Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1306: Sword is king

I don't know how long Chu Qianye stayed in this state.

Maybe one day passed, maybe two days passed.

Chu Qianye has no time concept.

In his subconscious mind, he constantly absorbs the power of these stars, and then rushes into the Six-Star Venerable. This is what he has to do.


Suddenly, in Chu Qianye's body, a powerful force rushed up. Before Chu Qianye woke up, the power rushed out of Chu Qianye's body frantically.


Suddenly, Chu Qianye's tiger body shook.

"Six-Star Venerable!"

Feeling the breath of power erupting from the body, Chu Qianye's heart moved and suddenly opened his eyes.

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At this time, his gate of good fortune became more and more condensed, and he felt the power of the stars behind him became more and more roaring, that kind of huge momentum made people fearful.

This gate of good fortune has become more and more mysterious. Even though it is so far away, he can still feel the amazing power roaring wildly in his body, the horror of that amazing power.

When my martial arts cultivation base stepped into the Saint Realm, I entered this gate of good fortune and explored the truth.

Chu Qianye thought secretly in her heart, and immediately Jieyin left the secret space.

When he woke up again, Zhou Ruolan had already woke up.

"My son, your martial arts cultivation?" Zhou Ruolan looked at Chu Qianye in surprise, secretly surprised.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Well, it broke through."

"Is the Six-Star Venerable now?" Zhou Ruolan looked at Chu Qianye with an unbelievable expression.

"Yeah." Chu Qianye looked at Zhou Ruolan, secretly surprised, "In your body, there seems to be the breath of "Sword of Endless Heaven". Have you understood the sword technique?"

Zhou Ruolan nodded gently.

"I have understood it, but this sword classic is too profound. I can only understand it at 20% now." Zhou Ruolan said.

Being able to comprehend 20%, this kind of comprehension is already quite good, at least in his opinion, it really may not be able to reach this level when being an ordinary person.

"You show it, let me see what needs improvement." Chu Qianye said.

Zhou Ruolan nodded slightly, and then took out a war sword from the Qiankun Ring.

This sword is as transparent as jade, exuding a breath of breathtaking power.

"Is this a mysterious soldier made by Qingyun Iron?" Chu Qianye asked slightly in a daze.

Qingyun Iron, this is a kind of mineral vein in God's Domain. The elements produced by this mineral vein are very hard, extracting the ore and turning it into a weapon, which has become extremely powerful and terrifying.

The war sword Zhang Ruolan took out casually, Chu Qianye saw the origin of the war sword at a glance.

"Well, when I came down, Dad gave it to me, son, if you need it, I will give it to you at that time." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye shook his head.

Why bother to rebuild Xuan Bing?

There was no need at all, the Heaven Punishment Sword was already enough for him to exert his strength.

Of course, he doesn't know where this profound soldier is now, but after he returns to God's Domain, he believes that he should be able to find it.

If he hadn't entered God's Realm before, he could use the Divine Shadow Sword first. After all, this sword was stronger than the mysterious soldier made by Qingyun Iron. After all, he had a tool spirit in it.

Seeing that Chu Qianye had no such thoughts, Zhou Ruolan held the war sword in her hand with a solemn look on her face. "The Sword of Absolute Heaven" almost accompanied her through her childhood. What she heard most from her father was Bei Emperor Xuanshen and "The Sword of Absolute Heaven".

If she meets both of them, this is a great opportunity. If she can practice and learn this sword classic, then for her, it would be the greatest gift to her father.

It is very rare to see that Zhou Ruolan can quickly clear up her distracting thoughts and enter a state of nothingness in such a short time.

The Absolute Heaven Sword Classic, when he created it, it can be said that he spent a lot of effort, especially when his martial arts reached the highest peak, and added some new things, making the “Absolute Heaven Sword Classic” reach A reborn situation.

Chu Qianye is most proud of this swordsmanship.

When he held a sword in his hand, he was the emperor of God's Domain, and other people could only become kings, succumbing to his sword power.

The most important thing in the sword classic is the sword intent.

Many things can be changed, such as sword style, sword style can have many kinds, but only one kind of sword intent, which is why each sword has different skills.

In the Absolute Heaven Sword Classic, the sword intent must be the emperor, the domineering and tyrannical that dominates all things, dominates the world, everything is dust in its eyes!

If there are many kinds of sword intent, then the created sword skills are basically relatively mild sword skills, unable to burst out strong power, so they can only be reduced to relatively low-level sword skills.

But there is only one kind of sword intent, so the power that bursts out is extremely powerful, reaching the situation of choosing whoever I choose, heaven and earth are just a grain of sand in his eyes.

Chu Qianye was very aware of the importance of this sword intent.

Therefore, sword intent has always been the most inaccessible thing in his sword skills.

The sword skill can have no sword style, no sword moves, or even no sword spectrum, but it must have sword intent!

For example, there is no sword spectrum, all power is concentrated in the palm of the hand, and one sword kills the enemy. This is also the strongest sword skill. Because it's the sword intent that I will take forever!

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ruolan understood this principle so quickly, and his comprehension was relatively high. Some people even practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, but after all, they could not understand the power of sword skills. They often pursued the physical. Forget about it.

Meaning contains a lot of supreme martial arts, if you do not grasp the meaning, then there is nothing and no power, just like a walking dead.

The meaning is the soul. If the soul is injected into the walking dead, he is complex and changeable, and can burst out super power, and the combat effectiveness can also be greatly improved.

Seeing Zhou Ruolan could comprehend the sword intent, Chu Qianye nodded involuntarily.

Zhou Ruolan was holding a war sword, and the whole person exuded an atmosphere of martial arts that contained all things.


Chu Qianye frowned when she felt this power aura.

Too complicated, often pure, but the power will be stronger.

Even so, he did not point it out in person.

Zhou Ruolan stepped out, and the war sword in his palm was like a roaring thunder, surging madly in the world.


For the first sword, the world was twisted violently.

Feeling the power of this sword, Chu Qianye nodded gently.

The power of this sword is still good, at least Zhou Ruolan has mastered the sword style, which is also very important.

To comprehend and master the sword intent, at least you must first learn the sword style well, only in this way can you understand the advanced sword intent, otherwise everything is futile.

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