Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1376: Abnormal protrusion!

Just as she was about to make a move, a flame suddenly appeared in front of Chu Qianye's body, but it was a dudu figure.

Dudu hovered in front of Chu Qianye, holding his braid against the sky, his eyes revealed cold light, and he looked at the stubborn wood rushing over.

"Eh, oh!"

Looks quite fierce.

"this is……"

"Fire Spirit!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, everyone woke up, and there was a touch of shock on their faces. Obviously they didn't expect that Chu Qianye would still have such a collection.

Fire spirits are extremely precious, generally only Xuanhuo can be nurtured, and is more advanced than Xuanhuo, and belongs to the king of Xuanhuo. For example, the fire spirit bred by the flames of blue clouds will definitely be stronger than the flames of blue clouds, and because of its spiritual intelligence, it can improve its strength by drawing other profound fires.

It is said that in the most primitive period of the Profound Qi Continent, Profound Fire gave birth to Fire Spirits, and Fire Spirits absorbed other profound fires to improve their strength and became the strongest existence on the Profound Qi Continent.

Once became an extremely mysterious existence, also known as the Wanyan War Emperor. At that time, it was called the Wanyan Year. It was the darkest period when monsters were rampant, and humans belonged to the weakest group.

However, after such a period lasted for two thousand years, as mankind became stronger, mankind gradually dominated this land. The Emperor Wanyan Zhan was finally destroyed because of the condemnation of the sky, and the Wanyan era ended.

Therefore, this fire spirit is quite a terrifying existence. When everyone sees Dudu, it's no wonder that their faces are a little nervous. It's not unreasonable.

"This fire spirit, if it can be subdued by us, then it will really be sent." Suddenly someone said.

Everyone's expressions were startled, and their eyes burned with fire.

This is indeed possible. It is not uncommon for the fire spirit to be subdued by humans. Some people have succeeded, and there are too many examples of this.

Therefore, when this person mentioned subduing the fire spirit, everyone's eyes became fiery.

The elder of the Saint Realm shook his head slightly.

How could Huo Ling be so easy to subdue!

He had also wanted to subdue Huo Ling, but the level of Huo Ling's trust in the original owner surprised him. Even if he was destroyed, Huo Ling was not willing to be reduced to human authority. There was a tendency that it would be better to be broken than to complete.

So when these guys said he wanted to subdue the fire spirit, he suddenly wanted to laugh secretly.

is it possible?

It's impossible, it's not easy to subdue Huo Ling!

"You deal with Chu Qianye, I'll subdue this fire spirit!" Nun Mu said.

Everyone looked at each other, and they seemed to be able to see the dissatisfaction in each other's eyes, but they knew the relationship between the stubborn wood and the ancient elders, so they knew that they had no choice in this matter.

The remaining six people looked at Chu Qianye one after another.

The saint did not make a move, but stood on the side, looking around with vigilant eyes to prevent accidents.

At this time, Bai Yueji, she stood on the side and didn't make a move.

Hao Juan gritted her teeth.

In this matter, she has almost no extra options.

Alas, it seems that I can only shoot.

Hao Juan sighed softly in her heart.

"call out!"

Hao Juan stood in front of Chu Qianye.

Everyone looked startled, and showed blank expressions.

"Sister Hao Juan, what are you doing?" Wan Ling asked in surprise.

"He is kind to me." Hao Juan said.

Everyone was secretly surprised and looked at the saint behind them.

Obviously, the elder who has the most decision right at this time.

"Hao Juan, you have to think about it. He is our enemy of the Tianxuan Sect. If you want to protect him, then you are going to be an enemy of the Tianxuan Sect. You will bear the sin of betraying the Sect. Do you decide Do you want to do this?" the elder said coldly.

Hao Juan gritted her teeth and said nothing.

This kind of thing, she has no right to choose at all, one side is the martial arts, the other side is her benefactor, and she has a close relationship with herself. What choice does this make?

Obviously, she is already in a dilemma.

So she has no solution.

Seeing Hao Juan's silence, the elder couldn't help shook his head.

"It seems that you have already made your choice..." the old man said: "If that's the case, then I shouldn't blame the same door for not being affectionate."

"Do it!"

Hearing the elder's order, everyone started to take action.

Nun Mu started his hand and slammed it towards Dudu with a punch.

"Eh, oh!"

Dudu was very angry, soaring to the sky, his braids curled up, his mouth opened, and he spit out a terrible flame. The flame was even more terrifying than the ordinary profound fire. The nearby venerables had not had time to react before the flames rushed forward. , Like a golden mountain of water, it completely boiled, the amazing power of burning the sky, madly vast in the sky and the earth, wherever it goes, the void is shattered.

"Damn little beast!"

Everyone backed away.

The same is true of stubborn wood.

Hao Juan looked stunned, she didn't expect Dudu to be so powerful.

"Old Leng, this little thing is not easy to deal with." Everyone turned their heads and looked at the elder.

The elder frowned.

"Hmph, little beast, let me fade away quickly!" The elder said coldly, squeezing his palm abruptly, and it seemed that there was an invisible space confinement, suddenly surrounding Dudu.

"Eh, oh!"

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

What a terrifying scene, this kind of combat power is quite tyrannical, roaring in the sky and the earth one after another, that kind of astonishing surging power makes people extremely frightened.

"Okay, you do it, a quick fight!" The elder said coldly.

Seeing that Huo Ling was under control, everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"The three of you deal with Hao Juan, this kid will leave it to us!" The six immediately divided the labor.

Hao Juan's face changed slightly.

If the division of labor is true, then Chu Qianye’s situation is quite dangerous. After all, if the three people deal with her, she will not be able to free her hands. Dudu is now imprisoned again, and Chu Qianye is exposed to the three nobles. Under the nose, the defense is extremely low, and at this time they make a move, even if Chu Qianye has great abilities, I am afraid that he will not be able to save his life!

"Qianye, wake up soon!" Hao Juan said in a hurry.

"Hehe, stop calling, he won't wake up even if you call Po throat. If I guessed correctly, this kid should be enlightening." Wan Ling said lightly.

Hearing the sound, Hao Juan's eyes suddenly flashed with sadness.

In this way, who can save Chu Qianye?

She looked at Chu Qianye anxiously, a little desperate in her heart.

Three fellow seniors rushed towards her and surrounded her, preventing her from freeing her hands to deal with the other three.

"Do it!"

The other three were staring at Chu Qianye, a murderous intent flashed in their eyes, and said in a deep voice.

When they finished speaking, they rushed towards Chu Qianye, and when they approached Chu Qianye and raised the profound soldiers in their hands to attack, they suddenly changed!

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