Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1393: Arrive in the main city

The three were dispatched together.


A huge vibration formed in the void.



Those savage beasts all fell one after another.

Zhou Ruolan held the war sword and quickly eliminated three brutal beasts, while Chu Qianye eliminated four, and Hao Juan shot and killed two brutal beasts.

There were a dozen brutal beasts in the huge tide of beasts in a blink of an eye. All the brutal beasts felt that someone was attacking, and they suddenly roared, frightened and frightened, and felt that they had fallen into a human trap.


The roar continued, and Chu Qianye and others continued to wander around, getting rid of the brutal beasts.

Facing this scene, the four people also showed a look of surprise on their faces. They obviously did not expect that Chu Qianye and others would take action. After all, on the Profound Qi Continent, people are sinister first. save.

"Brother Jie, these people have helped us a lot." When the other three saw this scene, a touch of surprise appeared on their faces.

The man in white immediately frowned slightly, really doubting the timing of Chu Qianye and others' appearance.

First the beast tide appeared very strange, but now he is helping them?

This is obviously suspicious, but he didn't say anything.

"Roar! Roar!"

The brutal beasts kept roaring and roaring. Under this roar, the brutal beasts retreated one after another, but Chu Qianye and others did not chase them.

The three began to harvest the spoils.

"Thanks to the three of you for helping me." Wang Zijie brought the three of my colleagues forward and said to Chu Qianye and others.

Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

"No need." Chu Qianye said, "You are going to enter the city of Splitting God. You should have just left the division. The road ahead is still long. If you want to pass, your strengths are probably not enough. The savage beasts in front are powerful and very few people use flying boats to shuttle past this place, because they may be attacked by the savage beasts at any time."

Wang Zijie frowned. Of course he had considered these questions, but he didn't expect that the brutal beasts here would be so terrifying. The wave of beasts just appeared. If there is no help from Chu Qianye and others, I am afraid they are today. Also hang the lottery.

"It just so happens that we also entered Split God City smoothly." Chu Qianye said, "Or else you will come with us. The road ahead is still very bumpy. It's better to have a companion, and you can take care of each other if you have any problems. ."

Wang Zijie hesitated. The timing of the appearance of Chu Qianye and others was too coincidental, and they knew each other without knowing their faces, let alone this sinister river and lake?

So I have to guard against.

Chu Qianye seemed to be able to detect that the other party was guarding himself, so he shook his head gently.

"Well, when there are savage beasts, we will take action. You don't need to take action. The spoils you get are 64%." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Hearing Chu Qianye’s words, Wang Zijie and others’ faces flashed a little bit of surprise. They didn’t expect Chu Qianye to be so good. This was beyond their expectation. He was a super bodyguard. .

The other people beside Wang Zijie showed expectation on their faces, obviously hoping to agree to it.

Wang Zijie thought to himself, Chu Qianye and the three of them didn't have to do it by themselves. This kind of risk factor was actually not high, so he hesitated for a moment, and finally he nodded gently and agreed.

"Okay, so be it, but since you killed the savage beast, we can only take what you don't want, and we can't take advantage of you in vain." Wang Zijie said.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and he didn't expect to meet an honest person.

"Well, that's okay." Chu Qianye nodded slightly and said, "My name is Long Aotian, this is Miss Zhao, and that is Miss Liu."

Although they heard that Chu Qianye claimed to be Long Aotian, they all understood that Chu Qianye was hiding his name, but they didn't expect him to be so direct, and even changed them to different surnames, and they had no names at all.

But that's fine, since in order to enter the Split God City in a low-key manner, of course, he cannot reveal his real names, even his strength is hidden, and his martial arts have been greatly changed, so that even if he meets acquaintances, it is difficult to recognize them.

"Hello Young Master Long, Miss Zhao, Miss Liu."

The people behind Wang Zijie greeted Chu Qianye one after another.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, but instead changed into a personality, changing from the calm and calm of the past, but showing a very approachable attitude.

"Let's go, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. I am afraid that other people will come. We have to evacuate as soon as possible." Chu Qianye looked at the area directly in front, as if there were several auras approaching this area.

Wang Zijie and the others also felt these breaths at this time, and their expressions changed slightly.

When Chu Qianye's figure is a little bit smaller, he can use a certain kind of body technique.

It wasn't the ghost shadow thunder body, nor the Lingtian **** step, but another kind of body form, the kind of form that Chu Qianye used when he was in God's Domain, no one here would recognize it.

"Uh, Young Master Long is such a terrible martial arts cultivation base, he is actually a Six-Star Venerable." A woman behind Wang Zijie said cautiously.

When Zhou Ruolan and Hao Juan heard this, they only felt funny in their hearts.

Six-star Venerable, how terrible?

Ha ha, if Chu Qianye completely released the martial arts aura, wouldn't he doubt life?

Wang Zijie also looked stunned. Only now did he feel Chu Qianye's martial arts aura. Obviously he didn't expect Chu Qianye's strength to be above him. He had seen Chu Qianye's sword skills fluently and quickly entered the animal tide. Inside, the knife went up and down, killing extremely smoothly.

At that time, he thought that Chu Qianye was at least the Eight-Star Venerable, but he didn't expect that he was only the Six-Star Venerable?

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However, what he can be sure of is that Chu Qianye's strength must be very strong, and it is not only the martial arts cultivation base that can be measured. If it breaks out completely, then the strength will definitely be quite powerful.

Several people followed one after another.

Along the way, many savage beasts were killed. Because of the participation of the three of Chu Qianye, the speed of their advancement was obviously accelerated.

The next day, when the sun rose, they had already crossed that dangerous place, and Chu Qianye's slaying brutal beasts on the road seemed to have gradually strengthened a lot. The feeling was the most obvious. It is the enhancement of blood qi.

Since the last time he opened up so many tendons, the speed of the current exercises has increased significantly, and the blood qi is also roaring in his body, which is amazing.

Split the city of God!

Standing at the entrance, Chu Qianye was filled with raging flames.

Last time I only killed the twenty-eight nine sages. After my strength improved, I personally boarded the Tianxuan Mountain Gate and found out the murderer who killed his master, so Wu Shi dare not make any trouble.

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