Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1242: Break through barriers

Everyone's breathing was slightly stagnant, their smiles solidified, and disappeared completely!

At this moment, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

The gap between them and Tongbaohang is too great, completely beyond everyone's imagination.

"This gap is too big."

"Maybe it's the reason for the first baby, but not necessarily for the next baby."

Everyone in Wushi in the corner talked.

However, as soon as their voices fell, the second item began to bid again.

The things this time are also strange, but the price of the auction has surprised them. It is not as bad as they thought, but rather terrifying, twice as much as their Takeshi!


The third baby, the bid price once again made them difficult to breathe.

"how can that be?!"

"Hey, this Tongbaohang is really going to rise up. Our previous competitors are not as powerful as it is."

"This matter, you have to let Blackfaced God know about it."


Xiao Wu's face was dark, and it was also difficult for him to accept this fact.

"I want to circulate my baby."

Suddenly, when the fourth item was auctioned, someone spoke up.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Then, now we will seal your treasure in the Universe Ring, in order to show our efficiency, now please put some of your personal objects into the Universe Ring, in order to show our efficiency, we will open your universe Quit, but in order to thank you for your support to our Tongbaohang, we will give this treasure to you for free this time. Do you think this works?" Chu Qianye asked.

The man was blinded immediately.

Originally, he spent a hundred million merit points, but Chu Qianye actually gave him this treasure of heaven and earth for free to show their efficiency?

This is simply a big pie from the sky!

So when he heard Chu Qianye say this, he was obviously taken aback.

The others were naturally stunned.

"Made, it's posted, such a wonderful treasure!"


"Why doesn't this kind of thing happen to me?"


At this time, everyone whispered and said.

The man nodded slightly.

Chu Qianye motioned him to put other objects into an empty universe ring.

"There is nothing in this Qiankun ring. Now I want to put in this treasure of our Tongbaohang, please take out some of your personal belongings," Chu Qianye said.

The man hesitated for a while, and finally took out his belongings.

"Now, in front of everyone, I put these objects that belong to you on the profound stone, so that everyone can see clearly." Chu Qianye said, and then placed three things on the profound stone with a ray of light. It flickered, and everyone could clearly see the object reflected by the Celestial Profound Stone.

"Now I put these three things back into the Universe Ring."

Immediately seal the seal and seal the Qiankun ring.

Then it was handed over to another elite of Longmen, and he hurried away with something.

"The master, the things have been delivered."

After a long time, a voice suddenly appeared in Chu Qianye's mind.

When Chu Qianye heard these words, a faint smile suddenly appeared on his face.

It was finally delivered so quickly, which is really fast.

Takeshi high-rise in the corner.

"This kid is fooling around. The Sixteen Great Wilderness, not to mention, even the formation of the Five Regions cannot eliminate this barrier. It will take at least half a day, and the Four Continents will take no less than two days, unless It’s the master, and perhaps that kind of magical means."

"Well, I also think this kid is exaggerated, and it should not be true."

"People nowadays, in order to be famous, they really do not hesitate to pay."


The senior officials of Wu Shi looked at Chu Qianye on the bidding stage and shook his head unconsciously. Even Xiao Wu, who had always been calm, felt that Chu Qianye's words were too exaggerated.

Chu Qianye seemed to know that many people were skeptical of this, but Chu Qianye didn't care.

He looked around and said lightly: "The things have been delivered, now please look at the Sky Profound Stone!"

After Chu Qianye finished speaking, he sealed the seal, activated the formation on the Profound Sky Stone, and the light shone, and then a little bit of clarity in the Profound Sky Stone, and on the other side of the Profound Sky Stone, it turned out to be Nanzhou City!

"The picture that everyone sees now is Nanzhou City, this gate, and the imperial forest army in Nanzhou City, I think you should understand, and what you are going to show now is the Universe Ring!" Chu Qianye said.

The figure over there, after a pause, immediately opened the seal of the Universe Ring, and the objects inside appeared as many treasures as heaven, material and earth!

"In order to prove that what I said is true, I will continue to circulate things to Nanzhou City now." Chu Qianye said, "Please cooperate with a few people and take out your own objects. It is best to be able to inscribe them."

Many people are very interested in this, and they all want to know whether it is really as mysterious as Chu Qianye said.

Chu Qianye put the things into the Qiankun Ring separately, and then they were taken away.

The people over there quickly released the seal, then took out the objects from the Qiankun Ring, and then inscribed text on the objects, and then appeared at the Xizhou City Tongbaohang auction.

Looking at the things in the Profound Sky, everyone was speechless in shock.

At this moment, those high-level officials in Wushi were extremely ugly, because they all understood that Tongbaohang was very likely to break through the barriers, which would have a great impact on their Wushi and even other rare Profound Qi mainland industries.

This is not a good sign, because they all understand that if the barrier is broken, the situation of taking the overlord of Takeshi will be gone forever, and this is a fatal blow to Takeshi.

So people who hear this sentence understand the importance of things.

If it can be realized, then the Profound Qi Continent in the future will undergo an earth-shaking change as a result. It is something that the previous ruler could not do, the blueprint that the Wushi can’t achieve, Chu Qianye, Tongbaohang, all It can be done!

Therefore, everyone was surprised to hear this news.

The top management of Wushi was shocked!

Many sect forces are shocked!

At this moment, everyone's hearts were boiling.

If this is the case, then the future Profound Qi Continent may really break the trading barriers, and the existing Wushi will face huge crises and challenges.

The so-called one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, this may be the competition between Tongbaohang and Wushi.

At this moment, everyone felt quite shocked.

All of this, Chu Qianye and even everyone in Longmen were watching.

The warriors of Longmen felt extremely excited at this moment, which means they succeeded.

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