Chu Qianye entered the secret space and let people find Longjin.

"In the sub-temple of the Soul Hunting Hall of the God of Heaven Splitting, all the latest information will be given to me." Chu Qianye said.

Long Jin nodded lightly, then flicked his fingers and handed a pair of scrolls to Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye held the scroll in his hand.

"Long Blade continues to investigate the intelligence of Splitting the Gods and Opening the Gods of Heaven." Chu Qianye said.

Wen Yan Longjin nodded gently.

After receiving the information, Chu Qianye asked Qin Hu to be found again.

"Huzi, now the Longmen have all moved underground." Chu Qianye looked at Qin Hu and asked.

Qin Hu nodded gently.

Chu Qianye now knows that the dragon gate must all be transferred to the ground. After all, the state of the enemy is that I am in the open and the enemy is in the dark. This is actually not good for him, so the most important thing now is to transfer the power to the ground.

"Well, that's good." Chu Qianye took out a few universe rings and handed them to Qin Hu.

"This is the collection of several saints. Use the things in it to cultivate and improve your own strength." Chu Qianye said guiltily, "The Dragon Gate has always been you since it was established in the High Heaven Palace for so long. When you are busy, during this time you will practice hard and improve your martial arts level."

"Good." Qin Hu nodded lightly.

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He now knows very well that among all the members of Longmen, he is probably the weakest. Even Yu Ting is also behind, and his martial arts cultivation is improving.

And Chu Qianye is now asking him to improve his martial arts cultivation base, all of this is within his calculations.

"Go, enter the venerable as soon as possible," Chu Qianye said.

Qin Hu put the Qiankun Ring into the Qiankun Ring and left immediately.

Chu Qianye called Zhang Tianqi again.

"The current situation of Tongbaohang has stabilized. The circulation characteristics of our Tiancai Dibao have attracted many people. In Four Continents and Five Regions, our Tongbaohang has completely established a firm foothold, and the revenue earned points. , Part of the development of the dragon gate, and part of it continued to be used to expand the scale, and soon a batch of Tongbao shops were established in the dynasty." As if he knew what Chu Qianye wanted to ask, Zhang Tianqi spoke actively.

Chu Qianye looked startled, then nodded lightly.

He was really surprised that Tongbaohang could develop so fast.

However, this is generally good.

It's a pity that the Four Continents and Five Regions are the weakest areas. In fact, even if they have a firm foothold, it is still difficult to cause a devastating blow to the city. After all, the resources in these places are relatively lacking.

The most important thing in Wushi should be Santianhuang and Fourshenhuang, these two large plates have the most abundant cultivation resources, if Tongbaohang can participate in the share of the soup, it will be good.

It's a pity that these places are highly regarded by Wushi, and now their Tongbaoxing has not entered the Heaven-Splitting God Desolate, and if they want to enter these places, they will inevitably suffer huge resistance.

However, Tongbaohang must take this step, otherwise it will always make a small mess in Four Continents and Five Regions, it will not be able to really get in touch with the core interests, and the gap with Wushi will always be that huge.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

"Tianqi, you first give them the training resources to cultivate a few saints." Chu Qianye said: "There are so many sages in the sky-breaking gods, there are at least a few hundred sages and dozens of saints in a first-rate sect , If we want to gain a firm foothold in the three days of famine, I am afraid we have to have a strong enough deterrent."

"Yeah." Zhang Tianqi nodded seriously.

"Wang Yiling's talent is good. With her current strength, the Four Continents Wasteland is not suitable for her." Chu Qianye said, "Has she become a holy?"

Zhang Tianqi shook his head gently.

"How can it be so easy to become a Saint? Not everyone is as perverted as you." Zhang Tianqi smiled bitterly: "She always has a certain distance from the Saint. I guess she should lack an opportunity."

Chu Qianye was startled. He thought that Wang Yiling had already become a saint. It seemed that he was too ideal. How could it be so easy to become a saint. In addition to having super talent and understanding, he also needs appropriate opportunities.

Wang Yiling must have talent and understanding, what she lacks is chance.

There are not many good fortunes in the Four Continents Wilderness, so if you come to Split the Heavens and Divine Wilderness, you may be able to encounter a good good fortune, and the transformation of the holy is a matter of course.

"There are no major problems with the rest of them, right?" Chu Qianye asked.

"No, now the main members of Longmen are already enshrined, but most of them are beginners, and Ruan Kui has reached the four-stars. Brother Liu is now the seven-stars, but unfortunately he has not been transformed." Zhang Tianqi said.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and Liu Baqing suddenly appeared in his mind.

When Liu Baqing was in the High Heaven Palace, his martial arts cultivation was far above him, and it has been so long now that he still hasn't been transformed into a saint, which made him sigh.

This martial arts talent is really important. If Liu Baqing's martial arts talent and savvy are higher, it is estimated that he is already a sage.

The gap is so big, it's not a tiny bit at all.

"How is my brother now?" Chu Qianye asked.

"He is still bringing new people, and he is now a five-star Venerable." Zhang Tianqi said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"You give him this thing, it will be helpful to his martial arts cultivation." Chu Qianye said, and immediately took out a Naling ring.

There is the blood of Nine Youques in this Naling Ring, which is of great help for forging martial arts and enhancing the power of blood, and it can also improve martial arts talent and comprehension. This blood is very important.

"You distribute it to the main members of Longmen, improving the martial arts, and it will also help a certain amount of talent and understanding." Chu Qianye said and took out another Naling Ring.

He now has those meritorious waters, which he no longer needs. They can just solve the problems of cultivation talent and comprehension of the main members of the Dragon Gate. Once the comprehension of these people improves, it will greatly increase his strength.

"Okay." Zhang Tianqi accepted all of Na Lingjie.

"You let Wang Yiling come to Break the Heaven and God Wilderness, I will wait for her in the Tianyu Dynasty." Chu Qianye said.

Then the two separated.

Before leaving, Zhang Tianqi looked at Chu Nuan.

"Hey, she hasn't woke up yet." She sighed faintly.

Chu Qianye's face was also bitter.

All this is caused by those **** in the Hunting Soul Palace.

The **** in the Hunting Hall!

Seeing that there was hostility in Chu Qianye's eyes, Zhang Tianqi hurriedly stopped her mouth, knowing that her words hit Chu Qianye's pain point.

"Wang Yuyan's current strength?" Chu Qianye asked suddenly.

"Venerable Samsung." Zhang Tianqi said.

Chu Qianye nodded slightly, and then Chu Qianye Jieyin left the secret space.

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