Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1284: Become a guest

"Boom! Boom!"

Chu Qianye's sword rain was defeated by him with a spear.

However, Chu Qianye's sword rain made him feel jealous. The blow just now made him feel like a tiger's mouth was numb, and he almost vomited blood.

What a terrible power!

Fang Zuichen looked at Chu Qianye, with fear in his heart.

He had never seen Chu Qianye in Splitting the Sky, but possessing this level of combat power was quite amazing. In his impression, it seemed that there was really no such person.

"who are you?"

Looking at Chu Qianye, Fang Zuichen asked coldly.

"Who am I? Haha, this is a good question." Chu Qianye stepped out on the palm of his foot, the war sword in his palm shining brightly.

"I am the one who took your life."

Chu Qianye said lightly, "Oh, right, don't be the disciple of Long Yunzong in your next life."

After he finished speaking, the sword in his palm burst out with dazzling light.

Fang Zuichen's face was suddenly shocked when he felt the power of Chu Qianye burst out.

"Your combat power..."

He looked surprised.

Unfortunately, Chu Qianye didn't have the slightest interest in this.

He stepped out, and the power of the stars in his body suddenly roared out, the astonishing combat power was very terrifying, and the roaring vastness was constantly in the world.


Sword Qi is like a dragon, roaring in the sky.

A touch of jealousy flashed in Fang Zuichen's eyes, he urged the power of the stars in his body.

It's a pity that Chu Qianye is eager to kill people, so does he have reservations?

This sword destroyed the void and shattered the human soul.

Before the sword arrived, Fang Zuichen's soul had shattered.


Jian Qi passed through his head.

His spear only blocked part of his power.

Unfortunately, another part of Chu Qianye's sword energy went through his body.

When he fell, he never slowed down, and a touch of horror appeared on his face.

This kind of combat power is really terrifying, and Fang Zuichen's level of power is terrifying.

Sword Qi severely split the void, and on the ground, the sword Qi was also chopped, forming a crack of a hundred meters deep!

Visible sharpness of Jian Qi!

Visible the tyranny of Jian Qi!

The figures in the distance raised their heads in surprise, and looked in this direction. They only saw a terrifying sword qi rushing into the sky, vast in all directions.

With this level of combat power and breath, everyone knows that he is a strong man.

"Extraordinary kendo."

"Who is this?"

At this time, Xiao Long and the others who were about to swept forward also showed a surprised expression on their faces. They looked at the sword light on the void in shock.

This sword completely made them feel fear. It was an instinctive fear, as if this kind of power could not be stopped at this moment.

How terrifying is this kind of combat power!

At this moment, everyone raised their heads in surprise, looking straight ahead, the sword energy in that place was still roaring and mighty.

This kind of combat power is frightening.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at this sword light, with a touch of fear on their faces.

"What a terrible sword spirit."

"Extraordinary Kendo."


After Chu Qianye killed the people at this time, he put all those Universe Rings, Merit Stones, and Six Eyed Giant Beasts into the Lingling Ring.

He didn't stay, and he retreated after killing someone.

Soon after Chu Qianye left, several figures appeared in this space.

"We are late."

"Uh, these are people from Long Yunzong."

"It's terrible to kill and kill. If something happens, I will kill and kill decisively."


At this time, Xiao Long seemed to realize that Chu Qianye was not there.

"By the way, what about Brother Qianye and others?"

When everyone looked around, it seemed that Chu Qianye had not caught up.

"I am here."

Chu Qianye appeared in front of everyone.

"Some wild beasts were chasing after me, and I took a long way around before throwing it away." Chu Qianye said, and then looked at the original position with a slightly surprised expression.

"What the **** happened there..."

Xiao Long looked surprised. He had a different heart. He didn't know if what Chu Qianye said was true or false, but he couldn't refute it.

"Hmph, the things that Long Yunzong robbed us, I guess they were robbed by the strong, deserve it!" Xiao Linyan said, his face was full of relief.

Xiao Long smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This is the character of his junior sister, and he is rather helpless.

He glanced at Chu Qianye again, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Who is that person? Why did Chu Qianye leave by such a coincidence at such a critical moment?

"Then let's go quickly, so as not to be targeted," Chu Qianye said.

This reason is unassailable and cannot be refuted at all.

Xiao Long nodded slightly, and then continued on the road ahead.

In the following time, Chu Qianye and Xiao Long and the others continued to scavenge toward the depths of the animal husbandry forest. After three days of work, they gained a lot, and Chu Qianye's star power was also supplemented.

The five-star Venerable who just broke through, has now been completely stabilized, and the power of the stars in the gate of good fortune seems to be abundant, although he did not feel a sense of bottleneck, but the experience and absorption during this period of time has improved his strength. A lot.

Soul flesh, Bailing wine, and other heavenly materials and earth treasures, absorbed refining, and fight with wild beasts to improve their strength, this kind of running-in is very beneficial, and Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation base quickly stabilized.

On the fourth day, they were still in the animal husbandry forest, and as they entered, the strength of the fierce beasts in it increased more fiercely, and even a fierce beast with a one-star power had appeared.

Fortunately, Chu Qianye cooperated with Xiao Long without any problems at all.

Venerable fierce beasts are very powerful, but the increase in their strength is also quite significant. The combination of spirit and body Bailing wine is definitely the best, and Chu Qianye also brought a lot of spices, so everyone drink Eating meat to improve martial arts cultivation, very quickly.

"Going further inside, it is estimated that our junior and younger brothers and sisters can't stand it anymore. Let's stop now, and we must return to the sect." Xiao Long said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Brother Qianye, I think your martial arts talent is also good, I wonder if you are interested in joining our Xiyue Tower?" Xiao Long asked.

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Xiao Linyan showed a look of expectation, as did the others.

These days they all know that Chu Qianye's sword repair is very powerful, and they are all very proud, but after contact with Chu Qianye during this period of time, they all understand that perhaps the only one who can compete with Xiao Long seems to be Chu Qian. It's night. ,

"I don't like restraint very much, I think it's better to forget it." Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

When Xiao Long and the others heard this, their faces showed disappointment.

"Young Master Chu, if you are not the guest of Xiyue Tower, you are not very restrictive, and you can leave at any time. Although the treatment is not very good, other people are also afraid of our Xiyue Tower." Xiao Linyan said.

The others nodded in agreement.

Ke Qing, this seems to be okay.

When I first arrived, I was not familiar with many things. During this period of time, I contacted Xiao Long and the others. Although I gradually learned about Rippling Heaven and God Wilderness, he had reservations about the questions he asked, and the other party also had reservations about his answers.

Therefore, the information still cannot be dig deep.

If you want to deal with the Sky Profound Clan, you must have a big tree at least!

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