Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1412: Geographical danger

"Then where are we going next?" Hao Juan asked.

The light in Chu Qianye's hand flickered, and a map appeared.

"We are in the northwest region. The resources for cultivation in this place are not rich." Chu Qianye said: "If you want to go, go to the east. The east side of the Vientiane Realm is the richest in cultivation resources, but there are many dangers. The strong there are like clouds. It's a good place to practice."

Hao Juan's face suddenly changed slightly.

Obviously, she knows the east side of the Vientiane Realm very well, so when Chu Qianye mentioned this place, her face clearly showed a lingering light.

"This place is the most dangerous, so I don't recommend going." Hao Juan said: "The south side is also a good choice for an area rich in cultivation resources."

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

"How can the strength be improved without polishing?" Chu Qianye said, "Go to the east."

Seeing that Chu Qianye was so determined, Hao Juan also knew that she could not persuade Chu Qianye. When she was in Jianhou Mansion, she had already understood Chu Qianye's character, so she shook her head helplessly.

Now that Chu Qianye had made a decision, there was no way to change this fact.

She looked at Zhou Ruolan with a look of help.

"I will follow wherever he goes." Zhou Ruolan said.

Hao Juan looked helpless. She knew that Zhou Ruolan was Chu Qianye's sword servant, so she wanted to persuade Chu Qianye through Zhou Ruolan. There was no such possibility.

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"The Yuan Palace on the east side is the most active, and the people in the Fallen Temple are extremely difficult to deal with, and they will also be in the Soul Hunting Hall." Hao Juan said, suddenly remembering something.

"Qianye, the Soul Hunting Palace is scattered in the Four Continents Wasteland, but in the Three Heavens, the Divine Wasteland is extremely tyrannical and concentrated, you..."

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Don't worry, I will be cautious," Chu Qianye said.

Hearing what Chu Qianye said, Hao Juan didn't say much.

Chu Qianye was actually not worried about this, but he was considering whether his martial arts cultivation level could be transformed again in just a few days and stepped into the level of a three-star saint.

Now he has undergone seven kinds of thunder force to temper his body, the eighth formula of the "Thunder Movement Nine Tribulations Sword Art" of the old man: Jian Dong Shenhuang cannot exert its true power. After all, Jian Dong Shenhuang is a group attack. I don’t think the people at the Tianxuan Gate are so stupid. If they will send someone to besiege themselves after being frustrated once or twice, they will definitely fight alone, and he can’t continuously use the sword to move the gods. He didn't want to do a thousand self-defeating practices.

Therefore, he is the least willing to see this situation. After all, his martial arts cultivation level may also suffer a strong blow, not earn a bit at all, and it will bring huge oppression to himself.

Therefore, this situation need not be considered.

Of course, he is now in control of the "Absolute Heaven Sword", which is completely worthwhile, but if the master of the Tianxuan Gate appears, he may not be able to come and go freely, so in order to be safe, he still needs to improve his martial arts cultivation. And also need to refining to absorb those immortal crystals.

Moreover, the martial arts inheritance he obtained has not been digested so much, so this is also a good process. From "The Sword Classic" to the Qimen Dunjia technique, he needs to digest, learn and use it flexibly.

After all, he hasn't used these martial arts inheritance for a long time, and it takes a while to adapt, and the time for this adaptation is just a few days for him.

And the most important point is that the Sumi sacred pillar may be broken within a month, and if he cannot control it by that time, the Sumi sacred pillar will be out of his control.

If you want to control the Sumi sacred pillar, the martial arts cultivation level should not be too low, otherwise you will be backlashed by the Sumi sacred pillar before you have time to control it.

"Let's go." Chu Qianye said lightly.

The two people nodded one after another, and then three streamers swept forward. Because they all teleported, it didn't take a long time for the three of them to come out from the northwest side of the Vientiane Realm and step into the east side.

"From here on is the east side of the Vientiane Realm, be more cautious." Chu Qianye said lightly after putting the map into the Qiankun Ring.

Seeing the violent energy fluctuations directly in front of them, the faces of the two became a little unnatural, because of this violent energy, even the Saint Realm dare not come and go freely.

"These violent energies are mixed with the Qi of Tiangang, don't inhale them easily." Chu Qianye said.

The two nodded lightly, and they naturally knew the Qi of Heaven.

But for Chu Qianye, it was nothing. He was almost immune to these, especially after the cultivation technique was improved, they could be absorbed by refining.

Moreover, his martial arts cultivation Guo seems to need this kind of gas.

On the east side of the Vientiane Realm, the energy is extremely violent, and the region is extremely dangerous. The sun may be shining at the first moment, but the next moment is a downpour, and it is not ordinary rain, but acid rain with terrifying erosive power. When it falls on someone, it makes a sneer, and the clothes will form holes.

The three of them urged the power of the stars in their bodies, forming a gas mask around their bodies, and kept all the torrents of the downpour outside their bodies.

Such a heavy downpour quickly disappeared, and when they stepped towards the next area, there was another sea of ​​fire on the ground, lava rock surged, forming a spectacular scene of lava rock river.

At this time, some venerables who did not have long eyes tried to pass over the magma rock face, but were roared and roared by the fierce beasts under the magma rock. Fell down.

Some were caught directly by the beast and swallowed raw in their mouths.

This caused waves of chills on the soles of the three of them.

The east side of this Vientiane Realm was really weird, the area was extremely dangerous, but I kept watching the streamer coming towards this area.

The wages of avarice is death.

This place is so rich in natural materials and treasures, it will inevitably attract a large number of warriors.

Along the way, Chu Qianye and others also encountered a lot of powerful brutal beasts, but they were quickly solved by them, and the training resources they obtained were not killed, various exotic fruits and spirit stones, and even Star stone.

After reaching the celestial realm, the improvement of martial arts cultivation basically depends on absorbing the power of stars, and the star stone naturally plays a significant role in it, so seeing the star stone can almost all make people jealous.

"There are a lot of star stones on the opposite side of the magma rock." Hao Juan said, looking at the magma surging in front of him.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly. There were many, but basically no one dared to pass. At least ordinary people did not dare to pass so hastily. The fall of the previous few people is the best example.

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