Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1390: Martial arts

"Ruolan, close your eyes and don't resist. I will instill your body right now and pass on these five sets of sword skills to you. With your understanding, you should be able to learn these five sets of sword skills soon." Qianye said.

Zhou Ruolan nodded lightly, then closed her eyes.

Seeing that she was ready, Chu Qianye immediately placed her palm on top of her head, and his heart moved, and five sets of sword skills swept towards her mind.


Zhou Ruolan only felt that a powerful message was poured into her mind.

This is the inheritance of martial arts, this method is not a problem for him at all. He was unable to use this method before, mainly because the martial arts was not enough. Now he has been transformed into a saint, he can use this method to transmit information. Law and martial arts can no longer use scrolls as a carrier for transmission in the future.

However, it is obvious that the traditional scroll information carrier still has a great effect. Chu Qianye should know this best. He has also produced a lot of scrolls and understands this very well. This is why he continues to retain Ye Yue.

It has to be said that the Dragon Gate can rise in such a short period of time, in fact, is inseparable from everyone’s efforts. One of the most important points is Yeyue’s efforts, constantly engraving the scrolls, and engraving the exercises and martial skills on the scrolls. Above.

Of course, because he has special magical powers, he can write those exercises and martial arts directly on the spiritual paper, but the preservation time is not long, so he must understand thoroughly within this time period, otherwise the time limit has passed. The scrolls and exercises on the spirit paper will also disappear automatically.

However, these are more than enough for Longmen. The one-month time limit, according to the martial artist's understanding, is probably five people to understand a piece of spiritual paper technique or martial arts.

In fact, in terms of cost, they are all very good.

Chu Qianye immediately retracted her palm, and Zhou Ruolan at this time exuded a breath of Ruo Ruo Wu, and within her body, the power was constantly roaring between the heaven and the earth, the feeling was quite terrifying. It's as if the energy between heaven and earth is used by her.

Chu Qianye smiled slightly.

He understood that Zhou Ruolan was already comprehending those sword skills at this time, and he didn't know when the comprehension would be completed, but it seemed that it should not be far away.

"Hao Juan, I think you have a good understanding of marksmanship, so I will teach you five sets of marksmanship. I hope you can experience it with your heart and help you improve your strength in the future." Chu Qianye said, "Don't resist."

Hao Juan nodded lightly, and then closed her eyes just like Zhou Ruolan.

Chu Qianye put his palm on his head, and immediately entered all five sets of marksmanship into Hao Juan's mind.

Chu Qianye removed her hand, but Hao Juan did not open her eyes either.

Seeing this, Chu Qianye knew that both of them were enlightening, so he didn't bother at all. Anyway, the martial arts had been passed on to the two, it was their own good fortune.

In fact, the spear technique passed by Chu Qianye to Hao Juan is not weak. For example, in "Hundred Birds Chaos Phoenix Spear", this spear technique transmits all the power into the tip of the gun, and the handle of the gun bursts out of full power. At that time, the tip of the spear will vibrate a hundred times, forming hundreds of unique sounds of spears echoing. This is the phoenix spear.

This shooting technique was an unexpected harvest of Chu Qianye when he was beheading a **** king. At the beginning, the **** king envoy's tiger-headed golden spear was transformed from Chaofeng to the hundred birds Chaohuang spear. At that time, Chu Qianye's strength was already very strong, but this guy actually blocked his fatal blow with this shooting technique. He thought the things were good at first, so he later collected them. Although it belongs to a relatively low-level secret technique, it is for the current Hao Juan said, this is simply God's grace, this spear art can burst out her full strength, and even the hidden power can be induced.

Another example is "Seven Exploring Dragons and Thorns", which is also extremely advanced marksmanship.

Therefore, what Chu Qianye gave was suitable for the two at different stages of strength, and they were able to burst out powerful combat power.

Anyway, the martial arts have been sent out. It depends on whether the two people can understand thoroughly. It seems that they can do it. After all, the understanding of the two people is still extremely high.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and started his own practice.

Although he killed the twenty-eight nine sages of the Tianxuan Gate this time, he knew very well in his heart that if it wasn't because of his transformation of the sage, or because of his "Absolute Heaven Sword", he would never have done it.

However, because he played the "Unbelievable Sword Classic", he was swallowed up by tremendous power, and his palm was almost scrapped, so next time he definitely can't take such a risk, at least he must be safer. You can't try with your own life.

It's better to do this kind of desperate risk as little as possible.

Either do it with confidence, or try not easily, otherwise you will die and all your efforts will be wasted.

"Old man Jian, now I will help you avenge your grievances. The disciples cannot step into the Profound Sky Sect to force them to hand over the murderer, otherwise the disciple will do it. Please believe me, in the near future, disciple They must step onto the Tianxuan Sect strongly and let them hand over the people, otherwise the disciple will flatten the Tianxuan Sect!" Chu Qianye shook his palm and said coldly.

