Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1351: Tendons

Chu Qianye wanted to do it right away.

He closed his eyes and opened his pulse.

All the veins are opened up in batches.

"Open the Qi Channel first, the Qi Channel is the foundation." Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, then he closed his eyes and began to open the Qi Channel.

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For Chu Qianye, developing muscles is no longer a problem, especially after his martial arts cultivation level has been promoted to the Seven-Star Venerable, this kind of thing is a piece of cake.


The first vitality developed today will soon be completed.

In the next time, Chu Qianye's body heard a crisp sound of creaking, and the qi veins were opened up by him.

The thirty-second qi mai, the thirty-third qi qi, the thirty-four qi qi, the thirty-fifth qi qi...

Chu Qianye's constant style was opened up by Chu Qianye, and the opened up power was fast.

In less than ten minutes, all qi veins have been opened up!

At this point, all the vitality of the "Undead Technique" he cultivated has been developed!

Chu Qianye closed his eyes and immediately activated the profound energy in his body.


The terrifying profound energy whizzed away in his body, the speed was very amazing, it swept away in his body frantically, and a huge aura was vaguely formed around him. This aura made Any dust that came close to him was pushed away.

This is the truth, this is the speed of the real "Undead Technique"!

The speed of the current Qi Channel has been at least twice as fast as before, or even more. In short, he closes his eyes at will, and the profound energy reaches every corner of his body, which has reached the level of his mind.

That is, as long as he has a thought in his heart, then the profound energy and the power of the stars will appear somewhere.

Of course, the idea here is only in his own body. After all, his martial arts cultivation hasn't reached such a sky-defying state, and he can think about the outer area.

Perhaps in the near future, Chu Qianye might be able to reach such a situation. The last time he saw Xiaoyao Saint, he had such an idea. As long as he wants to do anything, he can basically do it, and he has a lot of control over the void in the outer area. Accuracy, as long as it is within his range, there is no problem.

It is really hard for him to imagine that the Saint Realm is so terrible, so what about the master? Where is the master? Isn't it even more against the sky?

It was really hard for Chu Qianye to imagine this kind of power.

"Continue to open up veins, and then open up blood lines!" Chu Qianye closed his eyes. Continue to open up blood.

There are still four bloodlines that have not been developed, which is very simple.

There are four blood floods, blood gilts, blood yin, and blood king.

The development of these four bloodlines was completed today, so Chu Qianye didn't stay there, and immediately continued the development with a move in his heart.


The first blood vein opened up, and Chu Qianye suddenly felt the blood qi in his body roaring like a flood. The sky-shaking energy was extremely shocking, and it swept away at a rapid speed. There was a tremor in the void, and the breath of amazing power surprised him.

In the secret space, Longmen Elite also seemed to feel this terrifying power roaring.

"Blood gilt."

Chu Qianye squeezed the palm of his hand, and the power in his body instantly circulated and rushed toward the distant area. With the help of the Vajra Buddha Sword, these were obviously not difficult.

Nowadays, the Vajra Buddha Sword seems to have been nourished by the blood in his martial arts heart palace. It seems that it has undergone a lot of changes. I don’t know what level I can raise by'raising the sword with blood' like this. The King Kong Buddha Sword is a little different.

The blood flowed, forming a faint golden color.

"Blood Yin."

In the body, blood surging, the power of stars and profound energy swiftly revolve towards those specific positions. Under the impact of power, the veins and veins are quickly opened up and completed, and Chu Qianye feels the most obvious The place is that the speed of blood circulation becomes faster, the power of profound energy and stars become faster, and the breath of power is also rising. This kind of increase is very strong, and you don't need to perceive it carefully.

Now he has increased at least 20,000 ding power.

In other words, even if he didn't break out completely now, it would be worthwhile to meet Xu Yuan again.

If it broke out completely, it would not be impossible to defeat Xu Yuan!

"Blood King!"

When Chu Qianye reached the last bloodline, his expression finally became serious.

The previous bloodline is the easiest to open up, because his foundation is relatively solid, and he has extremely violent power in his body. The power to break through the veins is completely easy, but the bloodline is not so easy to open up, if you don’t work hard Really may not be able to do it.

This bloodline can be said to be the most important thing. Once it is opened up, it means that whether he uses it or not, it will affect him to varying degrees, and he understands very well what is the importance of this bloodline. local.

Clan pattern, supernatural powers, martial arts inheritance... all of these have something to do with blood!

As the king of blood, this blood is too important!

It is very important because it is the largest bloodline and the vein that gathers all bloodlines.

Blood King’s Vein, this bloodline may enable you to live a certain kind of magical power, or activate a complete clan pattern. After all, the clan pattern that was previously developed is only a small part, not complete.

Or other effects and effects.

He doesn't know this, but it must be one of them, so the importance of this bloodline can be imagined, so when Chu Qianye faced this bloodline, his face finally showed a touch of solemnity. color.

Chu Qianye clenched his palms, a solemn expression on his face.

Is this bloodline finally going to be opened up?

His palm seemed to tremble a little because of mood swings.

"open up!"

Chu Qianye gritted his teeth, not afraid of life or death, let alone opening up a bloodline?


In Chu Qianye's body, all the power surged away, the power of the profound energy, the power of the stars, the power of the Vajra Buddha, the power of the blood, all the powers were mobilized by him to participate in the opening of this blood king's vein.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes tightly, without any fluctuations in his body.


At a certain moment, Chu Qianye's body trembled suddenly, and his eyes also opened, shooting a sharp glow.


The feeling of blockage suddenly disappeared, and Chu Qianye felt the power of blood rush out, and all the blood qi was connected into a whole at this moment, and the speed was extremely fast.

Strength skyrocketed again!

Now he has a huge power of 120,000 dings without breaking out, the power of the sage realm that is so serious!

"Look at what magical powers or activating clan patterns have been acquired."

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and opening up the bloodline was only secondary. What he valued more was what kind of supernatural powers or abilities he gained after opening up the bloodline.

When he closed his eyes, the whole person was dumbfounded!

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