Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1272: Delicate mind

However, Zhang Tianqi also entered the room during the period.

"Little bastard, your fellow sister is pretty good, you are beautiful, when do you plan to do it?" Zhang Tianqi asked after he heard about it.

Chu Qianye was puzzled.

"What do you do?" he asked puzzled.

"Little bastard, don't lie to me. You have no idea about her." Zhang Tianqi said with a smile, his eyes seemed to see through Chu Qianye's mind.

Chu Qianye looked helpless.

After finally sending Zhang Tianqi away, Chu Qianye calmed down and continued to think about the future direction of Longmen and Tongbaoxing.

He always felt that Wu Shi couldn't be so simple. After all, as a huge organization, it still has the foundation on this Profound Qi Continent, and the strength of Wu Shi on the bright side does not seem to be very good, even a first-rate sect. The power is not as good.

This made him very puzzled. It was logically impossible. After all, with the background of Wushi, it was possible to create many first-rate sect forces, and there were at least six or seven first-rate sect forces.

But no, at least not so far.

Therefore, this question must be thoroughly investigated. Is it true or not? If so, what is the strength of the opponent? Why is it not shown.

These are the problems that bothered him, so he had to figure out what was going on.

For the current plan, it is better to hibernate first. Dragon Blade is investigating most of the intelligence. In Takeshi, some people have to investigate clearly. It belongs to the in-depth investigation. If necessary, let people dig deeper. It's good to be a part of Takeshi, only in this way can we dig deeper.

However, it takes a long time to dive into the city, but the only advantage is that you can dig deeper.

Well, this thing can also be on the agenda, but you have to find the best candidate. This has to be asked Qin Hu, he knows the doorman of Longmen better than himself.

This is one of them.

The development momentum of Tongbaohang should be considered good now, but today's development has not achieved the effect he wants, and the higher-level warriors have not completely moved closer. Only by gaining the support of this group of people can Tongbaohang stand up. , It can continue to develop in a good direction.

With the current reputation, it also needs to continue to improve. There are some aspects of Wushi that are worth learning, such as their original four major lists, but they have attracted the attention of many people. After all, it would be beneficial to be on the list.

Bailing wine is also a good eye-catching method.

The popularity of Tongbaohang is still on the rise, so eye-catching is the biggest feature.

Of course, Tongbaohang has attracted a large number of people because of the benefits of the circulation of natural materials and treasures. After all, as a new thing, people still have a strong desire for it.

This is the advantage of Tongbaohang.

However, is there really no problem with today's auction?

Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and he always felt that it could be optimized and improved. After all, the current Tongbaohang had already demonstrated a huge advantage, that is, the ability to integrate resources.

This ability to integrate resources has to be brought into full play.

This is the second.

Tongbaohang still needs to work with Danta to collect heaven, material and earth treasures. If there is Danta help, this will be one of the very good methods.

Nowadays, Takeshi firmly controls the resources of large and small alchemy organizations, and many alchemists are willing to hand over the medicine to Takeshi to bid for profit.

This has to be changed, and this momentum cannot be allowed to continue.

Pill Alchemy Guild and Medicine Alliance, these two alchemy organizations are hard to say, but Danta must be firmly controlled. Only when this part of the pill resource is controlled, Tongbaoxing can survive better. Space can limit the development of Wushi to the greatest extent and weaken its strength.

As for the Medicine League and the Pill Alchemy Guild, these two alchemy organizations have completely formed a beam with him now. The resources of these pills are only going to flow into the Wu City. This phenomenon is difficult to change in the short term.

However, many emerging refining organizations are also good. They can absorb these pill resources through rewards, and even the smallest mosquito legs are meat.

This is the third.

Longmen now has to develop invisibly and can no longer be like before, and Tongbaohang’s strength on the bright side also needs to be weakened, not too strong. It is a great loss not to take action against him, but to support himself at a critical moment.

Therefore, Longmen needs to be weakened and invisible in its development.

This is the fourth.

The current development momentum of Longmen still needs to be strengthened, especially the supplement of fresh blood. This is a very important measure. It is necessary to follow past experience and continue to vigorously recruit doormen.

Fresh blood can't be supplemented by the Chiyun Dynasty alone. After all, it was before, and now with Tongbaohang as a resource support, you can let go of your hands and feet, look at a wider area, and develop more fresh blood from the dynasty.

In this way, the dynasty must be firmly controlled.

This is the fifth.

In addition to fresh blood that needs to be replenished, there is also a complete set of ideas for assessment and absorption. Most of the current main members of Longmen are still not familiar with it. Only Qin Hu and a few core members can understand that Try to make everyone understand and participate in it.

The current main members of Longmen will need to retreat to the second line at that time, and then delegate power to other newly promoted members, so that they have a sense of honor and accomplishment.

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This is the sixth.

The Soul Hunting Palace, although the vitality is severely injured at present, the reaction of the Soul Hunting Palace during this period is also too abnormal. After all, he has taken a lot of strength to the branch hall, but they have not reacted at all. It is the strangest.

Therefore, the Soul Hunting Palace also needs to prevent them from counterattacking, and this also requires a set of strategies.

This is the seventh.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and he thought about how he should go next.

"There should be no problems. These problems need to be considered and solved." Chu Qianye muttered, and then gave Zhang Tianqi a divine voice.

When Zhang Tianqi heard these questions mentioned by Chu Qianye, she also understood that all the main members of Longmen should be called together.

Entering the secret space, all the main members of the Longmen are present, and everyone is thinking about the problems mentioned by Chu Qianye, and they have also proposed corresponding solutions.

After three days in the secret space, all problems were completely solved.

"Qianye, you are going to the Three Heavens God Desolate." Wang Yiling said in a voice.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised, but he didn't expect that his mind could not escape Wang Yiling's observation.

This woman with the same wind is really delicate.

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