Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1249: Take advantage of

This kind of preaching is meaningful. After all, he is a human first, and then he can become a saint. Otherwise, he will lose his humanity when he becomes a saint. What is a saint? For whose holy?

As the saint of the human race, this is the saint!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, quickly closed his eyes, and continued to float in his mind the way he had understood in his previous life.

In the previous life, he was the emperor of the ages, and he had understood a lot of skills. These skills were basically borrowing, but it was different from borrowing, and the resulting strength gap was also very wide.

Borrowing power is a relatively low-level thing, but it is much more powerful than general martial arts and exercises, so his previous life skills are indeed a good method for him now.

"The Fury of the God River."

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

His extraordinary swordsmanship has never improved since passing on from his previous life.

After extraordinary swordsmanship, that is the sanctification of nothingness.

This entry into the sacred is not that the other enters the sacred, but the proficiency in controlling the mysterious soldiers, which surpasses the transcendent realm, and the swordsmanship reaches the transcendent realm. This is the Holy Sword.

The Holy Sword Dao is more terrifying than the Extraordinary Sword Dao, and the strength is also extremely terrifying. So far, only one person has reached this Profound Qi Continent, and that person has been dead for many years, completely annihilated on this Profound Qi Continent.

Now that so many years have passed, no one has ever stepped on this holy sword.

In the Sixteen Great Wilds, only five people stepped into the extraordinary swordsmanship, as for that holy swordsmanship, no one has reached it, and even the slightest shadow has not been seen.

Therefore, Chu Qianye of this kind of kendo can only look at the chance now. If the chance comes, it is very likely that he will realize it instantly and gain the strength of the holy sword.

Some things are like this, the more you desire, the more difficult it is to obtain, but the more you desire, the easier it is to reach this state.

Extraordinary Sword Dao is already considered a very high existence for the people of Profound Qi Continent, so no one dares to imagine it. After all, this kind of thing is really hard to say.

‘It seems that I can only do whatever it takes. ’

Chu Qianye smiled bitterly and shook his head and said.

However, the Wrath of the God River is a very good way to take advantage of the situation. He was in front of the God River, watching the God River roar, and finally realized this skill.

No matter what kind of attack, as long as it is regarded as the wrath of the gods, then you can obtain the power of the divine way, and completely integrate these divine powers into your own body, thereby improving your own strength. This is to take advantage of the situation.

Or there is another possibility that to dissolve other people's attack methods into one's own power is also a borrowing, and this kind of borrowing is also very terrifying, and if the fighting power breaks out, it can reach a very terrible situation.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye closed his eyes, carefully felt the power in his body roaring away in his body, and carefully felt the power rotation corners.

It’s more difficult to practice “Kami River’s Fury”. You have to comprehend it first, and this comprehension must be combined with martial arts, such as the breath of power, the shape of power, the strength of power, etc. These are all powers, so they are especially important. .

Feeling this breath of power, Chu Qianye closed his eyes again.


"Sure enough, there are strengths and weaknesses."

The breath of power flowing in the body allowed him to gradually control this power.


Chu Qianye's heart moved, and Dudu jumped out of his body, surrounded him, stretched out pink palms, and asked him for a hug.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qianye couldn't help but smile.

This little guy seems to be more and more wise now, knowing how to ask him for a hug.

Chu Qianye had no choice but to stretch out his thumb first, let Dudu hug, and babbled in his mouth, with a satisfied expression on his small face.

"Okay Dudu." Chu Qianye said, "You attack me now!"

Dudu burst into tears when he heard these words.

Chu Qianye: "..."

Speechless, this little guy is really getting more and more difficult to fool now. You have to communicate with it well, otherwise you really can’t go on. After all, the little guy was born after fusing the three types of profound fires. People are so worldly, and they are still in a state of ignorance of the Profound Qi Continent, and they don't know much about many things.

That's why this scene happened.

For Dudu, he is his parent, let him attack him, how can he accept it?

So babbling and crying is normal.

"Okay Dudu, I asked you to attack me, hoping to improve my strength, so as not to be bullied and protect Dudu." Chu Qianye said like a child.

Hearing the sound, Dudu suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment.

"Eh, oh!" Dudu said.

Although Chu Qianye didn't know what it meant, he could still hear the intention of this little guy.

"Now attack me, fast first and slow later," Chu Qianye said.

Dudu gripped his palm, and a flame war sword that was exactly the same as Chu Qianye appeared in its hand, carefully distinguishing it, isn't it a shadow sword?

Ha, this little guy is really good enough to imitate his mysterious soldier.

"Okay, attack me now," Chu Qianye said.

Dudu held the war sword and slashed out a sword towards Chu Qianye. The flames filled the sky and filled the world.

Chu Qianye began to perceive, staring at the flame war sword.

"Chiff chick."

The sword aura formed by the flames was very terrifying, and it was constantly vast between the heavens and the earth. The astonishing power aura and the trajectory of the power riot seemed to be understood by Chu Qianye.


Chu Qianye snorted, holding his breath, continuing to stare at the Dudu war sword, and patted out his palm.


The flame was immediately scattered by Chu Qianye, and Chu Qianye felt the strength of the surrounding flames and the layout of the area. He seemed to understand a truth.

‘Wrath of the God River. ’

The second time Dudu made his move, Chu Qianye yelled softly in his heart, then raised his palm and slammed forward, and the power of the flames reversed and swept towards Dudu.

"Eh, oh!"

Dudu screamed, and then dodged towards the rear.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

He has initially mastered the use of momentum now, but he is not so adept now, but he is a super-divine martial arts soul, and he will naturally be able to comprehend this ability very quickly.

In the secret space, time passed by.

Half an hour, an hour,...Finally, nearly two hours later, Chu Qianye finally mastered the skill of'Frath of God's River'.

If you can't take advantage of Heaven's way, then take advantage of it. Although it is low-level, but fortunately, it also has a lot of combat power.

So, this is a very good way.

"Dudu, you will attack me with all your strength this time." Chu Qianye said.

Toot babble and babble shot, powerful combat power burst out instantly.


The world seemed to explode at this moment.

"The Fury of the God River!"

Chu Qianye drank softly, the powerful breath of power vibrated, and all the power of Dudu rushed towards it.

Dudu was very surprised.


Chu Qianye spit out lightly, and all the strength disappeared completely.

Completely mastered!

He can now unceremoniously say that as long as he doesn't meet the seven-star Venerable, he can completely transform and use the opponent's power. This is a real opportunity!

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