Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1458: Zhou Ruolan's strength

"Just rely on you as a junior?"

It's not that Zhulong responded, and the Jiuyou Saint on the side laughed angrily.

Chu Qianye raised his head and smiled at the Bone You Sage.

He shook his palm abruptly, and the space around him suddenly violently shocked.

This huge force came out with a crazy impact.

The pupils of the master suddenly shrank.

Because of the shock of this space, even if these guys hold the jade slips in their hands, it will not work.

Space jade slips are very precious, and the production process is extremely complicated. Only strong people above the sage level can produce them, and the distance is extremely limited, not unlimited penetration.

Therefore, Chu Qianye instantly obliterated the possibility of them summoning accomplices.

"Haha, the Great Heavenly Venerable Nine Nether Saints?" Chu Qianye smiled faintly: "I'm talking to your master, what do you mean with your doggies?"

The Nine Nether Saints almost suffocated when he heard the sound.

He stared at Chu Qianye coldly, gnashing his teeth for a while with anger.

"Zhulong, your avatar seems very ordinary, it should be the avatar I met last time." Chu Qianye looked at the distraction in front of him, showing a faint smile.

His seemingly indifferent gaze is in fact secretly planning the curtain, observing the expression of the candle dragon, and guessing the strength of its clone.

"Do you think I will tell you?" Zhulong sneered.

Chu Qianye shrugged her shoulders.

Don't care.

"It doesn't matter, because it doesn't matter if you tell me or not, today I'm bloodbathed by Chu Qianye!" Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

"Huh, what a big tone, don't think that you can do whatever you want when you reach the saint. My soul hunting hall wants to kill you, it's just a matter of gestures!"

Zhulong snorted coldly, and as this cold hum fell, the thick black mist rushed out immediately, a gloomy aura slowly swept out...

With the surging of the black mist, the black robe of the candle dragon immediately fluttered and swayed in the wind, bursting out a breath of amazing strength, and the old face of the candle dragon looked extremely dry, the sunken Two groups of ghost fires were beating in his eyes.

It's weird.

"Sure enough, evil practice." Chu Qianye looked at the scene in front of him, suddenly showing a sneer.

Zhulong raised his head and stared at Chu Qianye steadily. The face that suddenly became dry was very frightening and looked terrifying, and his hoarse voice made people feel creepy.

"Chu Qianye, I was practicing in retreat during this period of time. I originally wanted to wait until I got out of the gate to find you. I didn't expect you to send it to the door in person. If that's the case, I can only take your life today! "

"Haha, I don't know who will take the life." Chu Qianye smiled, his eyes were very cold and staring at the candle dragon. This guy back then supported the blood clan puppet organization, and his father was also affected by it. The soul was extracted, and it is still the soul body today. His father has lost the body. The pain is as painful as it was on him.

Because of Chu Qianye's relationship with Chu Qianye, his younger sister Chu Nuan hasn't woken up yet.

When he was fighting for the Holy Flame of All Souls, he was indeed not the opponent of the Candle Dragon. He still needed the help of the Holy One, but he didn't need it now.

Today, he is not afraid of this person at all!

With his eyesight, he can naturally see the strength of the candle dragon.

His martial arts cultivation base is only in the Seven-Star Sage, the strength is actually not much difference, this clone can cultivate to this level of martial arts cultivation base, in fact, it is already very good.

It's just that it's just good.

This gap in strength is not difficult for Chu Qianye to make up for.

After all, there is also a gap in the strength of Samsung before and after. It is not huge to say that it is huge. It can still be made up, and the possibility of making up is huge.

"Hallmaster, there is no need to talk so much nonsense to him, right? Directly kill and extract his soul. The soul of a four-star saint is worth the hard work of our branch hall for a hundred years." Jiuyousheng The person smiled faintly.

He stared at Chu Qianye, his eyes flickering fiercely.

It was like treating Chu Qianye as a soul at hand.

"My lord is talking to your lord, what right do you have to interrupt?"

Just after the words of the Jiuyou Sage finished, the void in front of him suddenly twisted, and Zhou Ruolan's figure appeared in front of him, and the palm of his hand slammed towards the former's head.

Not many people are ruthless!

Jiuyou Sage, his face sank.

Feeling the aura and oppression radiating from Zhou Ruolan's body, the face of Jiuyou Sage immediately became a little ugly.

In the body of Jiuyou Saint, he unexpectedly felt a huge force oppressing, that feeling was quite terrifying.

"Five-star saint, dare to..." Seeing Zhou Ruolan in front of him, the Nine Nether saints just wanted to sneer and sneer, but suddenly felt the powerful aura and destructive power that diffused from the former's body...


The powerful force rushed in fiercely, and the sage Jiuyou hurriedly raised his hand and pressed Zhou Ruolan's palm together.

In an instant, Jiuyou Sage's expression turned ugly.

"How could your power be so strong?!" He looked at Zhou Ruolan with an incredible look in his eyes.

Zhou Ruolan showed a faint smile.

"Impossible? That's you!" Zhou Ruolan smiled faintly at Gu You's twitchy face.

"Hmph, you are one star apart from me, but don't think that this star is small, in fact, the difference is not small!" Jiuyou Sage snorted coldly, but there was not much fear. This is his main battlefield.

Immediately, I saw the Jiuyou Sage supporting the ground with both hands, and at the moment he supported the ground, a huge black mist surged from the surrounding chains, and under the violent boiling, bursts of The black energy rushed out, and finally it all merged into his body.

"Since you dare to come here today, the old man will imprison all of you here, extract your souls, and let you understand how serious the consequences of offending my soul hunting hall are!" Jiuyou Sage said coldly.


At this time, the black energy surged, and the Nine Nether Saints roared like the demon **** who descended to the world.


In the distance, countless chains seemed to have gained life in the ocean, violently trembling suddenly, screaming screams, and sharply resounding between the sky and the earth, rushing towards Zhou Ruolan overwhelmingly, like that. , It looks very scary.

However, Zhou Ruolan was not afraid to see this. The light in her palm flickered, and the sword was tightly held in her hand, while her eyes lightly scanned the surroundings, her face showing confidence and determination.

It seems that Zhou Ruolan should have been able to challenge the next level now, and there should be no problem with the ordinary six-star saints.

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