Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1378: Step into the saint!

The two looked at the mansion, their faces gloomy.

With ten saints, can't make a seven-star saint?

Uncle, this is going to explode.

Cang Gu frowned.

"You deal with this woman, I will go down and have a look." Cang Gu said.

Bai Wushuang nodded slightly.

However, just as Cang Gu wanted to leave, Zhou Ruolan blocked his way, and the sword in his hand burst out with dazzling light.

Zhou Ruolan knew that Chu Qianye needed her help the most at this time. If Canggu were to help, the situation might be quite unoptimistic. At this time, it is just about to be transformed into a sage, and there are still differences from the stage of transformation. The difference is small, so at this time, what Chu Qianye needs most is time.

Cang Gu's expression suddenly sank.

This woman is also extremely difficult to deal with. He and Bai Wushuang teamed up, but they did not kill her. Her sword skills are really tricky, and she always saves herself at critical moments.

"Get out of here!" Cang Gu was furious and coldly snorted.

But Zhou Ruolan naturally wouldn't give way just because the opponent was fierce.

She held the war sword tightly, her figure flickering, the war sword was shocked like a hungry, and it resounded like thunder in the world.

Bai Wushuang shook his head slightly. Both of them knew that the problem was Zhou Ruolan's sword skill. This sword skill was too high-end, and they had no solution. Originally, they burst into battle, and rushed up to be hit by her. Quit, this feeling is very unpleasant.

Cang Gu was already furious, the power in his body was no longer hidden, his aura soared and connected wildly, and the power between the heavens and the earth was constantly swept out of his body...

Bai Wushuang's expression was startled, he didn't expect Cang Gu to hide his strength.

This old dog is so scheming. He didn't expect to delay on such a small issue. This peat is okay, it's really maddening.

Feeling Cang Gu's power aura soaring, Zhou Ruolan's face also showed a dignified look, knowing that Cang Gu hadn't made a full shot before.

In the mansion, everyone looked at the film covering Chu Qianye's body in front of them. Several people glanced at each other, and they could all see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Don't be stunned, destroy that layer of film!" Elder Leng said with a slight change of expression.

At this time, everyone woke up one after another, and hurriedly sacrificed their profound soldiers, bursting out a bright light, the powerful force was extremely dazzling, that light was like a falling star on the stars, piercing the sky.

Several forces rushed towards Chu Qianye...

When they were about to approach the film, Chu Qianye's body burst out with extremely dazzling light.

The sacred book and the sacred tree both burst out with extremely dazzling light at this time, and the martial arts cultivation base that fettered Chu Qianye was completely opened up.

Inside the gate of good fortune, countless rays of light bloomed, and behind the gate of good fortune, a cube blue object slowly rotated, exuding an astonishing breath of power, with countless channels of information on every side.


The film around Chu Qianye's body disappeared, and Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly opened. He looked at the figure rushing towards him, and his deep gaze was filled with extreme indifference. It was a kind of It seemed to see the ants bouncing in front of him.

"Kill that kid!" Elder Leng was also surprised. He teleported in front of Chu Qianye, his palm flickered, and he sacrificed his own warhammer profound soldier and slammed into Chu Qianye's head.

Chu Qianye didn't dodge, he raised his head.

"Two-star saint?"

He shook his head slightly.

"Dare to be big in front of me with this strength?"

When the voice fell, he didn't see what Chu Qianye did. He raised his hand gently, and Elder Leng was shocked to discover that his body seemed to have a huge force hindering him from moving forward.

"Absolute Realm!"

Look! On the _* version C chapter o@}#z

At this time, Old Leng Zheng opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise.

Chu Qianye didn't respond, he turned his head faintly, looking at the venerable looting.

"Unexpectedly, the strength gap is so big."

He said, then raised his palm and slapped a palm at the figures.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The three venerables were instantly shot out in mid-air. People in the mid-air instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, and there was no resistance at all.

Killed three in the blink of an eye?

Among the strengths of these venerables, one of them is the seven-star venerable. He didn't even have the slightest power to resist, and he died so thoroughly?

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye with a stunned expression on his face. They didn't expect Chu Qianye to possess such a terrifying power. This kind of combat power was so terrifying that he didn't blink.

The remaining venerables, who were already scared at this time, did not have the slightest desire to love war, and quickly turned and fled.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

"Can you escape?"

After the words fell, everyone was horrified to find that their bodies were unable to move at all, and the amazing martial arts power seemed to have completely fixed them in place.

Chu Qianye flicked his fingers, and in the blink of an eye the three venerables fell again!

In an instant, there were only four Venerables left!

Wan Mu, Wan Ling, Bai Yueji, and Hao Juan.

There is also Elder Leng.

Elder Leng at this time didn't dare to fight Chu Qianye at all. In the absolute realm, he was not Chu Qianye's opponent at all, so the best way is to do it!

Chu Qianye seemed to see Elder Leng's intentions, but he smiled faintly and ignored it.

"Hao Juan, long time no see, don't come here unharmed." Chu Qianye smiled faintly: "I already know everything. From now on, you don't have to go back to the Tianxuanmen. My Longmen will surely surpass the Tianxuanmen one day!"

Looking at Chu Qianye, Hao Juan's expression was complicated.

Even though she had known Chu Qianye's extraordinary talent at the beginning, she had never thought that Chu Qianye would actually create the Dragon Gate, and in order to contain the Wushi market, Tongbaohang also came into being.

Although Chu Qianye’s current energy is not as good as the Sky Profound Gate, as he said, the Dragon Gate will one day replace the Sky Profound Gate!

Nun Mu and Wan Ling looked at Chu Qianye in shock, while Bai Yueji looked at the man in front of him with complicated expressions.

This man has occupied her, but now has such amazing strength, which is no longer what she used to be. At the beginning, she at least felt that she was a genius, but now Elder Leng is no match, so what arrogant capital does she have?


Chu Qianye is the one who dominates her now. Her fate is in the hands of this man, and she can't escape it.

Chu Qianye turned his head to look at Wan Ling and Nanmu, showing a faint smile.

"Haha, long time no see." Chu Qianye said faintly, "Do you really think that your methods are very clever? The little tricks between you and Wushi Black Face God have already been known to me. I'm just scheming. ."

Nunmu's expression was startled, he realized at this moment that it was not that he was calculating the other party, but that he was calculated by the other party, but he didn't know yet.

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