When he finished speaking, Chu Qianye closed his eyes again, and the light in his eyes flickered.

Improve your strength, this is the kingly way!

Chu Qianye understood this in his heart. He closed his eyes and continued to stimulate the exercises in his body, continuing to operate, absorbing the power and energy of the stars between the heavens and the earth, while he took out a bottle of Nine Youque’s blood and drank it immediately. Go down.

Under a loud roar, the power of the blood gas roared in his body for a short time, and the blood gas almost solidified at this moment. Chu Qianye felt that the blood of the Nine Youques was no longer as before. Furious, perhaps it has a lot to do with the improvement of his strength.

Chu Qianye didn't say any more, he continued to close his eyes, feel the power aura in his body, and roared and revolved in his body continuously, then he settled down and continued to refine and absorb the energy of Nine Youque's blood.

But at this time, Jiuyouque felt the blood entering the body, and suddenly let out a clear cry.

But Dudu slapped his head with a "babble, babble", righteously speaking, and executed the duties and responsibilities that Chu Qianye was optimistic about. The Jiuyouque has been tortured, and now Dudu teaches it like this. I don’t dare to resist. I can only stare at Dudu angrily, but Dudu doesn’t care at all. It’s like this baby doesn’t care about your scumbag, whatever you love. Anyway, if you are not honest, I will It's like beating you.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes, blood was constantly gushing around his body, but it soon disappeared under his skin.

Now, as Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation level has improved, his skin has become more fair and transparent. It is an extremely delicate feeling, as if the skin is condensed into crystals.

This baby-like skin looks very tender, but with such violent energy, it can't move at all. One can imagine how powerful Chu Qianye's physical body is now.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes and continued to feel the mighty power in his body.

Bu. |}

With the passage of time, Chu Qianye felt that the blood of the Nine Youques in her body seemed to be constantly decreasing, and that reduction was showing that Chu Qianye was rapidly refining and absorbing the blood of these Nine Yousques.


I don't know when, Chu Qianye opened his eyes abruptly, and there was a substantive ray of light in his eyes, which made the void suddenly twisted.


A turbid gas was immediately exhaled from his chest, and there was a look of surprise on his face.

Unexpectedly, the blood of the Nine Youques would help him improve his martial arts cultivation level. A bottle of the blood of the Nine Youques had gradually stabilized his martial arts cultivation. This feeling It's very obvious.

"Unexpectedly, I don't know if the blood of the Nine You Sparrows behind can make my martial arts cultivation better?" Chu Qianye vomited lightly, her eyes flickering.

In fact, he is very demanding. After all, the more difficult it is to improve his martial arts cultivation level, he is very clear about this.

But a solid martial arts cultivation base is more than enough, it depends on whether he can break through.

Two-star sage, it seems that it is not difficult, but in the process of actually improving the martial arts cultivation level, there is still a need for this kind of strength improvement. This feeling is quite strange.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore. When it's time to improve, it will naturally improve."

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly and looked at Zhou Ruolan and Hao Juan. There was no movement at this time. It seemed that he was refining the blood of the Nine Youques too quickly, so they had not yet awakened. come.

This is mainly due to the fact that his speed has been greatly improved after his cultivation method has advanced. If he changes to the previous one, I am afraid that both of them have already understood their martial arts and started to practice martial arts. They may not be refined and absorbed. Finish the blood of these nine quiet birds.

Chu Qianye stopped the flying boat, the Yu Beast flapped its wings and kept it in the void.

I don't know if it was because they felt Chu Qianye's gaze, the two of them almost opened their eyes one after another.

When they saw Chu Qianye staring at him, their expressions were all startled.

Chu Qianye looked at the expressions of the two, already in control.

Zhou Ruolan has almost understood it, and Hao Juan estimated that it has also understood 60%. As long as she practiced and worked in the next time, she would definitely get more and more smooth and understand it thoroughly.

"Let's go, let's land here, strength along the way, and see if we can meet some adventurous teams." Chu Qianye said.

Hao Juan and Zhou Ruolan nodded, and then left Feizhou.

With Chu Qianye's palm, Feizhou disappeared before his eyes.

The three of them landed on a mountain, and a powerful savage beast aura surged not far away.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a large red centipede that was several hundred meters long. Every section was filled with terrifying flames. The temperature was extremely high, and everything it reached, everything turned into nothingness, and the crackling sound resounded.

Hehe, this is a rare opportunity to practice with.

"Your chance to learn martial arts has come, don't kill it all at once, practice martial arts well," Chu Qianye said.

The two nodded slightly, they both understood what Chu Qianye meant.

"I'll come first." Zhou Ruolan said, and then took out a war sword. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a wooden sword.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly. This is a method that many sword repairmen will use to practice sword skills with ordinary things. On the one hand, they will not kill the savage beasts that the sparring team is too powerful. In one aspect, you can return to the basics and comprehend the true kendo.

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