Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1312: Body of Yin Sha

Along with the formation trembling, Chu Qianye and others felt that the surrounding body was suddenly covered by a force.


After a while, when they reappear, people are already in another new world, and there is a kind of terrifying force around them that is crazy and vast.


Everyone was secretly surprised and turned their heads.

@《More YN New/? Fastest|◇Up/^

At this time, they found out where they were.

There were terrifying wind and thunder roaring around, and that amazing power suddenly swept through the sky. It was a very terrifying breath of power, and everyone was deeply shocked.

"What a terrible power."

Looking at the breath of power that continued to roar, everyone held their breath.


Yin Shuo's thunderous force blasted out fiercely, and everyone's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

"This is..." Xiao Linyan asked with surprise and suspicion.

"Yin Shalei." Chu Qianye said.

When everyone heard this name, their faces changed slightly, and they were obviously no strangers to this kind of thunder.

Yin Shalei, because of its extremely tyrannical power, is very difficult to deal with, and it is not something that can be dealt with with extremely strong strength.

Because this is not ordinary thunder power, but possesses extremely vicious evil spirit.

When Chu Qianye entered this place, his palm suddenly felt ready to move.

Chu Qianye was secretly frightened, and couldn't help but lower his head and looked at the palm of his hand.

When he saw the dark red thing on his palm, he couldn't help but frowned.

Isn’t this the body of thunder poison? I didn’t expect it to have been lurking in my body for so long, and because of that martial artist, the poison of evil spirits in his body was not completely refined last time. Upon encountering this Yin Shalei, he was obviously a little eager to move.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

I usually don't care much about this stuff, but if it hurts, it really kills people.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and hurriedly urged her practice to refine.

"Hey, there is evil spirit in your body?" He Zhiqian noticed Chu Qianye's abnormality, and quickly stared at it. He suddenly saw the dark red thing out of Chu Qianye's palm, and said suddenly in surprise.

Everyone was shocked, and quickly looked at his palm, and suddenly showed a surprised expression. This kind of evil body is very cruel. If it is not refined at all, it is easy to lurch in the body and wait for the response. The time began to riot.

Obviously, at this time, because of the evil evil thunder, the dormant evil evil spirit in Chu Qianye's body also rioted, seeming to resist.

Chu Qianye frowned.

In this case, it is not optimistic, but it still appears in this dark and thunderous area. It is really a leak in the house that rains overnight!

"Facts have proved that you need to leave here as soon as possible." He Zhiqian said.

Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

How can I leave this time?

This is the most critical moment. If he leaves, then the opportunity for Xiao Long and Xiao Linyan to come here to experience will be missed. Although Yin Shalei is terrifying, if it can be refined and absorbed, if he can encounter this kind of thing in the future , Inevitably lose to the big tonic!

So Chu Qianye immediately rejected it.

"Don't worry about me, everyone. This is a rare opportunity. You can all experience it. I will meditate again to refine the Yin Sha in my body." Chu Qianye said, "Don't worry about me."

After speaking, Chu Qianye flicked his fingers, and two phantoms flicked out, but they were puppets.

Seeing Chu Qianye's actions, everyone understood his intentions and knew why he did it.

"Okay, let's hurry up and practice now."

Persist, Xiao Long also said.

He knew Chu Qianye's character very well. Since Chu Qianye had made a decision, it would be useless no matter how he persuaded him. It would be a waste of time.

He Zhiqian couldn't help showing an unexpected expression.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes and began to work his kung fu, refining the Yin Sha in his palm, and the profound fire circulated in his body.

The sky suddenly rose in temperature, and the evil spirits that flowed towards Chu Qianye were instantly incinerated into energy bodies, which were sucked into Chu Qianye's body.

"Hey, this is..." He Zhiqian looked at Chu Qianye in surprise, with a surprised expression in his eyes.

The power aura surging from Chu Qianye's body, he naturally knew what it was.

"Xuan Huo." Tao Min said in surprise.

At this time, Xiao Long and Xiao Linyan also looked sideways, with a surprised expression on their faces, especially Xiao Linyan. How can she say that she has been with Chu Qianye for a few days, but usually Chu Qianye hides it too well, she almost I don't know what secret Chu Qianye has, but now he has discovered the first secret in him. How can I not be surprised?

But Xiao Long was just a little surprised, and then he didn't care.

Because he had already understood that Chu Qianye must have concealed something. After he saw that Chu Qianye's sword intent was so elegant, he felt a little extraordinary, knowing that he had concealed some skills or strength.

Xuan Huo, the profound energy of this attribute is enviable.

In other words, Chu Qianye is an alchemist.

Regarding the profession of an alchemist, it can be said that there is no one in a million.

In the surprise of everyone, Chu Qianye didn't realize it. He just wanted to refine the evil spirits in his body as soon as possible. Only in this way could his body solve his internal worries.

After Chu Qianye and others entered the realm of Vientiane, a group of uniformly dressed warriors were also entering the realm of Vientiane. Upon closer inspection, there was a familiar face among them.

Fang Wuhen!

After Fang Wuhen was frustrated, he returned to the Sky Profound Gate and reported the matter to his senior brother. Several people went back to the entrance of the Vientiane Realm.

Because of the token, they don't need to line up at all, and they don't need merit points to enter the realm of Vientiane.

"Xiao Fang, what is the martial arts cultivation of that warrior?" one of the white-robed warriors asked.

"Eight-star Venerable." Fang Wuhen said: "Senior Qiumo, the strength of this battle gate is so good, you must be careful."

In fact, Fang Wuhen said this deliberately because he knew his brother too well, and the more so, the more his brother wanted to fight He Zhiqian.

"Huh, is the Eight-Star Venerable very strong?" The man said coldly, "I'm really not afraid of begging for evil!"

"By the way, have the identities of the other people been found out?"

"It has been found out that these people are disciples of the Xiyue Tower of the Tianyu Dynasty." Fang Wuhen said.

"Xiyue Tower? Haha, I remember that one of our predecessors went to this dynasty to create a Longyunzong, a second-rate sect. You don't have to worry about it, you will kill them when you see them!" Qiumo said with disdain.

Fang Wuhen looked excited.

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