Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1326: Nine Youque

"Twenty minutes, that's okay. Let's make preparations. Although we know that it is not possible, it is difficult for anyone to guarantee that there is a big pie? If the time comes, it is really possible to get great opportunities and benefits, even if there is no day. The big advantage is that when big people eat meat, we have to drink some soup and take a 10,000 step back. Even without these, it would be good for us to be the corpse guard." He Zhiqian said.

Everyone looked speechless.

The corpse guards, also known as others beheaded their opponents, before they had time to take away the treasures from them, they took away this benefit.

"Hey, don't you think the shiny merit points are very beautiful?" He Zhiqian laughed.

Chu Qianye shook his head secretly in his heart, knowing that this guy is a greedy person and likes meritorious service.

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In any case, He Zhiqian's proposal is really good. Others eat meat and they drink soup.

"Let's go, let's not be too high-profile, those big men killed so many beasts, let's walk along that mountain range." He Zhiqian pointed to one of the mountains and said,

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing. It was true that after the mountain range passed, they were very close to the stone pillar. The savage beasts in that place were also beheaded and killed by the strong. They can also go to dig their crystal cores and refine them. Absorption is indeed a good way.

After all, these souls are savage beasts of this level. After absorbing and refining, they must have great benefits. After Chu Qianye absorbed the refining, the power has increased by five hundred dings. This is the realm of Vientiane, I am afraid it is here. Brutal beasts will be stronger.

"Let's go." He Zhiqian hit the sole of his foot, and his figure rushed toward the mountain range. His figure flickered rapidly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. By the next moment, he was already 100 meters away.

Chu Qianye and others followed.

On the road, they killed a lot of savage beasts, collected a lot of crystal nuclei and souls. There was no difficulty as imagined. They quickly passed through the long mountain range, and Chu Qianye was in them Right in front of him is the stone pillar.

This stone pillar is strange, as if it protrudes from the ground.

At this time, Chu Qianye and others were only a few kilometers away from the stone pillar. For the martial artist, it was equivalent to a distance of two or three meters. As far as they could see, the stone pillar appeared clearly in their eyes.

Chu Qianye stared at the stone pillar directly in front, and was suddenly surprised.

He had only seen those **** patterns before, but he didn't expect that there were other things on the stone pillars, the obscure stone wall patterns, and the complicated patterns that made him a little dizzy.

On this stone pillar, there is a huge black bird that **** its wings high, and below the giant bird are rivers and mountains, but everything is contained in it, the wings cover the mountains!

Chu Qianye had a different heart. He seemed to have recorded this kind of bird and beast in some kind of material, but he didn't dare to confirm whether this thing was consistent with that recorded in the material, but there was an inexplicable shock on the line, which made He was particularly surprised.

What kind of bird and beast is it that only through the posture of the stone wall pattern, it makes him feel shocked?

Is it possible that this is the failure of the eternal spirit beast?

There is a list on the Profound Qi Continent to collect these powerful savage beasts.

Said it is a list, it is a book to be exact. I don't know who recorded it. Because of its great influence, it was used as a list.

Wan Beast Record records powerful brutal beasts, each of which can be on the list belongs to extremely terrifying existence, with extraordinary combat effectiveness.

"Qianye, it looks like you are a little familiar with the lines on this stone pillar, do you see anything?" He Zhiqian turned his head and looked at Chu Qianye and asked.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered. Basically, he could conclude that Chu Qianye should have known the things on the stone wall, so he should not dare to confirm that he didn't say it.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

"I don't dare to confirm that this giant bird is very similar to the Nine Youques mentioned in the Wan Beast Record." Chu Qianye said, "But I don't know what the stone wall pattern is, and I don't understand it."

He Zhiqian was secretly surprised. He didn't expect Chu Qianye to be so knowledgeable. This thing is indeed the Nine Youque recorded on Wan Beast, and he also recognizes a few of the contents on the stone wall pattern.

"The stone wall pattern is a kind of warning. I can only read it and don't open it. I don't know the others." He Zhiqian said: "There must be someone who knows this thing. After all, the sky-breaking gods are strong like clouds."

Don't open it?

The more so this stone wall pattern, the more interested others naturally.

Chu Qianye moved the eyes of the heavenly god, and the purple energy flickered in his eyes.

Mu Chen dominates!

Chu Qianye was surprised secretly in his heart, the words that emerged made him very surprised, because this great master on the Profound Qi Continent didn't even have a great master named Mu Chen!

In other words, it is very likely that this Muchen Great Lord has fallen, or he has already ascended the God Realm, both possibilities are possible. Whatever the reason, the strength of this strong man must be terrifying!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. He didn't know if this was a good sign. In short, there was a panic in his heart, it was a kind of fear emanating from the stone pillar.

This kind of innate feeling has never gone wrong!

Therefore, this time obviously nothing can go wrong.

He doesn't know whether to tell these people, but if he tells them, I'm afraid they are not willing to leave, and there is a vague expectation in his heart, he always feels that he has a great relationship with the Sumi Shenzhu in his body.

Perhaps this is a rare opportunity.

In any case, I have to seize this opportunity, this feeling is very strong.

"Everyone, be more cautious." Chu Qianye said: "Wait a moment, I will set up a defensive formation, and it will be over soon."

Chu Qianye's figure moved, flashed towards the back, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Time passed quietly, and when it was almost 20 minutes, Chu Qianye returned again. He had completed the formation of the defensive formation, and he hoped that his worries were unnecessary.

In fact, everyone didn't pay much attention to the defensive formation that Chu Qianye said. After all, compared with the stone pillar, it seemed boring.


Just when Chu Qianye had just returned, the position of the stone pillar suddenly clicked, and everyone's pupils also shrank suddenly, because they all knew in their hearts that the seal was about to be unlocked!

Pieces of rubble began to fall continuously from the stone pillar, and the spread of the cracks suddenly accelerated.

Soon there were huge rocks all over the stone pillars.

When everyone saw this scene, they almost mentioned it in their throats nervously.


An energy burst into the sky, and the stone pillar seemed to be a little hollow.

The stone pillar kept shaking, and pieces of rubble fell quickly, and just as Chu Qianye was staring at him, his pupils shrank suddenly because he saw...

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