Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1254: Fist hit

After the Bailing wine, it is very sweet and clear.

This kind of Bailing wine seems to be very good. It has always been the best product in Wushi. Every time it is offered for auction, it is a top-notch product.

These Bailing wines, it seems that Tongbaohang will have to make some in the future. With the secret space, the time will be more precipitated than Wushi. Just imagine putting tens of millions of jars of Bailing wine in it, or even hundreds of millions of jars. With the precipitation of time, In the future, it will become a good asset.

Three years inside, and only one year outside. The proportion of time will make Bailing wine more sweet and clear. When it is put out for auction, it will definitely become a good fortune.

"Who is Chu Qianye?" Black Face God suddenly asked.

Every warrior here was startled, they obviously didn't expect the Black Face God to ask this question.

Some people know Chu Qianye, some people don't, and their faces are blank.

Four eyes looked towards Chu Qianye.

As if feeling the gazes of these four people, the others also turned their heads, looking at Chu Qianye, with a surprised expression on their faces.

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed.

Would you not know me?

What's a joke? With Takeshi's intelligence information, I'm afraid he has already been investigated by the Black Face God.

This black-faced **** must be deliberate.

"I am." Chu Qianye said lightly, "Sure enough, Wu Shi is humorous, and Wu Shi, who has always been known for intelligence information, doesn't even know who I am? Well, this is an anecdote, which shows that Wu Shi is not as good as before."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention!

Chu Qianye's words sounded nothing, but they seemed to point, so Hei Mian Shen's eyes also narrowed, and everyone else felt that the atmosphere became a little more subtle.

The game between masters, every word, every move, is all under control, and the meaning of everyone's words sounds not sharp, but it is thrilling after careful thinking.

Hearing what Chu Qianye said, everyone else showed a touch of surprise.

Chu Qianye's words were very sharp. If you didn't think about the words, it was really easy to lose momentum.

"Hehe, just laughed." Black Face said calmly: "When I didn't get to Xizhou City, I actually didn't know many people. I've been practicing in retreat these days. I just left the customs and said I was going to set up There are people with faces on all parties at the banquet. My deputy said that Chu Qianye is a person, and he also said that Tongbao's deeds. I felt very curious, so I made an invitation to banquet you. I didn't expect you to be so young!"

This is not a boast.

This is shabby, it is ironic.

To put it bluntly, it is to scold Chu Qianye for being young, and the wording is still personal. This sentence is very important, so people who hear this sentence are a little angry. After all, this kind of thing is really difficult for them. accept.

When Chu Qianye heard these words, her eyes narrowed.

This guy is really amazing. This kind of verbal game really hits the point. Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

"Well, I also think I'm still very young. After all, I'm only in my early twenties and I am very energetic." Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

The response to this sentence is surprising. It also starts with the word ‘young’, but the words are very sharp.

"Haha, really young!" Heimian smiled lightly.

Everyone's eyes flickered, and they were quite surprised.

The scene suddenly became a little serious.

Just when the scene was rather solemn, Zhu Qianye, a woman sitting in Chu Qianye, lightly opened her lips and said:

"Hey, Master Chu is now a hot character, although young but promising, he is a rare and outstanding young man."

Hearing these words, everyone was secretly surprised. They didn't expect that this woman would help Chu Qianye out of the siege, and the men's eyes looked different.

"Thank you Mizan." Chu Qianye was stunned, but he didn't react slowly, and said quickly.

Regardless of the other party's intentions, but now the other party is helping him, and it is also appropriate to say thank you.

"You're polite, the words that Senior Xu said just now are just ridicule, don't take it to your heart." The woman said again.

"Ms. White is right, I'm really joking, Lord Chu wouldn't take it to heart, right?" Heimian said.

It is an understatement to resolve this contradiction, whether it is the woman or the black-faced god, to be able to do this is indeed quite good, at least he can't do it.

"Naturally, I won't take it to my heart. You are the seniors who don't care about these things with me, and I'm not ashamed of my juniors to be familiar with you." Chu Qianye said.

Everyone was secretly surprised when they heard this sentence. They did not expect that the person in charge of Tongbaoxing could speak such sharp words. Every word is considered and exquisite. It is extremely inconsistent with his age and can say such things. There are not many people.

The black face god's eyes narrowed, Chu Qianye was more difficult to deal with than he thought. After all, with this guy's current strength, it was really difficult to do so.

This kid is really not that easy to deal with!

Several thoughts flashed through the black face in his mind, and he thought to himself.

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"Young Master Chu is really courageous," said the black face god: "Suddenly established Tongbaoxing in the Five Territories and Four Continents Wilderness, are you not afraid of failure or making enemies?"

Hearing these words, Chu Qianye suddenly sneered secretly.

This old dog is really not so easy to deal with. Every sentence is very intentional. You really have to be more cautious when dealing with such people.

"Hehe, this is not as good as your martial arts, I have this courage." Chu Qianye smiled and said, "I failed, I have thought about it, but am I still young? If I fail, I will start over again. As for making enemies. , Could it be that your Wushi also worried about this issue when it was established?"

To Chu Qianye's rhetorical question, the black face **** was also stunned.

He showed a faint smile and shook his head gently.

"Naturally, I am not afraid of failure or making enemies." Blackfaced God said: "Because our Takeshi stepped on the bones of others, we have to thank our opponents if we are able to survive. The Profound Qi Continent is a world where strength is respected. As long as you are strong, you are still afraid that others will fail?"

Chu Qianye suddenly smiled at the words Heimian Shen said.

This old dog speaks extremely cautiously, and is very innuendo, not so easy to deal with.

Obviously, he wants to understand himself from his own dialogue, and he wants to see what kind of person he is. Of course he can't persuade him at this time.

"Well, this is also the idea I have always believed in." Chu Qianye said lightly: "In a world where the strong respects the strong, any words are pale. Saying a thousand words and ten thousand words is worse than a fist."

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