Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1309: Two strange flowers

"Hey, it's okay to ask me to answer, you give me 10 million merit points and I will tell you." The burly man laughed.

The person who asked the question felt that 10 million merit points were not too many, so he took out 10 million merit points from the merit stone and gave it to the brawny man.

"The power of wind, you should have heard of it. The wind in the realm of Vientiane is not ordinary, but contains the power of wood attributes, and I can tell you that if you want to improve your profound weapon realm, you can consider this The strength of the wind is hidden within." The strong man said: "If you have absolute strength, you can consider it."


What kind of wind is this? So many people are willing to go crazy about it.

The brawny man remained silent after speaking.

"Uh, there is only one kind?" The man wanted to continue listening to the other five elements, but he didn't expect the strong man to say a word, and asked immediately.

"Ten million merit points." The strong man smiled.

The person who inquired about the news was speechless. He didn't expect this brawny to be so shameless and didn't make the problem clear. He originally thought that 10 million merit points inquired about all the power of the five elements, but he didn't expect that this man would be divided into batches. Charges per time.


The man's face was gloomy, he resisted his anger, and after a little effort, he could only give up entanglement with him.

"Here is 40 million merit points, tell me the other four powers of the five elements!" The popularity is not good, and 40 million merit points were taken out of the merit stone.

The brawny smiled.

"The second is the power of thunder." The strong man said unhurriedly: "There are several kinds of thunder. Which one do you want to hear?"

When the person heard this, he was suddenly messed up in the wind.

Chu Qianye was also amused by this brawny man. You are obviously trying to cheat others. There are many kinds of power of this thunder? How many kinds are there, one or two? Or more?

Xiao Linyan couldn't help but laughed.

The warrior who was inquiring about the news, his face was first red and then white, then white and green, and finally all colors were there.

"Oh, don’t be so nervous. If you don’t want to ask more, then I’ll just pick one to tell you. Okay, but I risked my life to go in and collect the information, and I almost lost my life in it. It's worth the price." The strong man said righteously:

"You think, if you don't know the distribution of the power of the five elements, just go in, it would be more dangerous, maybe all your merits will be lost in it, and it will be cheaper for others. Instead of this, it is better to spend some. Merit points to buy information, so that you can quickly understand the situation inside, isn't it a great thing for you?"

Hey, let's not say, this strong man has well-developed limbs, but his mind is not simple, he can say such things to convince others.

"How much merit do you need before you are willing to tell me what's inside?" The man took a deep breath and asked immediately.

The brawny man shrugged his shoulders and said, "The intelligence of Wu Shi needs a hundred million merit points, right? You have given me 50 million merit points now. If you are giving me 30 million merit points, I will tell you the intelligence."

The man's eyes flickered, and then 30 million merit points were taken out.

"Shen Yin told me!" he said.

"Hey, yes." The strong man nodded immediately and told the warrior the news.

Light flickered in the man's eyes.

After listening, he immediately turned around and looked at Chu Qianye.

"Brother, can you help me look at this location, and I will share it with you after I sort out the information," he said.

Hey, there are such good things, anyway, it's just a position.

"Yes." Chu Qianye nodded gently.

The man left quickly.

After a while, the man came back again. At this time, they had moved forward more than twenty people in line, and the man had already returned.

"Everyone, I have information about the realm of Vientiane. I will take away all 20 million merit points, and Wushi will receive 100 million merit points. For me, only 20 million will be needed. Twenty million will bring death or death. Go, but you can buy good information and improve your survivability." The person said.

The brawny:...

Xiao Long:...

Chu Qianye:...

Xiao Linyan:...

The people around were speechless.

Two weird!

Chu Qianye chuckled secretly in her heart. This person is also a talent, a second-hand dealer, who transfers the information of the strong man and earns more than the strong man.

Ten people bought his information, that would be two hundred million merit points, and the cost of the tickets was all.

Someone really bought it. After careful counting, more than 30 people bought his information.

This person and that strong man are both talents.

Chu Qianye felt funny in her heart.

"Brother, thank you, this is the information." The man then handed Chu Qianye a Qiankun Ring, and Chu Qianye nodded lightly and accepted the Qiankun Ring.

Perceiving that he was submerged in the Universe Ring, he took out a piece of paper. There were spiritual fluctuations on the spiritual paper. Chu Qianye's twin souls glanced at the spiritual paper, and after a while he opened his eyes.

The information he obtained covered the extremely general distribution of the power of the Five Elements.

Thunder is water, there are yin evil thunder, sky gang thunder.

These are the two most common types of thunder power, but they also have the five elements of thunder. This is the most unique thunder power. If you are lucky enough to encounter such thunder power, in other words, you will make a lot of money.

The other five elements of thunder power are: Yimu God Thunder, B Fire God Thunder, Wutu God Thunder, Gengjin God Thunder, Guishui God Thunder.

This kind of thunder is indeed extremely rare. After all, everyone knows that the power of thunder is water, but there is no absolute thing, and there is indeed the power of thunder that contains the power of the other five elements.

In addition, the attribute of Duize is a swamp. This kind of place is extremely rare and very rare. If you encounter a swamp where the five elements belong to gold, it will be extremely precious.

The swamp may be a thunder swamp, or it may be other forms of swamp, all of which are more precious things.

The soil-related power of the five elements is mainly contained in the earth, and possesses a strong defensive power. It is usually also contained in the body of the barbaric beast. If it can be slashed and the power of the soil attribute is absorbed, the strength is bound to be able to. Maximize it up.

But like the five elements are gold, it is extremely difficult to find.

As for the five elements of water, there are many things. There are mountains and rivers in Vientiane, as well as other forms of the five elements of water. Because they are too common, they can usually be transformed into other five elements.

Of course, in that area, the most dangerous area is the sky-splitting area.

Within the Heaven Splitting God Wilderness, there are phenomena of splitting the sky everywhere, among which the most frequent area is the Vientiane Realm. The landscape of splitting the sky appears almost at any time, which is extremely dangerous.

Just as Chu Qianye and others were queuing up, several figures walked over arrogantly.

-+The most ☆new chapter ◇ section.... On oJnp

"Hey, boss, this chick is pretty good."

Several people walked in front of Xiao Linyan, with presumptuous eyes and extremely wretched voices.

Chu Qianye and Xiao Long frowned almost at the same time.

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