Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1324: Stone pillar

Everyone soon came to the place with the greatest energy fluctuation.

At this moment, the place they came was an endless mountain range, and everyone in the area right in front of it was surrounded by a cracked sky landscape area, which made Chu Qianye and the others unclear.

This cracked sky was long and a hundred meters wide. I don't know why, but it didn't close, and the energy of nothingness gushed out at the location of the crack, and the area nearby was nothingness.

"What happened?" Tao Min stared at the area directly in front, frowning.

At this moment, he couldn't understand what happened here.

However, there was a constant breath that swept out of the surroundings, peeking toward the sky-cracking landscape, which made them even more confused as to what happened.

"Look at the bottom of the cracked sky carefully." He Zhiqian reminded.

Everyone stared at it, and suddenly took a deep breath.

Under the crack, there was a protruding stone pillar. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell it. It looks like a raised stalagmite. But now hearing He Zhiqian's reminder, they took a closer look and found out.

On that stone pillar, there are countless **** patterns, the **** patterns are extremely obscure and difficult to understand, and laymen can't see the doorway.

However, Chu Qianye is good at **** patterns, so he knew the peculiarities of this stone pillar at a glance.

"This **** pattern is an ancient **** pattern, I have seen it in historical records." Chu Qianye said:

"This kind of **** pattern is mainly used for sealing, and the sealed things are some ominous things. Of course, some things that are against the sky may also be sealed."

"Yes, it is the ancient **** pattern." He Zhiqian nodded gently.

He immediately looked at Chu Qianye with admiration.

Chu Qianye is so knowledgeable, and he can see the difference of this stone pillar at a glance, which makes him even more confused about Chu Qianye's identity. Is this guy really just the guest of Xiyue Tower?

This is impossible.

When Chu Qianye entered the depths of Yin Shalei to practice, he learned from Xiao Long and Xiao Linyan that Chu Qianye had just become their guest of Xiyue Tower.

But he didn't think so no matter how he looked at it, Chu Qianye's strength was too terrifying. How could that amazing combat power be Ke Qing?

However, he asked and learned that Chu Qianye came from the Four Continents Wilderness, which made him even more curious, because the Four Continents Wilderness area is definitely a barren land for cultivation resources, and no one wants to cultivate here. Almost all warriors with a little strength or talent have entered the Three Heavenly Desolation.

Therefore, in a place with such poor cultivation resources, Chu Qianye was able to use his talent to raise his strength to this level. This kind of talent is really not available to everyone, and it is not an exaggeration to say a ghost.

"Master Chu really knows a lot." He Zhiqian praised.

"This kind of **** pattern is very strange. If it weren't because I had seen it before, I wouldn't know it." Chu Qianye said:

"I'm afraid that the sealed things here have some background."

Everyone stared at the stone pillars, their eyes flickered.

I don’t know why, they always feel that the back of this stone pillar is very weird, because the energy surging around is too terrifying, and the energy that escapes, I am afraid that the Venerable dare not approach the slightest, let alone the celestial pole. The warrior of the realm.

"So many warriors gathered here, just waiting for the moment when the **** pattern is broken." Xiao Linyan said, staring at the stone pillar, embroidering her eyebrows.

"Well, after this **** pattern is broken, the things in the stone pillar will definitely come out." Chu Qianye said: "This **** pattern has been sealed for too long. Because of the scouring of time, it has been very loose, and such energy can't escape. How soon may the seal be broken."

"But I have a very ominous premonition. I am afraid that the things within the seal of this stone pillar are really terrifying. I don't know if you have the feeling of lingering palpitations. I can feel that power from such a distance. roar."

Everyone's faces were slightly condensed, Chu Qianye was an alchemist, and as an alchemist, their soul perception was more acute than theirs, so what Chu Qianye said would not be too different.

"The state of Vientiane has been too long, and even the masters in it dare not come in." He Zhiqian said:

"In short, we'd better not get too close, just avoid it far away, and wait until the seal is broken to know what's inside."

Everyone nodded.

At this time, the sun was already westward, the light gradually dimmed, and the night was about to fall.

"Our position, overall, there should be no danger. After all, we are relatively remote, but just in case, you should not be too involved in your cultivation. It is always good to keep a little eye on it. I will stay vigil today. You cultivate "He Zhiqian said.


Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Not far away, there were several places where the fire had been lighted, the flesh was roasted, and the fragrance of Bailing wine was floating.

In these places where the fire was born, the power aura was very terrifying, and it should be the warrior of the big sect forces, no wonder they dare to be so blatant.

"It's okay, if you are hungry, roast your soul meat. Our location is remote and no one will notice us." He Zhiqian saw the thoughts of several people and said.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, his figure flickered, and he found some dry wood in the forest.

With a sneer in the body, the fire of profound energy gushed out.

As long as you have to keep an eye on it, if this profound fire is not a last resort, you should not easily show it to others, otherwise it will easily cause misfortune. Chu Qianye knows this truth very well, so he only used the fire of profound energy.

The bonfire was angry, and the cold rushing in the night was immediately dispersed, but there was still a terrifying feeling of coldness.

"Have you felt it?" Xiao Linyan asked.

"Well, I feel it, this place is really evil, the cold is too terrifying, I can't keep out the cold with my profound energy." Tao Min nodded and said.

Chu Qianye looked towards the distant cracking sky.

Around the cracking sky at this time, the stars flickered, and he could see the vast starry sky in the distance, and the terrifying cold air came out of the stone pillar.

"It's the reason for that stone pillar." He Zhiqian said.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the stone pillar. Sure enough, cold air kept coming out of the stone pillar.

"Everyone cultivate, it is reasonable to say that the seal will not be broken so quickly, at least it will not be broken before dawn." Chu Qianye said.

Everyone nodded. After drinking and eating meat, they all closed their eyes and began to practice.

The night faded, and on the other side of the vast ancient city, a hill spreading like a long dragon.

This evening, Chu Qianye didn't dare to put too much into practice.

I don't know how long it has passed, and as the night recedes, there are countless wind breaking sounds in the ancient city.

Everyone opened their eyes.

Is the stone pillar going to be broken?

Everyone raised their heads, and a group of silhouettes rushed past like a locust crossing the border, and their direction was the location of the energy fluctuations near the stone pillar.

As countless figures swept towards the stone pillars, under the dark mountain range, a huge riot suddenly occurred, and countless savage beasts roared in anger. Facing these intruders, they had no intention of mercy.

In the long roar, violent power rose into the sky, the whole mountain trembled suddenly, and the violent power of the hills in the distance also boiled...

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