Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1455: Bloodbath

Soon they appeared in front of the giant hall.

"Shall we go in like this?" Hao Juan asked in surprise.

"Although the Soul Hunting Hall is strong, many powerful people are in its main hall. The defense of the sub-halls is not as terrifying as imagined. As long as we concentrate, we are not afraid that they can't be helped..." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Now that his current strength has been upgraded to another class, it is obviously not a problem to get rid of these guys.

"This ancient temple is actually just a small sub-temple. If I expected it well, this sub-temple should belong to one of the Earthshade Halls, and the scale is not large. The warriors distributed here in the Soul Hunting Hall should not be powerful. The four of us Enough to get rid of."

"Human Temple..." Chu Qianye nodded slightly. This was the first time he had heard of such an ancient temple, but there was no doubt that this ancient temple should also belong to a more important ancient temple.

"There are earth evil points above the human hall, and above the earth evil hall there is the Tiangang Temple. That is the more important branch hall." Zhou Ruolan explained: "Their guardians are divided into three levels of heaven, earth and human, and the branch hall is also divided into three levels. Divided into the three levels of Heaven, Earth and Human, the most powerful is the Temple of Heaven, which is also the main hall of the Soul Hunting Hall, but where it is, this is quite secretive, and basically no one knows their whereabouts."

"In Heaven Splitting God Wild, the Human Palace is guarded by two six-star saints. These two people are usually called the Great Heavenly Sovereign, while the Earth Shaman Temple is guarded by the seven-star saints. As for the so-called temple, at least the eight-star saints Up."

When everyone heard the division of forces, they couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Sure enough.

"My lord, you should have some information about this branch hall," Zhou Ruolan asked.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"In this branch hall, the two saints are very strong. They are about to step into the seven-star saints. It may take some effort to solve them. One of them is called the Jiuyou saint, and the other is called the bone burial saint. Personally, I am not afraid of him at all, but this man's palace can be accepted..."

However, Chu Qianye's faint smile contained extremely cold and murderous aura.

He has long hated the Soul Hunting Palace. If it hadn't been for not having enough strength before, he would have wanted to do this thing a long time ago, but he never thought that because of his strength, it has been delayed until now.

Now that he has plenty of wings, maybe it is time to take some initiative to recover some of his previous debt...

"Okay, let's shoot now." Zhou Ruolan said.

"My lord, I think it's better to be careful. Although this soul hunting hall is only a human hall, it is a heaven-splitting **** and wasteland. It is extremely secretive, and it might be easy to get caught." Zhou Ruolan said.

"Well, that's true." Chu Qianye hesitated slightly, and also nodded.

The so-called strong dragon can't beat the earth-head snake, and he has to pull out a sub-temple of the Soul Hunting Palace this time, and he must be more cautious, and be able to quietly kill the Soul Hunting Palace, and completely wipe out this sub-temple. It's good, so as to prevent the news from being leaked out and leaked.

"Let's go, go now." Chu Qianye spat softly.

After the words were over, the whole body rushed away in advance, disappearing in the blink of an eye.


When Chu Qianye and others approached the giant hall, a very cold atmosphere suddenly formed around them.

"Everyone, be careful. This is the Bone Burial Mountain Range. Because of the terrain, the Yin Qi here is extremely strong, and there is also a very strong corpse Qi, everyone try not to breathe it." Chu Qianye said in a voice.

Everyone's mind was shocked, and then the profound energy formed a defensive cover to isolate the corpse energy from the periphery.

"call out!"

In the silent sky of the Bone Burial Mountains, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind...

Several figures flashed out.

Their eyes are all looking at the deepest part of the mountain.

The space hidden behind the tall gray trees is faintly distorted.

"What's the matter? Haven't we already seen the giant hall in front of us? Why is there always a distance?" Hao Juan asked in shock.

"That is the hallucinogenic effect of the corpse qi. In fact, we and the giant hall are still hundreds of miles away. This is a pill to keep awake. Everyone will take it." Chu Qianye took out a few pills and handed them to the three of them.

I almost forgot this thing, if Hao Juan hadn't reminded him, he would have forgotten it.

Everyone who took the medicine pill can finally see the area directly in front of them.

"The Human Palace has also set up a space barrier. Once someone enters, they will be noticed..." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye naturally knew this.

"Don't worry, everything is under control." Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and then waved his sleeves. An invisible wave suddenly formed between the sky and the earth. It was a huge spatial barrier, covering the entire area. among them.

Zhou Ruolan was astonished. Chu Qianye's space barrier was not that simple. She just laid the space barrier at will. This requires great talent and strength. Obviously Chu Qianye has both.

"It's fine." Chu Qianye said, "Don't stay alive."

In Chu Qianye's eyes, cold light flickered.

The Soul Hunting Palace has been doing evil and evil all these years, it's time for someone to clean them up...

It just so happens that he has this strength.

Chu Qianye raised his head slightly, but there was a little awkward appearance on his face.

"Soul Hunting Palace, don't come here unharmed, my father is still the soul body now, and my sister has not woken up because of you bastards!"

"I hope you remember me in the past few years!"


The voice in Chu Qianye's heart resounded.

In the next moment, his figure disappeared before his eyes.

The three followed.

Entered the space barrier silently, running away without being noticed.

The black giant hall stood silently, like the ancient beast creeping on the ground.

A terrifying smell slowly spread...

In the giant hall, countless extremely thick black chains stretched out and inserted deep into the ground...

The atmosphere is very silent and weird, and a creepy feeling permeates.


¤{yE! T

Such silence, I don't know how long it lasted.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound in the area directly in front.

Above the huge black chain, black mist surged.

Condensed from several figures.

These people looked cold and looked at each other.

"Hey, do you think anyone will come to this kind of ghost place? I think Tianzun and them are too sensitive."

"That's right, how can anyone come here without their awareness?"

"Oh, it's really boring. I seem to be out on a mission. Last time I forced a princess. She was really delicate. I extracted her soul and begged for mercy, but I swallowed it. Go down, it tastes so beautiful!"

"I really envy you."


At this moment, suddenly there was a dull sound without warning. The space they were in solidified suddenly, and immediately collapsed, and the screams of several figures were suppressed before they came out. flat.

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