Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1372: crucial moment


"If that's the case, then I can only be cruel." Yun Wushuang said coldly.

When he finished speaking, he made a move with his palm and a stab in his hand.

Zhou Ruolan saw this thorn, and her eyes flashed suddenly.

This stab gave him a huge sense of oppression. I don't know why, this feeling was very strong. She stared carefully and finally saw the difference.

This thorn is engraved with nine gods all around.

This is the **** pattern of the Eight Classics!

It belongs to the highest level of the **** pattern and possesses super explosive power. Once these **** patterns are activated, the weapon can be greatly improved. This kind of combat power will be extremely violent and tyrannical.

Unexpectedly, this Bai Wushuang actually owns such a collection.

Look carefully at her Xuanbing, if she guessed right, this stab at least belongs to the Hongwu Xuanbing, it has extremely powerful combat power, the kind of light oppression that has not yet erupted, but has formed, only Only Hong Wu has such a combat power.

Mu Yan and others stared at the profound soldier in the palm of Bai Wu's hands, secretly surprised. The oppressive feeling exuded by this profound soldier was very strong. Although they were separated from a long distance, they could feel the rage. The breath of strength.

"Senior Beixuan, it seems that I can only use your "Sword of Absolute Heaven"." Zhou Ruolan sighed faintly in her heart, and then moved her palm, and a black and ink war sword appeared in her palm. In the middle, a huge pressure immediately broke through and surged out of her body, also forming a good sense of pressure.

Everyone was secretly surprised. They seldom saw Zhou Ruolan take a shot. This time seeing Zhou Ruolan holding this war sword, their faces suddenly showed surprise expressions.

It is true that Zhou Ruolan rarely makes a shot in Xiyue Tower, and every time he makes a shot, it only stops on the spot, and rarely does it again. And this time she actually used a sword?

Not long ago, I saw her personally assessing Chu Qianye. She also used swordsmanship, but she also had reservations that time. It was the only time they had seen Zhou Ruolan use a sword. This was the second time!

Mu Yan and others were secretly surprised. In this case, since Zhou Ruolan chose to use a sword, she was obviously the best at her, but she didn't know how strong she was.

In this regard, Mu Yan and the others were faintly looking forward to it, which surprised them, after all, they rarely saw this situation.

However, this war sword is very weird. It clearly has no brilliance, but it exudes an uncomfortable feeling. At this time, in the mansion, the Divine Shadow Sword standing right in front of Chu Qianye also produced a wave at this time. It trembled, suspected to be echoing with the war sword outside.

"The light of darkness depends on you. Even if you lose your air, you can't hide your light, right." Zhou Ruolan stroked the sword, and the corners of her mouth whispered softly, but the voice was only for herself.

I don't know why, when Bai Wushuang saw this black sword in Zhou Ruolan's hand, he suddenly had an illusion in his heart, as if the profound soldier in his hand could not match it at all, this feeling was very strange.

Logically speaking, the rank of the Rainbow Xuan Soldier in his hand should not be too low, but before Zhou Ruolan's weapon came out, it seemed that he had no advantage at all.

This girl, the sword in her hand is weird!

Looking at Zhou Ruolan, Bai Wushuang secretly came to a conclusion.


The thorns in the palms of Bai Wu's hands suddenly burst out with a bright light, and the sword light shone with endless brilliance, which made people feel a kind of chilling, and the vast power around them was surging wildly.

Zhou Ruolan's eyes flickered, she held the dark light in her hand, and a huge force surged in her body for a while, the war sword trembling in her hand, that amazing aura violently rushed, bursting out bright and dazzling light .

The two shot at the same time.

The stab and the war sword burst out in vain with a dazzling light. The light seemed to swallow the sky and the earth. The power was violent, and it was constantly roaring and roaring in the world. At this moment, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, because Under the collision of this profound soldier, everyone with him felt a sense of explosion.


The two profound soldiers collided fiercely, and the loud noise came into everyone’s ears one after another. The faces of everyone changed drastically at this moment, and they never thought that this kind of power would be so. terrible.

Both of them were knocked out by a huge rebound.

However, the next moment the two teleported to each other again, and the sword light burst into a bright light, and the sword aura resounded like thunder in the world.

"The space here is small, let's change to another place." Zhou Ruolan said lightly.

In fact, she is afraid that the two will fight here and disturb Chu Qianye. Now she can fight for Chu Qianye as much time as she can. It is best not to disturb him, so that he can realize the truth and transform the sage. Now it has reached the most critical moment. Some movement wakes up, then it is abandoned halfway.

Bai Wushuang didn't care, his figure moved, swept into the void of a hundred meters, the two confronted each other, and the momentum was rushing forward.

"Lao Yan, what shall we do now?" Several people looked at Mu Yan.

"Let's watch the changes." Mu Yan said: "After all, Deputy Pavilion Master Zhou is our Xiyue Tower. Even if she maintains Chu Qianye, we can't fall into trouble. We don't want to stop, but we don't want to kill."

When everyone heard this, they all moved slightly in compassion.

Yes, they can indeed do this, on the one hand, it is not hurtful, and on the other hand they have made concessions on this matter.

At this time, Bai Wushuang confronted Zhou Ruolan.

The momentum of the two of them kept surging up, and their strength roared in the sky and the earth.

Here, the disciples of the doormen in Xiyue Building seemed to feel that these two forces were constantly soaring, and the movement of their previous fights was obviously transmitted to the ears of everyone, so at this moment everyone was secretly surprised, one after another. He raised his head and stared at the two of them.

"Uh, isn't that Deputy Pavilion Master Zhou." The sharp-eyed person saw Zhou Ruolan all of a sudden.

"Who is that other man?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it anyway. Uh, Elder Mu Yan and they are all here."


At this moment, the streamer seemed to have seen Mu Yan and the others. Their faces were all surprised. Since they didn't stop them, this seemed like a good show.

Everyone stared at the figure above and talked.

At this moment, Chu Qianye was cultivating in the mansion, he continued to comprehend the gas in his chest, and his spirit body exuded a faint light of spirit under the sacred bronze tree.

Chu Qianye’s enlightenment has reached the most critical moment. The way of killing is constantly operating and deduced in his body. That amazing power is constantly whizzing away, and murderous aura surges around his body. …

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