Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1441: Great Killing II

It's just Jian Qi.

It actually caused such a huge destructive power!

Seeing the aura surging from Chu Qianye's body, Yun Leng frowned, finally showing a solemn color in his eyes.

Gu Wanqing, Tang Feng and others, at this time, also urged the star power in their bodies, constantly roaring and roaring, resounding in nine days.

The disciples of the disciples of the Tianxuan Sect, everyone's face showed a touch of solemnity.

They all know that a fierce battle is inevitable!

Elder Baipao, a total of forty people, the martial arts aura released from these people are quite tyrannical, whizzing out frantically, covering the sky and the earth...

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

With such a terrifying combat power, ordinary people would not dare to imagine this power.

I have no intention of killing, but you have forced me to fall.

Chu Qianye's eyes were filled with green light.

"Boy, if you stop here, I won't stop you, let you go down the mountain." Yun Leng said lightly.

Chu Qianye clasped his palms tightly, and the power in his body was constantly surging out of mountains and seas. That amazing power continued to roar and roar, reaching a terrifying situation, like a volcano in the form of a spouting volcano. Under the horrified gaze, the sword vigorously moved everywhere, wherever it went, the void shuddered...

"Huh, this kid is rampant." Seeing that Chu Qianye urged Jian Qi without responding, Tang Feng suddenly snorted.

Several figures rushed towards Chu Qianye.

"Ruolan, Tang Feng will leave it to you. It's best not to let him die." Chu Qianye said lightly.

"Understand my lord!" Zhou Ruolan nodded lightly, and then the sword crossed her chest, and the terrifying power in her body swept out suddenly, making her pupils shrink suddenly.

"You go with her and the other people." Chu Qianye looked at her clone. The clone immediately took the order and flew out with Zhou Ruolan. The Vajra Buddha sword in her palm trembled fiercely. The air is like thunder, resounding in the world.

"Huh, a mere avatar, dare to be arrogant? Not anyone can step on top of his head at will!" Facing the rushing figure, Gu Wanqing's face was gloomy and shouted.

"Then, you can rest assured, I'm not only stepping on you, everyone in the room can't escape!" Chu Qianye's clone vomited lightly, and a cold light flashed in her dark eyes.

Hearing the sound, the corner of Gu Wanqing's mouth suddenly twitched.

The same is true for others.

Chu Qianye was so arrogant and domineering, and it was beyond the limit they could tolerate. When everyone looked at Chu Qianye, the light in their eyes suddenly flickered, and their pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

"Elder Tang, everyone, let me stop this **** stuff together!" Gu Wanqing yelled coldly.

Elder Tang and others echoed, the martial arts aura in the body suddenly swept out like a storm, forming a monstrous posture, that amazing power surged crazily between the sky and the earth, forming a violent power.

Chu Qianye's avatar flashed light in his eyes.

"Ruolan, it's time to test your kendo." The clone said lightly.

"Okay!" Zhou Ruolan held the war sword and stepped out suddenly. The sky and the earth suddenly formed a violent combat power, frantically and mightily, the amazing power was extremely fierce, and constantly roared between the sky and the earth.

"Absolute Heaven Sword Destroyed!"

Zhou Ruolan took a step on the palm of her foot, and the sword in her palm burst out with a dazzling light, and the violent power continued to roar and surge out, forming a powerful force of destruction, and slashed towards the distant void. .

All the white-robed elders suddenly shrank their eyes.

Such a sword is really too tyrannical. This kind of power is completely devastating, and it is very pure. Any area that is crossed by the sword qi is trembling and shattering in the void.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

This sword came too fast!


"damn it!"

The crowd cursed secretly.

The sword Zhou Ruolan displayed was powerful and powerful.

Everyone had to stop one after another, and the profound soldiers in their palms burst out with an aura of tyrannical power. At this moment, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank. The powerful force was extremely violent, and it made people very scared. feel.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, fierce battle broke out on both sides.

Various profound soldiers exploded with great strength and collided fiercely.

Everyone retreated to the rear one after another.

However, before they woke up, Chu Qianye's clone took a step, opened his arms, and the King Kong Buddha Sword in his palm suddenly burst out with a strong sound of sword cry and the domineering sword breath...

The crowd raised their heads in horror, staring at Chu Qianye.

"not good!"

"Hurry up!"

Tang Feng and Gu Wanqing were the first to discover that something was wrong at this time. Both felt a bit of a crisis and immediately teleported.

They are witty, but others are not so lucky.

Chu Qianye slashed out with a sword.


The warrior who was the first to bear the brunt had a burst of blood pouring out of his body, and the blood from the inside out was extremely numb to the scalp.

"Boom! Boom!"

In an instant-


Eight or nine white-robed elders all showed incredible expressions on their faces, desperately covering the place of their hearts. They never thought of how they died, why did Chu Qianye's sword clearly have nothing Sword Qi didn't have any sword light, and it felt like an empty sword, but they actually felt the power roaring out of their bodies continuously, and there was a strong sense of suffocation.

Especially when I saw the people next to me also fell down, eventually dying in a pool of blood.

The other white-robed elders were also stained red with blood. They were also seriously injured. Although they did not die, they were also very dangerous. Their bodies were already very fragile, their muscles and veins were broken, and their breath was extremely disturbed. Without the previous air, their pupils were suddenly shrinking, the feeling was very terrifying.

Their faces were pale, and they looked in the direction where Chu Qianye was in fear.

At this moment, Chu Qianye looked at them condescendingly, with disdain in his eyes.

"Is this your strength?" Chu Qianye spit out lightly, "Elder of the Profound Sky Gate, I think it's nothing more than that."

This sentence immediately plunged everyone into anger, and even the sense of fear disappeared, replaced by anger into anger, and great humiliation.

They must resist and desperately...

Maintain their only dignity!

They are the elders of the Sky Profound Clan, have they ever been so mocked and humiliated by a junior?

Must kill!

Everyone turned their heads and stared at Chu Qianye steadily.

"Bastard boy!"

"Even if you fight your old life, I have to pull you back!"

All parties swept over the sky with anger.

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