
A figure stood in front of him.

This white figure, who is not Chu Qianye?

At this moment, Chu Qianye held a heavy ruler tightly in his palm.

The heavy ruler danced wildly in his palm, and the countless shadows of the ruler were densely packed, forming an airtight ruler shadow cover, blocking the huge palm of the hand.


A dull loud noise came out.


The six-eyed behemoth was knocked out by a huge force.

Xiao Long looked surprised.

It was Chu Qianye that stood in front of him!

It's just that at this moment, Chu Qianye, holding a heavy ruler, stood tall and straight in front of him, exuding an astonishing breath of strength.


The six-eyed behemoth roared fiercely.

Unexpectedly, the little human in front of him actually blocked its attack.

Xiao Long's eyes flickered.


The six-eyed behemoth pounced again.

Xiao Long didn't react slowly this time. Chu Qianye blocked the fatal blow for him. He was quite surprised and shocked. He didn't know exactly how Chu Qianye did it.

The others were also at a loss, they didn't want to understand how Chu Qianye appeared in front of Xiao Long, and how he blocked the fatal blow of the six-eyed behemoth.

"Beast, get out of me!" Xiao Long was furious, the sword and spear in his palm burst out in vain, and then went straight to his head.


Feeling this fatal blow, the behemoth with six pupils can only dodge.

Xiao Long seemed to have expected it earlier, and snorted coldly, and the sword and spear in his palm burst into bright light again, and went straight to his head and pierced again fiercely.

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The second head was destroyed again.


The six-eyed giant beast rolled in pain, its huge body slapped the ground fiercely, a huge hole appeared on the ground instantly, and the ground was cracked, and towering trees collapsed suddenly.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

The behemoth with six pupils had not been dispelled yet, but Xiao Long was able to destroy the head of the behemoth with a single blow, so it seemed that the combat power was indeed quite amazing.


The painful voice of the six-eyed giant beast resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Xiao Long didn't stop, holding a knife and gun in his hand, he stepped out again, rushing towards the six-eyed behemoth.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

At this time, Xiao Long just wanted to get rid of the six-eyed behemoth as soon as possible.

"Roar!" The six-eyed giant beast roared, and its voice roared between the heaven and the earth, forming an astonishing momentum and rising into the sky.

When everyone saw this scene, there was a look of horror on their faces.

The six-eyed behemoth, apparently knowing that it will be dead soon, it no longer has the slightest reservation, its momentum continues to soar, and its frenzied state is strengthened again.

"This beast!"

Xiao Long frowned, stopped quickly, and retreated quickly.

Now he understands that if he doesn't stop his hands, this six-eyed behemoth may completely explode at any time, for example, blew himself up, in which case he won't get the slightest benefit.

Therefore, the best thing to do now is to delay and wait for the behemoth of the six-eyed behemoth to be released before taking the shot, so that at least there is still a lot of confidence.

Feeling the strength of this power, Xiao Long made a decisive decision, retreated quickly, and gave up the attack.

Chu Qianye retreated, staring at the six-eyed behemoth.

The six-eyed behemoth rushed out towards Xiao Long.

But this time Xiao Long was very acquainted, he always kept a certain distance from the six-eyed monster.


Seeing the attack failed, the behemoth with six pupils suddenly roared again and again.

The blood light on his body disappeared little by little.

"This animal's frenzied state is about to be lifted," Xiao Long said.

Chu Qianye's gaze flickered, and in this way, there should be no problem with the six-eyed behemoth. As long as the frenzied state is removed, it is the best time to slaughter the six-eyed behemoth.

Almost the two of them had a tacit understanding, one after another outflanking, waiting for the madness of the behemoth with six pupils to disappear.

The six-eyed behemoth felt a great sense of crisis.

"Roar! Roar!"

The roar was repeated, but his blood was gradually weakening.


At this time, Xiao Long's foot was a little bit, and his figure rushed forward, and in the blink of an eye he had already swept in front of the behemoth with six pupils.


The immense power lies in the sky and the earth.

Everyone felt a huge force surging out.

The sword and spear in Xiao Long's palm slashed down towards the head of the six-eyed behemoth.


The sword energy first submerged in his head, and the blade cut his head apart.

The six-eyed behemoth finally fell down unwillingly and let out a last cry.

Xiao Long looked at the six-eyed behemoth that was dead in front of him, and he was secretly relieved.

This behemoth with six pupils really took a lot of effort to kill it.

Looking at the fallen behemoth with six pupils, Xiao Long showed a faint smile.

Just as he was about to prey on the six-eyed giant beast, a wild voice resounded.

"Oh, isn't this the six-eyed behemoth we killed? It took a lot of effort."

This sound caused everyone's pupils to shrink suddenly, because they didn't know or when it started. Someone had been observing here for so long, and now they noticed it.

Xiao Long's face suddenly became gloomy when he heard this voice.

He raised his head and looked at the sound source, his face suddenly became quite ugly.

"Xiao Long, long time no see."

Chu Qianye turned his head, and suddenly saw a few figures rushing, standing in front of the corpse of the six-eyed behemoth, showing a faint smile.

This behemoth with six pupils is full of treasures, especially the crystal nucleus that is about to enter the deity. If it can be absorbed and refined, its strength is bound to rise.

The other parts of the corpse are also very precious, especially the spirit and flesh, which is quite helpful for increasing the power of the martial arts.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is not difficult for a piece of soul to increase its strength by ten great!

Unexpectedly, someone grabbed free food.

No wonder, the Three Heavens Divine Wilderness is really cruel. These people must be cruel characters if they can endure this time. If they are in the Four Continents and Five Regions, I am afraid that no one can wait so long.

Therefore, the warriors in the Three Heavens Divine Wilderness, everyone is very cruel, and extremely capable of holding back, not so anxious.

With such a person, it is difficult to improve and break through.

Chu Qianye looked at these people in uniform clothes.

At the waist of the robe, a white cloud pattern is added to the dragon body.

Long Yunzong?

Chu Qianye showed a thoughtful expression.

"Fang Zuichen, are you trying to **** my food from Xiyue Tower?" Xiao Long stared at the opponent and asked coldly.

Hearing these words, the leading man waved his hand gently.

"Haha, Xiao Long, don't say anything like that. It's weird that the Profound Qi Continent is the strongest? You haven't just been born for a day or two. Don't you understand such rules?"

Xiao Long's face sank slightly.

Chu Qianye stared at the leading man. The appearance is very ordinary, with a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and exudes a harsh aura. The cultivation method must be an extremely evil Yin Gong.

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