Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1294: Exquisite swordsmanship

Unknowingly, this first round of assessment has all been completed.

Four people became Ke Qing.

There are five people left!

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye and the others, and a faint light flashed across their eyes.

With so many people, four of them succeeded.

So how many of these five people can become guest Qing?

This is hard to say.

"The remaining five, please continue to select the deputy pavilion masters." Mu Yan said.

Immediately Cui was about to walk towards Chu Qianye, but Zhou Ruolan said, "Elder Ma, leave this to me."

Everyone looked startled, including immediately Cui was also surprised.

His eyes flickered and he sighed secretly in his heart.

Although he bragged last night, he had already promised Xiao Long to test Chu Qianye. He didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to come. Now Ruolan will test Chu Qianye himself this week?

Oops, something will happen!

At this time, Xiao Long and Xiao Linyan, although they didn't say anything on their faces, they were still very surprised. If Chu Qianye was really assessed by Zhou Ruolan himself, with the strictness of the people like Xuanyue Pavilion, I'm afraid it would be difficult for Chu Qianye. Passed the assessment.

Ouyang Feng and Mu Yan looked at each other, and they also saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They obviously don't know why Zhou Ruolan is interested in Chu Qianye. If this is really done by her personally, then many things are uncertain.

Chu Qianye frowned.

Compared with the people in Xuanyue Pavilion, he would rather Cui personally test him immediately.

It's a pity that the current situation obviously does not allow him to choose, or that he has no right to choose from the beginning, and can only accept it passively.

Soon Cui couldn't refuse in front of so many people.

So he finally chose to compromise.

The other four people were challenged by other deputy cabinet masters.

Soon the first two individuals were also assessed, one became a guest, and the other was eliminated, and they still passed the assessment of the deputy cabinet chief behind.

In the end, it was eliminated by the number of votes of 1:2. The second deputy cabinet chief voted in favor and the third voted against. With the negative vote of the first deputy cabinet chief, this person was eventually eliminated.

All people's eyes turned to Chu Qianye.

At this moment, Chu Qianye frowned slightly.

If people like Xuanyue Pavilion are really like what Xiao Linyan said, then they should really be more cautious. If this is the case, if they are caught up in the double cultivation or something, wouldn't they have to take away their essence?

Chu Qianye walked towards the square.

With a heart move, he took out an ordinary war sword.

He decided to retain his strength, first check the situation in this Xiyue Tower, and then see **** the killer. This is the sixth day when he entered the Heaven Splitting God Wilderness. Now he does not know enough information to start killing easily. Nor can others know who you are.

With this care, the guest either didn't join, or joined without being aware of his identity.

In this way, either his strength is reserved, or his strength has completely exploded, and Chu Qianye has to avoid this situation at present.

So, the final result is obvious.

"Please give pointers."

Chu Qianye bowed his hands towards Zhou Ruolan.

Zhou Ruolan nodded gently.

Chu Qianye was not in a hurry to make a move, he was weighing it.

"Since you don't make a move, then I will make a move."

Seeing Chu Qianye didn't make a move, Zhou Ruolan said lightly.

After the words were over, the figure had already swept in front of Chu Qianye. With a wave of her palm, a white cloth rushed towards Chu Qianye.

However, this is not an ordinary white cloth. Under the surging force of the stars, it has become extremely hard, like a sharp blade, rushing out toward the void in front of it, wherever it reaches, the void is bursting. Distorted and cracked.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Even though Chu Gongzi's sword is elegant, there is still a huge gap compared with Zhou's deputy pavilion master. A strong man in the Saint realm can kill people by picking leaves at will, let alone such a close attack?" Xiao Long looked at Chu. Qianye's figure has a trace of worry in his eyes.

In his opinion, the difference in strength between Chu Qianye and Zhou Ruolan was extremely different, and if it really broke out completely, it would be really not easy.

"Sure enough, terrible."

Seeing that Zhou Ruolan's shot was such a powerful way to attack and kill, a dignified look suddenly flashed across Chu Qianye's eyes.

The martial arts atmosphere of the Saint Realm.

Chu Qianye frowned.

It seems that my own has to show some skills.

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Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and she thought to herself.

He used the Lingtian **** step and quickly retreated to the rear.

The war sword in his palm suddenly burst out with a bright light.

This sword uses the Thundering Nine Tribulations sword technique.

Therefore, the sword energy was like thunder, rushing madly forward, wherever it reached, the void was the vastness and roar of power, and the power of madness slashed fiercely.

This sword is like a shock.


Zhou Ruolan, who was preparing to take a shot, suddenly had a glimmer of surprise in his eyes.

Although Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation is not that strong, but his swordsmanship is very elegant, extremely difficult to figure out, it seems that he is close to extraordinary swordsmanship.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces were equally surprised.

Chu Qianye's swordsmanship is so mysterious, this kind of mysterious soldier state is obviously enough to complete the assessment.

But after all, it is Zhou Ruolan who is in charge of the assessment, so she has the final say. Since she has not spoken, this assessment will not count, and she has to continue to get her affirmation.

"It's interesting." Zhou Ruolan said lightly.

However, she didn't react slowly, and with a flick of her finger, a ray of light flashed out.


Chu Qianye's battle sword was severely hit by the anger, and a huge force formed and knocked him out.

However, Chu Qianye reacted in a timely manner, turning his wrist clockwise, his sword aura was like flowing water, dissolving those powers.

Seeing Chu Qianye's such mysterious sword technique, everyone suddenly couldn't help but shine.

This kind of sword technique is not easy to learn, it requires a super savvy to do it, and the most important thing is that if it is replaced by them, perhaps this sword is really difficult to use. , This is the most important.

It is the same sword technique, but compared with Chu Qianye, other people are clever or not, and the mysteriousness of the methods can be seen at a glance.

"Young Master Chu!" Xiao Linyan at this time couldn't help but waved her powder fist, secretly thinking.

During this period of time, I contacted Chu Qianye and knew what kind of person Chu Qianye was, so she was very looking forward to Chu Qianye being a guest of Xiyue Tower, because only in this way could they continue to practice and communicate.

She really wanted to learn swords, but no one pointed.

Now Chu Qianye showed her hope.

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