Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1384: Sword Master Void!

Chu Qianye's method has to be said to be really cruel. No normal person can withstand this method. This kind of method of pulling away from the soul is actually very taboo.

Chu Qianye put his furnace into the Qiankun Ring.

He looked towards the periphery, which was where Elder Leng fled.

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"How much do you remember?" Chu Qianye turned her head and asked Zhou Ruolan.

"Four points." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly. This kind of talent is not bad. After all, it is difficult for normal people to remember "The Sword Classic". It is very good for ordinary people to remember one point. As for remembering six points Everyone, without exception, is a genius of kendo, at least half of his talent and understanding.

Zhou Ruolan's talent is not bad, reaching three points is very good, and she is four points, so she should be considered relatively excellent.

"Then come with me and see how much you can learn today." Chu Qianye said.

After the words were over, the figure had disappeared before her eyes, and Zhou Ruolan followed, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Outside the mountain gate of Xiyue Tower, there are nine sages of the Tianxuan gate, plus twenty venerables. At this time, they stared at the gate with an expression on their faces as if they were facing an enemy.

"Elder Leng, how could that kid be so strong?"

"He has become a holy." Elder Leng said.

When everyone heard these words, they all had difficulty breathing.

This kind of leap is too great. Before they came here, they knew that Chu Qianye was only at the level of a five-star Venerable, so he became a saint so quickly? This talent is too scary. How long has Chu Qianye cultivated successively? It's been more than two years. I didn't expect that he should have such an amazing talent. The difference in strength is so great that ordinary people can't achieve this. height.

"Then what shall we do, are we just waiting here?"

"I think we should withdraw, or wait for help."


Everyone suggested.

"No hurry, I want to take a look, so we Nine Saints can't take this kid?" an old man said lightly.

Elder Leng's eyes flickered a little.

The lineup of Nine Saints seems to be very strong, but Chu Qianye's strength is not weak, he thinks about the kind of combat power that is possible now, especially Chu Qianye still has an absolute domain, which is quite tyrannical. , Can basically be invincible.

How to do? Should I retreat first?

It seems that it is not possible. If you retreat first, then this matter will spread to others' ears, then what will happen? Where else is your face left?

Therefore, for the present plan, the most important thing is to wait and see the changes first, and it is not too late to retreat if something is wrong.

Elder Leng stared at the gate of Xiyue Tower, his mind felt like electricity.


Two figures swept out from the Xiyue Building, and finally stopped in front of the mountain gate.

The patrol law enforcement team in Xiyue Tower saw Qianye's face clearly, then looked at Zhou Ruolan, and was immediately surprised secretly.

"I have seen Deputy Pavilion Master Zhou." A member of the patrol law enforcement team said respectfully.

However, Zhou Ruolan shook her head gently.

"You don't need to call me that. From now on, I will no longer be your deputy pavilion master Zhou, and there will be no such figure as Zhou Ruolan in Xiyue Tower." Zhou Ruolan said.

Hearing the sound, every member of the patrol law enforcement team showed a dazed expression on their faces.

What happened to this?

At this time, Mu Yan and several pavilion masters also flew out, rushing to the front of the mountain. The patrol law enforcement team wanted to come forward to salute, but Mu Yan gave a look, and several people stopped saluting.

They were secretly surprised, not knowing what happened.

But judging by the battle in front of you, this shouldn't happen any good things. The people on both sides are here, I'm afraid that unusually fierce battles will break out at any time.

The members of the patrol law enforcement team in Xiyue Tower, everyone saw the battle in front of them, secretly surprised in their hearts, and then stopped talking, and hid behind them.

The so-called fights of the immortals hurt the fish pond.

These people, their strength is nothing in front of these big bosses, the energy leaked out of the fight, I am afraid that their own lives will be destroyed under this impact.

At this time, Xiao Long and Xiao Linyan were practicing in retreat. They didn't know what happened in Xiyue Tower. They threw themselves in to absorb the blood of Nine Youque.

At this time, Chu Qianye carried his hands on his back, and looked lightly at the number of Tianxuanmen outside the gate of Xiyuelou Mountain. Among them was the elder Leng who had escaped from the sky before.

Seeing Elder Leng, Chu Qianye suddenly showed a faint smile.

Everyone frowned, Chu Qianye was too young, and such a bland wind made them feel invisible.

At the same time, Chu Qianye had just been transformed into a saint. Why did they still feel this way?

When everyone looked at Chu Qianye, they couldn't help but secretly thought.

For this situation, their mood is extremely complicated.

"There are not too many people, twenty nobles, nine saints." Chu Qianye said lightly, "You Tianxuanmen are too overestimating yourself."

This sentence made everyone's face slightly changed.

Chu Qianye's words from the small to the point of being very young, and to the big one is arrogant.

Twenty sages, plus nine saints, are they not their opponents?

What an international joke!

A sharp look flashed across everyone's eyes, and their faces sank slightly.

"Boy, you talk too much, are you afraid of flashing your tongue?" a white robe elder said coldly.

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed.

"A tristar saint dare to be presumptuous in front of me?" Chu Qianye said coldly: "Don't say it's you, you nine saints are not my opponent..."

Chu Qianye carried his hands on her back, with a calm expression, looked around, glanced lightly, her eyes filled with disdain and pride.

These people, not to mention all of them, even if there are ten more saints, he is not afraid.

With the time-lapse magical powers, plus the "Absolute Heaven Sword", the ordinary Saint Realm is not his opponent at all, and these people are just three or four-star Saints, he doesn't need to care at all.

Hearing Chu Qianye's words, everyone's face suddenly sank and became extremely ugly. They were saints, so why were they so despised?

There has never been, even if there are, those people have been dead for many years!

The boy in front of him, who seemed to be in his twenties, was so arrogant.

"Boy, I have to say that you are arrogant!" The white-robed elder said coldly, "Someone used to be as arrogant as you, but then they all died."

"And you may be able to reunite with them soon!"

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

"Ruolan, you are very optimistic."

Chu Qianye vomited lightly, Zhou Ruolan's eyes flashed a dignified color, knowing that Chu Qianye would continue to perform the "Unparalleled Sword Classic", such a rare opportunity, naturally should not be missed.

After Chu Qianye took a step on the palms of his feet, the divine sword that was far away in the mansion pierced the sky and straddled the void, making a sharp sound, falling into the palm of Chu Qianye's hand, and his body was emitting An amazing sword breath!

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