Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1388: Aftermath

Elder Leng, who was running for his life, did not dare to stay at all, his heart was raging, full of despair.

The nine saints are all down now, leaving him alone to escape, and the other thirty are basically dead.

The blow this time was very severe for the Sky Profound Clan.

Chu Qianye's strength was too tyrannical, if Chu Qianye broke out completely without reservation, it might be even more terrifying, maybe he couldn't escape at all.

"Senior, I'll chase him back!" Zhou Ruolan asked automatically.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile and waved his hand.

"To let him escape, I need a microphone." Chu Qianye said lightly: "And he can't die or live."

These words made Zhou Ruolan look startled, and immediately remembered something terrifying, Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Zhou Ruolan took a deep breath.

Chu Qianye didn't say it directly, but she knew very well that what Chu Qianye meant was actually referring to a sword move in the "Sword of Endless Heaven", and this sword move was quite terrifying, even if it was Now she may not be able to stop her with all her strength, not to mention that Chu Qianye's sword skills are extremely concealed.

Everyone looked at these people who died at the Tianxuan Gate, and their faces showed a touch of horror.

This is the Sky Profound Clan, but not some Dragon Cloud Sect. As the power of the Heaven-Splitting Divine Wilderness Giant, has never been so frustrated?

The hatred between Chu Qianye and Tianxuan Sect this time is probably already completely formed, and this hatred is immortal!

Chu Qianye looked at the dead venerables and saints, and collected all the Qiankun Rings and Meritorious Stones in his pocket.

This is a trophy. A warrior who can reach this level must not have a bad collection. Even if it is not suitable for his own use, it can at least be used by other people in Longmen.

After accepting these things, Chu Qianye raised his head.

"Elder Mu, thank you for your kind treatment these days," Chu Qianye said.

Mu Yan waved his hand.

Now he doesn’t dare to think of himself as a predecessor. He used to be an elder of law enforcement. Maybe he could ignore Chu Qianye, but now it’s different. Chu Qianye is a bull who slaughtered the twenty-eight Nine Saints. Is the other party playing sideways?

Especially immediately, Cui was too scared at this time. She was very worried that Chu Qianye would settle the account with herself, but Chu Qianye didn't care about these details at all.

"Hao Juan, come out."

Chu Qianye raised his head and spit out towards the mountain gate. The sound was composed of mysterious sounds and passed towards Xiyue Tower. Hao Juan, who was in the mansion, immediately raised his head and hurriedly visited the mansion.

"Ruolan, is there anything else you need to prepare?" Chu Qianye asked.

Zhou Ruolan shook her head gently.

She knew very well in her heart that she was Chu Qianye's sword servant, wherever Chu Qianye was, then she had to be.

However, she was very happy to be able to stay by Chu Qianye's side and learn to comprehend the "Sword of Absolute Heaven", which is really great for her. This is the most urgent wish of her father Zhou Tian, ​​and she I have always been proud of it.

To be Chu Qianye's sword attendant requires chance and also a great talent. Fortunately, her talent has been recognized by Chu Qianye.

"Okay, if there isn't, then let's go." Chu Qianye raised his head, his eyes shot a sharp light.

He knew very well that the Sky Profound Sect suffered a big loss this time, and it is bound to send more powerful men to intercept him. If he does not leave now, he will be buried here by then. With his current strength, Many also deal with saints around three stars. If you encounter saints above five stars, you will cry yourself.


At this time, Hao Juan appeared in front of the mountain gate of Xiyue Tower.

Chu Qianye felt it for a while, and found that neither Xiao Long nor Xiao Linyan had the slightest movement. He probably guessed what they were doing. He made such a big movement. The two of them should be able to detect this. That's right, but none of them rushed over. It seemed that they were refining and absorbing the blood of the Nine Youque.

"Qianye." When Hao Juan saw that Chu Qianye was okay, she sighed in relief, and then a trace of horror flashed in her eyes. She looked at Chu Qianye, and the expression on her face suddenly became a little unnatural. .

"You killed them all?"

Seeing Hao Juan making such a fuss, Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Hao Juan watched Chu Qianye nod and agreed, and the fear in her heart suddenly became stronger. She didn't expect that Chu Qianye would actually be able to do it, and she didn't even guess that Chu Qianye had such a powerful strength.

Kill so many saints and venerables?

She glanced at it, and all the people who died on the ground were the head teachers or elders of the Profound Sky Clan, some of whom she knew.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and his sleeves waved, all the corpses disappeared, swept toward his sleeves, and then disappeared before his eyes as fast as lightning.

"Let's go." Chu Qianye said lightly, and a flying boat swept out. Zhou Ruolan and Hao Juan entered the flying boat with Chu Qianye one after another, disappearing in front of them.


Feizhou burst out with a dazzling light, and immediately disappeared before his eyes.

Mu Yan and the others watched Chu Qianye’s flying boat leave, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. Before they knew it, several pavilion owners had already chilled their backs. Every minute and every second of Chu Qianye’s presence, they felt The invisible oppression, this feeling is very strong, like a sharp blade hanging on their heads, as long as they move slightly, the sharp blade may fall on their necks.

Chu Qianye seemed to be a huge demon, and this felt even more terrifying. A martial artist who had just turned into a sage was so powerful that even the people at the Tianxuan Gate were not opponents.

"How many of those people at the Tianxuan Gate died?" Mu Yan asked.

"Returning to the elder, I just did a count. The number of sages is twenty-eight. One of them has left, and the other left with Chu Qianye. Nine of the saints died, but only one escaped. "A member of the patrol law enforcement team, he said.

As soon as this was said, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

All these people died in the hands of Chu Qianye?


The people once again looked in the direction where Chu Qianye had left, and couldn't help but take a deep breath. They had a feeling of escaping from the dead, as if Chu Qianye had just taken action against them, I am afraid that they would not escape. .

Fortunately, Chu Qianye didn't make a move.

"If the order continues, this matter must not be mentioned to outsiders. If there is a preacher, immediately kill it!" Mu Yan said.

Everyone looked startled, but they didn't expect the punishment to be so severe.

"Lao Yan, is this punishment a bit too heavy?" A pavilion master beside him suddenly asked.

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Mu Yan shook his head slightly.

This is called heavy?

Compared with the future and destiny of Xiyue Tower, this is nothing at all!

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