Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1405: Six Flames of Immortal Wood

In the area directly in front, a silver shimmering plant was in full bloom, and the flower was extremely bright. Under the thunder of Bing Fire God, there was nothing at all, but like a fish in water.

"Six Flames of Immortal Wood!"

Chu Qianye's pupils shrank suddenly.

He had encountered this thing in God's Realm, but it was also extremely difficult to find in God's Realm. Didn't expect that in the Profound Qi Continent in the lower plane space, there should be such a god?

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The Six Flames of Immortal Wood has a very important effect. It has a terrible immunity to flames. Even the profound fire cannot burn it. Moreover, even if the wood is left for thousands of years, it will not decay even for thousands of years. Chu Qianye was also amazed by the miraculous wood.

Unexpectedly, the probability of encountering such a thing in this lower plane is almost the same as obtaining a divine body.

Such plants will not bloom or bear fruit, but the water in their wood possesses extremely terrifying vitality. As long as there is a breath, they will not fall down, and they have a good inhibitory effect on backlash.

Therefore, this sacred tree is very good.

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed, this thing is so rare, there must be a guardian beast.

He took out a spirit pen and immediately began to dance towards the void. With the passage of time, the speed of this dance went from slow to fast, and finally became more and more violent, and power continued to roar in his body. Moving out, his left and right eyes were shining strangely.

Right in front, a phantom formed, but it was a Thunder Spirit.

"See my lord!"

Lei Ling body knelt towards Chu Qianye and said.

Chu Qianye waved his hand.

"Enclose that tree." He spat lightly.


Regarding Chu Qianye's order, these thunder spirit bodies would naturally have no doubts, and immediately rushed towards the front, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and by the next moment they were already in the Six Flames of Immortal Wood. Range.

However, before they landed, a terrifying power wave suddenly surged from the gully, and the roaring power was extremely terrifying, surging in the world.

A savage beast, like a monitor lizard, looked at the Lei spirit with a grim face.


After seeing the phantoms of the six lightning spirit bodies, the brute beast suddenly roared, as if they were demonstrating a warning to make the lightning spirit retreat as soon as possible.

Lightning monitor lizard!

Chu Qianye knew at a glance what exactly this violent beast was from.

"Oh, the strength of the two-star saint?" Chu Qianye said suddenly as he looked at the brutal beast in front of him.

It was beyond his expectation that this place could have the lightning monitor lizard of the two-star saint. After all, this place is so violent that there are not many brutal beasts that can hold it. This lightning monitor can survive now.

Chu Qianye stared at the thunder flame monitor lizard carefully, and was taken aback.

This lightning monitor lizard seemed to have absorbed the juice of the Six Flames Immortal Wood, otherwise it would not have been able to submerge under this C-Vulcan Thunder for so long, which was really unexpected.


Seeing that the Thunder Spirit Body didn't mean to leave, the Thunder Flame monitor roared again, and then rushed towards the Thunder Spirit Body. The tail slammed towards the Thunder Spirit Body, wherever it went, the void was an instant. The twisted and shattered.


Lei Ling body also roared, and then a dazzling light burst out of his body, his palms suddenly clenched into fists, and then he slammed forward.


The power was extremely violent, and the Thunder Spirit body was finally lost, and was knocked out by the Thunder Dragon Lizard's tail, and the whole body was illusory.

"Retreat," Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

The Lei spirit bodies retreated towards Chu Qianye's rear one after another.

At this time, the Lei Yan monitor lizard noticed Chu Qianye. It raised its head and looked at Chu Qianye.


I didn't know if it was a demonstration or a fear, it let out a low growl, and fixed its eyes on Chu Qianye to prevent Chu Qianye from bursting over.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly. The Thunder Flame monitor lizard was still a little frightened of him. This was an animal's innate keen perception of crisis, and they could soon feel this sense of crisis.

"Haha, beast, these six flames of immortal wood are not something you can own. There are only two roads before you. Either leave, and I won't stop you. Or be killed by me and become my trophy. "Chu Qianye said lightly.


Hearing Chu Qianye's request for herself, the Lei Yan monitor lizard suddenly roared, and the angry expression seemed to question Chu Qianye's words.

You are a human being, but you have just stepped into the Saint Realm. How dare you let the Six Flames Immortal Wood that I have guarded for so long be possessed by you?

Obviously, this is impossible!

Therefore, when the Lei Yan monitor looked at Chu Qianye, it suddenly roared in protest.

Chu Qianye shook his head slightly. He knew that the thunder-flaming monitor lizard in front of him would not agree with what he said, so he had to protest the rhythm.

With a stroke of Chu Qianye's palm, the Divine Shadow Sword appeared in his palm.


The violent sword crowing suddenly burst out with a loud tremor, and there was also a violent power that soared straight from it. The amazing power made people feel a kind of fear.


Feeling that the war sword in Chu Qianye's hand is a bit different, the thunder flame monitor lizard suddenly roared and seemed to have a tendency to retreat.

It has guarded the Six Flames of Immortal Wood for so long. If it left, wouldn't it be empty of its bamboo basket?

Therefore, it is not willing to do this at all.

Chu Qianye didn't expect that the Thunderflame monitor lizard would leave, so he smiled faintly, and the divine shadow sword in his palm burst out with dazzling light. Following Chu Qianye's footsteps, the sword glowed like frost. , Rushed towards the Thunderfire monitor lizard.


The lightning monitor lizard roared again. With a flick of its tail, it swept towards Chu Qianye's war sword. The tail pierced the void, and the sharp sound resounded immediately, and the location of the void was twisted...

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

This lightning monitor lizard is not giving up.

"Absolute Heaven Sword Destroyed!"

Chu Qianye spit lightly, and the light of the war sword in his palm became more intense and dazzling.


With a loud noise, the war sword and the lightning monitor's tail collided fiercely. To his surprise, the lightning monitor's tail was as hard as iron. When it collided with his war sword, sparks burst out. The body was cut and flew out.

The tail of the lightning monitor lizard only left a faint blood mark.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes once again flourished.

The effect of the Six Flames of Immortal Wood is so powerful, I must get it!

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

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