Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1332: Fish in troubled waters

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Only the blood of Jiuyouque!

Everyone's eyes became hot again at this moment.

A trace of thought passed through Chu Qianye's eyes.

Then there was another **** battle, the black egg seemed to have no chance to start, only the blood of the Jiuyouque.

"Haha, it's interesting." Chu Qianye smiled secretly in her heart.

"I'll go over and see if I have a chance," Chu Qianye said.

Xiao Long and Xiao Linyan looked at each other, and had to sigh secretly in their hearts.

"it is good."

As soon as Xiao Long agreed, Chu Qianye had already used the Lingtian God Step and swept forward.

At this time Chu Qianye was in the crowd.

He Zhiqian and Tao Min, in fact, did not dare to stand in the front row. They were just behind, waiting to see if they had a chance to take action.

At this moment, everyone was staring at the black Jiuyou Sparrow essence and blood. At this moment, they all knew very well that a new round of competition was about to begin.

Xu Yuan, Zhou Lingtian, and Jiang Xiaobai, the three of them did not speak, but they all looked at the essence of Jiuyouque, their eyes flickering, and they all understood that the next battle might be very important.


A horrible breath of power immediately trembled fiercely.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the place where the power aura was shaking. The light flashed in their eyes. They were all surprised to find that the Hunting Soul Palace, which had retreated, immediately shot again.

"court death!"

When everyone saw the people in the Hunting Soul Palace, their eyes flashed.

Xu Yuan, Zhou Lingtian and Jiang Xiaobai, as well as Yuan Mansion and other powerful sect forces, naturally did not want to see the soul hunting hall take away the essence and blood of Jiuyouque, so everyone because of the hunting hall shot, Become violent and agitated.

The power of the stars in the body instantly exploded out, rushing toward the body of the warrior, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed to him.


The terrifying power, just like the **** river of nine days, roared fiercely, smashing into the void for a while.

"Boom! Boom!"

All the warriors shot at the same time, the energy is so majestic and magnificent, all the warriors standing behind, their eyes shrank suddenly.

It's windy, desperate...

At this moment, everyone knew in their hearts that the next thing was likely to enter a terrifying situation. All the warriors would move wildly, and the power at this moment would reach a terrifying situation.

Everyone's eyes shrank suddenly.

"What a terrible power..."

Xiao Long and Xiao Linyan in the outer area were secretly surprised.

"I don't know if Chu Gongzi can win part of the Nine Youque Essence Blood." Xiao Linyan stared in one direction, which was the area where Chu Qianye was.

Xiao Long shook his head slightly. It is too difficult to win the blood of Jiuyou Que among so many powerful people. If Chu Qianye's strength is higher, maybe there should be no problem, but Chu Qianye only had the strength of the Seven Stars in the Heavenly Extreme Realm, even if his strength was hidden, at most he was just at the level of being a respectable person.

Therefore, he felt that it was unlikely that Chu Qianye would win the blood of Jiuyou Que.

At this time, Chu Qianye stared at the warrior who was fighting in front of him.

If they all kill each other, I don't know who will destroy that small formation.

Chu Qianye felt that in order to win the essence and blood of Jiuyouque, it would be possible to destroy the small formation, otherwise the formation would not be broken, and it would very likely be the same as before.

Then, when someone destroys that formation, he may have a chance to compete.

The essence and blood of Jiuyouque, if you can obtain that Jiuyouque, your strength is bound to be greatly improved, and the extent of this improvement is not only a little bit.

Feeling the vastness of this power, Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

Who will do it?

Chu Qianye was not in a hurry to make a move, because he deeply understood that if he made a move now, he would soon become the target of everyone's move, which would be quite dangerous.

So don't try this kind of thing yourself.

"call out!"

A figure suddenly appeared, he appeared just below the black egg, and the long knife in his palm slashed towards the small formation.

At the moment a dazzling light appeared, everyone felt that their soul was deeply shaken.

"It's scary, this is..."

Those strong men who were fighting each other turned their heads in surprise, but saw a figure that was smashing the small formation with a long knife.


The violent and tyrannical energy swept out frantically, the overwhelming breath of astonishing power, which made people secretly chilling.

The extremely pure and vast energy made the pupils shrink.

Nine Youques Essence and Blood!

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment, and a greedy red light burst out of their eyes. Everyone knew that this small formation had been destroyed at this moment.

At this moment, it must be a **** storm!

At this moment, it is bound to break the blood!

But Chu Qianye didn't make a shot, because he knew deeply that this moment was the most intense moment, and the only thing he could hope for was to buffer it a little bit and fight for a gap.

"You can only use the magical power of capture, no matter how much Nine Youque's essence blood is obtained, teleport to a distant place, and then enter the secret space!"

A thought flashed through Chu Qianye's mind.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

A few blood mists formed instantly.

Several figures shot one after another, and those who blocked them were their opponents.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Yuan, Zhou Lingtian, Yuan Mansion and Soul Hunting Palace stared at the figure, and they didn't react slowly. They all shot one after another, and the aura of tyrannical power was vast in the world.

"Boom! Boom!"

Countless attacks rushed out.

The figure frowned.

"Huh, a few rubbish!"

The figure hummed coldly, and a cold voice came out, and his palms slammed open, and the energy directly in front of him instantly solidified, forming an ice wall, blocking all the raid attacks.

"Fallen Temple!"

Seeing this wall of ice, everyone's expressions looked ugly.

This is not an ordinary ice wall, but an ice wall with super strong adsorption attack power. With a powerful attack of 100,000 ding, when it comes to the ice wall, it may only be 10,000 ding.

The opportunity is here!

Chu Qianye kept looking at the opportunity, so seeing this gap, a sharp glow suddenly appeared in his pupils, and a huge energy palm appeared.

All the blood of Jiuyouque was grabbed by the huge palm.

Inside the stone pillar, there was originally a bucket of black Nine Youque's blood, but only a quarter of it was left instantly!

Everyone was secretly surprised.

Everyone looked in the direction where Chu Qianye was, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

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