terrifying, and her words and demeanor could play a deceptive role.

Such a number is indeed huge. Thirty sages and two saints died of sleep. Chu Qianye felt terrible even thinking about it with such energy. He actually wanted to know how this could be done.

"You don't have to be surprised. Meigong is originally a kind of evil skill. As long as it is a beauty, and with the addition of Meigong, few men can control it, and it is bound to be deceived by it." The Blood Moon Lord said lightly: "Although the method is a bit despicable, the effect is very obvious. If you are deceived by it, you may become one of them."

Chu Qianye couldn't help but squeezed his sweat secretly, the Blood Moon Lord was embarrassed by the wording.

The Blood Moon Master doesn’t know if she has broken her body. With her appearance, it’s impossible to be without a man’s heart. Before she became a master, at least a lot of men were pursuing her. After all, Shuangxiu could indeed improve martial arts cultivation. Therefore, some people are willing to choose a spouse for double repair.

The current blood moon ruler may be in a high position and he is the overlord of one party. Many men dare not have this indiscriminate idea, but other male rulers must have ideas, but this kind of thing involving other people’s private affairs, Chu Qianye did not ask.

"Of course, you can't underestimate this woman." The Blood Moon Lord said lightly: "When she entered the Four-Walk Wilderness, her strength was about the same as yours. Now that after so many years, her current strength has probably improved even higher. Right."

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and she secretly remembered this woman in her heart.

"The Soul Hunting Palace is already badly damaged. It's not enough to be afraid. You should put your current mind on your Tongbao line. This is a good way to enhance your power and strength. After you first see the scale, you can enter the three-day gods. To develop, the Five Domains and the Four Continents Wilderness are no longer suitable for you. However, you need to be careful with the power of the Three Heavens Divine Wilderness all over the Soul Hunting Palace." The Blood Moon Lord said lightly, "Go, look forward to the next time. meet."

After the words were over, the figure of the blood moon ruler had disappeared before his eyes.

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